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Melissa asked in Consumer ElectronicsCameras · 1 decade ago

Is slr camras the only ones with infra red?

I take 900 or pictures of myself a week. I am needing something better than my one shot timer on my camra! So I have been trying to find a digital camra with infra red! Thanks!


hipp5 has no clue what I am talking about! lol So before you act as I have no clue what I am talking about heres what I am meaning by infra red!

I am wanting a digital camra that will work with a infrared wireless remote

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally I've only seen entry level digital SLR with infra red remote control, such as the Nikon D60. I'm not too sure about other brands but I'm sure they have it too.

    Higher end semi-pro/pro digital slr doesn't seems to have one, nor have I seen any compact camera with one, maybe there is, maybe not, perhaps someone else can help, but to your question, yes entry level cameras have infra red remote.

  • hipp5
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Are you sure you understand what infrared photography is? Infrared is light that we can't see (just below the color red). Infrared photography can see this light and gives you some pretty cool images. However, you certainly wouldn't want to take all your images like that. DSLRs can be modified to take infrared photos, but it costs a lot and once you do it that's the only kind of photo the camera can take. Unless you have a specific reason for infrared photography it's not usually worth it to have a few hundred dollars worth of infrared-only camera lying around.

    Annnnd now that I've explained that, I realize that what you probably want is a camera with a remote shutter trigger. DSLRs certainly have this option. I'm not sure of any specific point-and-shoot models though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    AGREE WITH hipp5...!!! :D

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