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Jess asked in Science & MathematicsChemistry · 1 decade ago

stoichiometry?! please help! Thnx:)?

name the compound- Cl2O7

formula compounds for the following:

potassium ions and sulfide ions

iron(III) ions and phosphate ions

tetraphosphorous decaoxide

what can be determined from from a balanced equation?

for reaction N2 + 3H2 yields 2NH3, how many moles of nitrogen are required to produce 18 mol of ammonia?

for the reaction 2HNO3 + Mg(OH)2 yields Mg(NO3)2 +2H2O, how many grams of magnesium nitra are produced from 8.00 mol of nitric acid, HNO3? (how???)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay for the reaction N2 + 3H2 --> 2NH3 to find the moles of nitrogen you use the mole-to-mole ration in the equation.

    So you would have:

    18 mol NH3 * 1 mol N2/ 2 mol NH3 = 9mol N2

    So it takes 9 moles of nitrogen to produce 18 moles of ammonia.

    For the reaction 2HNO3 +Mg(OH)2 --> Mg(NO3)2 +2H2O

    Right there you have to go from:

    mols of HNO3 --> mols Mg --> grams of Mg.

    So you would have:

    8 moles HNO3 * 1 mol Mg(NO3)2/2 moles HNO3 * 147.325 g Mg(NO3)2/ 1 mol Mg(NO3)2 = 0.027 g of Magnesium Nitrate.

    Hope that gives you an idea of how to do it :)

    Source(s): Chemistry Major
  • garver
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Its been a on a similar time as considering the fact that chem, yet its impossible to respond to this with no mass or quantity of moles for the N^2. except you bypass and seem up the density of N^2. And once you do locate it, you the two use PV/T altered to T1/P1=T2/P2 (no mass so impossible) or stoich it out from (xg N2)/a million (a million Mol N2)/(14g N2) (22.4L N2)/(a million Mol N2) so then you definately would desire to calculate the replace in stress understanding how a lot stress the Nitrogen (2) became taking on.

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