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? asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Why do some people claim the United States is bad because we dropped atomic bombs on Japan?

First the Japanese started the war by bombing Pearl Harbor

Second, shortly after this attack Hilter and the Nazi party declared war on the U.S. as Germany was allies with Japan.

Third, both Germany and Japan had an atomic program going on and had either produced a bomb first you know it would have been dropped on the U.S.

Fourth, if the U.S. did not drop the bombs they would have had to invade Japan risking 500,000 U.S. and allied troops lives.

Lastly, the Japanese military were brutal to all American & Allied P.O.W's. They tortured and skinned and murdered thousands of prisoners. Watch "The Gread Raid" a true story of their brutality. There were even reports of the Japanese practicing canabilism inorder to not have to carry supplies.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Over the past decades, Japan has managed to "rewrite" history by turning things around and rewriting the history books and make the US appear to be the aggressor instead of Japan. They've managed to completely sweep all that stuff about abusing and killing POWs, kamikaze attacks, and Pearl Harbor under their collective rug.

    Japan faces storm over 'rewriting' war history

    Rewriting history in East Asia

    Examples of historical revisionism

    Source(s): Ex-US Army Cav Scout NCO & BA in Political Science
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually more people died from the Napalm and incendiary bombs because most of Japan was made out of wood! this Scuttlebutt about the atomic bombs being worse is actually false the only bad things you can say about the atomic bombs is the damaging effects years later and still to this day, however would you rather be remembered for the atomic bombs or the mass extermination of millions of Jews? two of the Darkest hours of the last 100 years

    Source(s): History Major
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They have no comprehension of that period. Humans it would appear are programed To forget painful episodes that went on with prisoner of war and the continuing causalities on all sides. One thing I have learned through wars"USE EVERY MEANS POSSIBLE TO END IT QUICKLY It saves Lives in the end. If Only Mr Trueman had let Mc Arthur drop the atom bomb on China during the Korean conflict it would be over now! people at ease in North Korea. no Tienanmen Square etc, etc No wonder Mc Arthur Resigned.

    From A British Ex Korean Vet

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, we could've done a land invasion, but Stalin was preparing to invade from the north of Japan so it would've been a split country in the end. Communism on the North and Capitalism on the South, kind of like N Korea and S Korea or E Germany and W Germany.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lack of knowledge I suppose.

    If the US hadn't have done it the war would have dragged on and cost many more deaths,particularly American,as the Japanese were fanatical in defence(look at the campaigns in the Pacific).The use of atomic weapons was the right thing to do,it ended the war very quickly!

  • 1 decade ago

    I met one of the scientists who made the detonator for the Atom bomb. He couldn't get over what happened in Japan and died thinking that he was the cause of death to millions and millions of Japanese.

    If he were alive, how would you tell him? Well, I couldn't.

  • 1 decade ago

    They know nothing about history and how it saved not only hundreds of thousands of GI lives but just as many if not more Japanese lives who were taught to fight to the death. They know nothing about how the Imperial Japanese treated our POWs. And they know nothing about what we knew about the bomb at the time. They are looking at history from today's perspective and making judgments of people on hindsight. That just makes them look foolish, uneducated, and uninformed.

  • 1 decade ago

    because they dont understand how many more lives would have been lost on both sides if the u s would have invaded japan all they see is the horror of the aftermath of the bomb they dont see what would have happened if the u s would have invaded millions killed both sides

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pure ignorance. Anyone who claims that needs to traipse their happy a$$ down to the local VFW or American Legion and talk to the old guys who had to fight that war and ask if the decision to drop the bombs was right. Anyone else's opinion doesn't;t matter much.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes it ended the war sooner and saved countless lives.

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