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Atheists, how is religion controlling your life?

I keep hearing that religion was invented to control the masses and to make money from various atheist answers so please help me understand how this applies. You don't give money to church presumably, churches don't get money from the government and clearly you are free not to go so where is all the persecution? Before I was a Christian it had zero effect on me and I didn't care - what are people referring to?


@ʌ_ʍ ʍ

Interesting. Discrimination - what is the criteria then? Must you be a Christian?

Update 2:

** I really must visit the US - hardly any of that is an issue in Australia.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i can't run for public office

    Source(s): constitution of the philippines
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    how do you know money isn't exchanged between the government and major churches. Religion has shaped our country in devastating ways, and has been a major contributor towards racism and intolerance a swell as genocide and war. Our laws have been shaped by religion and many other aspects of our life have been subverted by the churches. Children get molested, people get killed and churches cover it up.

    I am not religious, i don't care if others are that much, just don't be some evangelic, self righteous, blinded hating person who wishes to control and put down and others. just be a good person and follow you own self and be nice and caring because you wont to, not because jesus said you will go to hell if you don't

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sadly whilst many Americans claim that America is a shining Christian, moral nation blessed by God they could not be more wrong.

    The higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy and abortion!!

    The US is the world’s only prosperous democracy where murder rates are still high!!

    Rates for gonorrhea in adolescents in the US are 300 times higher than in less devout democratic countries. America also has uniquely high adolescent and adult syphilis rates, and adolescent abortions!!

    All the lesser devout nations developed countries are the least dysfunctional!!!

    Despite the constitution George W Bush started FIVE wars in less than eight years stating each time that it was his "God Given Duty"!!

    Not his duty to the electors!!

    Not his duty to America!!

    Just his duty to keep slaughtering heathens for his god!!

    It affects every Americans life when trillions are wasted on religious war whilst 46 million - Yep that's right!! 46 MILLION Americans live in poverty with little education and little or no health care!!

    Source(s): Journal of Religion and Society
  • 1 decade ago

    - Trying to ban abortion

    - In some states if you are athiest you cannot put your children in boy scouts

    - Religion is sexist

    - Religion is racist

    - Forced to pray in school

    - Religion promotes abuse

    - Churches don't pay taxes

    - Religion promotes unsafe sex! (causes aids and other stds)

    - My family looks down on me for being an Athiest

    - Religion starts wars, as it has for thousands of years

    - Religious people are delusional gullible fools

    - Religion is hate

    - RELIGION IS A WASTE OF TIME and MONEY! imagine society today without religion, so much would get done and less hate would be around.

    This isnt meant to be offensive. I just have a strong opnion

    These affect me and some of these affect you too

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trying to influence government, influence of public schools, trying to control women, trying to stifle free speech of non-Christians esp. atheists (i.e. the Ohio billboard removed after a couple days due to death threats toward the owner of the land) and so on. Add that to insults to citizens, insults to atheist war vets, and so on.

    When I was a kid, things were not this bad. But there has been this terrible surge in crazyass fundies that are just getting to be too much.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religions are not controlling lives of atheists but of millions of other people,who also contribute money to churches and places of worship.As a matter of fact,religions don't matter in any manner to atheists.That religions are controlling lives and making money is an academic observation and something not invented by atheists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know how. By trying to inject your God into the government (a violation of the US Constitution). By trying to substitute your primitive creation myth for biological science in our public schools. And largely through the fact that as the most scientifically illiterate and ill-formed segment of the population your votes are detrimental to the country.

    Introduced during the Presidency of George Washington in 1796; passed unanimously by the 1797 US Congress and signed into law by the second President of the US, John Adams:

    "As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    the fact that soceity has had to weed it out bit by bit, and that it still has roots in thigns it shoudlnt have roots it , like law, one of the most important ones to change

    the fact that it affected my childhood, family, friends, life, knowledge, beleifs,and all about me untill i got to an age i coudl learn who i actualyl was

    i may not give money now, but i had to before i knew who i was

    you dont know then you must live in a lovely little outskirt where no religion has ever been

    if you look hard enough, religion is in the roots of eveyrthing you have lived, been taught, beleived, thought as a kid

  • 1 decade ago

    Legislation to ban abortion, ban certain types of birth control, and teach our youth "abstinence" rather than comprehensive sexual education is largely pushed through religious organizations, for religious reasons. Telling me that I have no rights to my own body, that I am not capable or permitted to make reproductive decisions for myself or my family, is controlling. They are trying to control the rights and choices of others, and limit the education of the youth so they are unable to make informed decisions. This offends me as a woman and a mother.

    Legislation banning same-sex marriages or civil unions are heavily backed by religious organizations, for religious reasons. Denying rights and protections to a group of people because of the gender of the parties is a method of control. They are attempting to control a group of people by punishing them for being different, inferring that they do not deserve the same rights and protections as heterosexual couples because they are not straight, that their love is not real, or not "good enough". They do not deserve families, to share property, to visit each other in the hospital, inherit from each other... It is CONTROLLING. This offends me as a bisexual who has loved women just as greatly and deeply as I love my husband.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't control my life. Some countries have the right of free will. Some countries don't have this right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try telling a cop in the Bible belt that you are an atheist.

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