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Mr. Wolf asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Should the argument be is global warming/climate change man made and not does it exist?

There is too much physical evidence that proves that global warming/climate change existed in the past and that it is happening now but people that make it a political issue say it is a hoax and does not exist.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no argument over climate change, this is accepted. Many people seem to be confusing the issues, climate change and mans effect on climate change. The UK Met Office and World Meteorological Organization both say this last decade is the warmest on record by far, whether it's a hoax or not something is changing, and we can't leave it too late as then it will be too late. We have a responsibility to protect our planet for future generations, I find these people who claim its just a hoax as very irresponsible and selfish people.

  • Linda
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If you seal of a room and put two humans in it with an ecosystem that will produce everything needed to support them then that equals our planet. If those human destroys the balance of that ecosystem then sooner or later they will die as they will not be able to evolve fast enough. That will be us in the future unless a solution is found. Most people don't live their lives for others and for the future, especially a future where they are not even going to be present. Our American culture is about everything now and pure consumption. It goes against what we/they want and grew up with believing. We hear people say, "It is the American way." or "It is our right." You could reply, is it also the American way that 8 US President's have promise energy independence but so far nothing has changed? In fact we are even further away then when the first one of the bunch held their speech. If you asked any of those that deny global warming or climate change if they would like to live in a city with clean air, water, etc. all will answer with yes. But ask them to change for this they will say no. And they will find "excuses" not to change or do anything.

  • R T
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is also much evidence that global warming is NOT going on now which is why the data had to be doctored! Doctored data is not scientific at all. So, the fundamental argument is still, "Does human caused global warming exist at present"?

    The government made this a political issue. Politics should not be a part of science. Science is about repeatable and proven evidence, which does not exist. At best, the results are inconclusive.

    The argument that "97% of the climatologists that studied the data agree" is bogus. IT WAS DOCTORED DATA!

    Source(s): ///
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Climate change exists, nobody's arguing that. Its existed since the beginning of the Earth. The question is, has man contributed in any way to some of the alleged changes we're seeing now?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately the ignorance of global warming science is the reason why political action will become necessary. The government will have to force these idiots to change, because the fact that 97% of climatologists who have studied the data have concluded that global warming is happening and is man made doesn't convince them in the least. They are too busy talking to the 3% that don't believe in it. They will say things like the earth goes through normal climate cycles as if scientists don't know this. They DO know this and have taken that into account, but it is still hotter than the normal cycle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree climate change exists I just don't think humans have as much effect as Al Gore,the Europeans, and George Soros give us credit for. The Copenhagen conference is just a big blame fest for countries to get reparations from industrialized nations and so Al Gore and Goldman Sachs can have a carbon credit market to play, manipulate, and become rich off of. Obama putting us in position to sign some international agreement under threat of the EPA dictating even stricter standards (it will happen) seems treasonous to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you want to study it, fine, but DON'T set political policies based on partial evidence that will bankrupt thousands of people and ultimately change our economy. Cap and trade will sky rocket our electricity bills, Obama said that himself. The power company on my grid can't go green, nuclear yes but actual 6% green, they can't. Florida power has land in the west and have started wind mills there, Tennessee power has an agreement that they are not allowed to leave the Tennessee area. Electricity is not the only thing that will skyrocket, gas and steel are in the same boat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's a moot point to argue the cause, but it is obvious that the climate is warming. You can't fake all the polar ice melting. We really need to focus our attention on stopping the trend and try to help the Earth heal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It does exist,and has existed for Billions of years.The Climate changes,you either adapt to it or die out,that's how it works.

    Billions in new taxes that destroy economic growth,and steal from the citizenry will not fix that problem though.But if people want to see their standard of living cut in half,I guess who am I to argue,Right?


  • 1 decade ago

    The earth has been going through cycles of heating and cooling since its inception.

    To think we can alter this naturally occurring phenomenon is borderline stupidity and is like watching the stock market daily, it will only make you a nervous wreck for nothing.

    Source(s): PROVEN science
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