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Send more troops to Afghan. or pull out ASAP? Legal Americans only please.?

Legal citizens of the U.S. A. please.

Regardless of your political leanings, would you prefer to send additional troops to Afghan. or would you prefer to remove all troops from Afghan. immediately?

No explanation is necessary, we have all heard the valid reasons offered to do both.

Just a poll to get a feel for how legal U.S. citizens feel about this mess over there.


By the way, I will not be thumbing down any answers. This is a poll and your answer, regardless how insulting is your opinion and a reflection of you and your beliefs.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Send enough troops to get the job done- the job being victory. If victory is not the goal- bring them home now.

  • 1 decade ago

    No wars overseas for U.S. troops.

    We need the troops right here in USA to work for the legal citizens in taking back our country! We have a big mess to clean up right here at home all immigrants granted citizenship since 1985. The employers that hired them and the Federal government need to be kick-out of our country!

    The American people want business & all levels of govt serving them as well managed fire at will employee's, NOT us being abused & fleeced by them! We also want the full legal legislative power on a daily direct basis for several generational Americans with rule & control over money/business/govt.

    We will bust up elitism in the same manner with shared co-ownership of all business on all stock exchanges with corporations.

    Pull-out ASAP come home to clean up the mess created by the wealthy elites.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am okay with the additional troops. I'm not okay with the surrender date outlined by the idiot in the white house. He could have made provisions for taking a pulse in 18 months time, but to set in stone an 18 month withdrawal is just irresponsible and stupid. We all know it's not going to happen because he's the liar in chief, but in the meantime this jerk is going to get more of our military killed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on true mission. If we were going to put some drug lords out of business permanently, and help Afghan develop to point were they could keep them out of business. OOps you say current president was drug lord. So looks like we have a legal contra 2 were US forces were used to knock off competing illegal drug producers. Better policy decriminalize heroin in states. Do study how people that want to do it for effect it has or those with chronic pain with pure stuff and proper dose can carry on a normal life. Give the illusion of pulling out while group of covert volunteers go after Ben Laden. The deployment helps proved unchecked capitalism cannot exist without war that is true threat to some's national security, so move USA economy in a more socialistic direction on health care and energy production always considering market forces not special interests forces and strengthening market forces, by braking up all the job killing trust and monopolizes. Use money that would have been spent on Afghan to employ troops coming home and unemployed prison guards as drugs are decriminalize to make our border as strong as possible. If you want to make a select group of illegal drug producers distribute happy support troop build up. If you want to make arms traffickers in Israel and Russia very happy support troop build up; If you want to see meaningful health care reform flushed support troop build up; If you want to see natural gas oil pipeline company most likely from Israel make lots of money support troop build up; If you foolish enough to think terrorist from Saudi Arabia that trained on old air craft in Lebanon or that area will not attach again to keep anti-terrorism dollars coming support troop build up.

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  • 1 decade ago

    PULL OUT.. AMERICA is in a crisis right now and we cannot afford this...

    Doesn't matter..there is no checks and balances right now..not when dems and libs control everything and they don't talk and discuss anything with anyone but themselves.

    They will do what they want..when they want and ruin AMERICA and not care. They are greedy and heartless and uncaring and hate AMERICA. THEY are lazy and insensitive and absolutely BLIND and UNEDUCATED!

    While you all scramble and try to make sense of over 500 days of lies...

    Do you realize today the U.S has been given a warning that we will lose our Triple A rating in money if we don't stop spending? Do you REALIZE that means? Do you realize that we won't get help from ANYONE because we can't be trusted to pay it back?

    If this does not bother are COLD AND won't be millions dying from your fake climate change or lack of insurance for health care.....but because we will not be able to grow as a nation any longer...we will be at the mercy of the other third world nations. DO YOU WANT THAT? HOW COLD AND IRRATIONAL CAN YOU BE?

    How many of you have lost credit or can't get anything because your credit rating has dropped.? THIS IS AMERICA....does anyone in congress and in the office of the President UNDERSTAND THAT and the consequences of their actions? DO THEY CARE?

    BOZO is destroying AMERICA...with a trillion dollar debt each year for the next 10 years...(that is SET IN STONE)...AMERICA has been warned that if they don't STOP SPENDING..come 2013 WE ARE DEAD...probably a depression and a third world country!

    Why is BOZO STILL PUSHING SPENDING MONEY on health care, green causes (millions to underdeveloped countries to go green when they can't even feed themselves) and cap and trade etc?

    The young today do not understand...we have got to stop this destruction of our freedoms and country! We will never be safe if we can't take care of ourselves...because if YOU can't take care of JUST do you expect the government to take care of over 300 million people? THEY CANNOT..they get their money from us..and it is MIDDLE CLASS that is paying and we are running out of MONEY!

    IT is time for AMERICA to suck it up and make sacrifices of your own and EARN your way!

    THIS health care and cap and trade will be total failures. I am sick that people do not see this and how this is going to take more than half your paycheck and we become a third world nation.

    AMERICA TODAY HAS BEEN the news!!!! You think people are in trouble NOW pass this crap and you will see FAILURE at it's best.....when you are not a triple A investment any will never get the jobs and you will never get the health care...there will never be businesses that can invest in AMERICA and trust it will be profitable and even possible for them to SURVIVE let alone help employees.....there will be NO MONEY FOR IT...NOT from the government (who gets it from US!!!!!!!)

    GIVE back that tarp money and stop spending. WE have got to stop!!!!!! This is enough!

    Someone has to make strong decisions and RIGHT decisions and we have to take care of US!

    And remember....DEMS VOTED FOR IRAQ WAR TOO...and we were ATTACKED. It is time to end it since BOZO didn't think it was important UNTIL NOW anyways....three years of ignoring the military and now they want to do something? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You can't play catch up when you should have been KEEPING UP IN THE FIRST PLACE. THIS ADMINISTRATION has HURT our military and America by not choosing to take care of them , investing in jobs, economy and in AMERICA itself. But they choose to invent crisis's....such as health care, global change etc. CRAZY ....take care of AMERICA FIRST!

    NOW DEMS me tax me tax me...great..but most dems don't even have a job!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i like how you state "legal". shows your colors.

    and funny how you cons suddenly became anti-militarists.

    your phony poll is no cover, man, we see you.

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