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Could I kill a home intruder?

Of course i am protecting my life; it's not just property, but the intruder will more than likely will harm me also if i don't do anything. As for questioning the possibility, I will do that; it's not like i am goingto ah ha! INTRUDER! And kill him or her lol. Dealing with those kind of situations, you have to think critical.


Hello All,

I am in the process of moving out of my parent's home. I want to make sure that i protect myself as best as i can so I decided to become a license gun owner, and I will be in the process of doing that next year once I move. My question is when an intruder comes to your property, and tries to harm you can you kill him or her? I understand it's self-defense, but will there be repercussions?

Update 2:

by the way i live in Texas

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Holy crap- what awful advice has been given here.

    Generally speaking, if your life, or the life of another innocent is in danger, or if there is a threat of "grevious" bodily harm, and you cannot escape safely, you may use deadly force against another.

    Most states do not require you to attempt to flee if you are in your home.

    If someone has broken in your house, and they are substantially larger than you, or holding anything that looks like it could severly injure or kill you (crowbar, screwdriver, knife, etc) you will be justified in using deadly physical force.

    To the idiot who said "shoot to wound", well, you're an idiot. If you are not shooting to kill, and you shoot, you just sent yourself to jail. Shooting is considered deadly force no matter where you hit them. If you "shoot to wound", and your intent was not to kill, then your life must not have been in danger, and you should not have shot.

    To the other idiot who said to capture the subject and question him, are you really that nieve? DO NOT try to go hands on with someone.

    Source(s): Yes, I'm in Law Enforcement.
  • Earl J
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can defend yourself when someone is breaking into your home and you feel your life is in danger.

    If or when you have the opportunity to arm yourself, warn the intruder that you are armed. Most will run. I know in the real world you may not always have the opportunity to give a warning. Defend yourself. The state of Texas is a conservative state that allows people to defend themselves with just cause.

    My best advise is use a pump action shotgun with double OO buck. You won't miss and most people will run when they see the gun or when you rack a round into the chamber. It is a very distinctive sound.

    Take a firearms course for the weapon you choose for your safety, your efficiency in the use of the weapon and understanding of the laws.

    Above all else, be safe.

    Source(s): Retired peace officer.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It is NOT legal to shoot except in self defense. Unless you have reason to believe they are a threat, NOTHING you do is self defense. Note: Spell check is not capable of putting 'shoor' instead of 'shoot'. At MOST it either failed to flag shoor as wrong, or listed BOTH are suggestions. Considering Yahoo's spell check has flagged shoor as a misspelling every time I have typed it, and 'r' is right next to 't' on a standard qwerty keyboard, I am certain YOU caused the typo.

  • Shogun
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are lucky to live in Texas. A past answer it correct, Texas is a "castle state" merely breaking into you home or residence (and business) is grounds to use deadly force. In many states you have to wait till after they enter and then try to hurt you. Also remember that in Texas if someone is committing the act of criminal mischief (vandalism) or theft "during night hours", on your property, you can use deadly force on them. It has to be during the time of darkness. You cannot shoot someone for merely walking into your yard (trespassing) unless their actions (they are armed) cause them to become a threat to your welfare. Stay safe and practice.

    Source(s): Retired TX LE
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You COULD make a case for killing the person even if your life wasn't being directly threatened, and it's likely you would get off on all charges. BUT it does depend on how good your lawyer is compared to the other.

    That being said, you should probably just wound the person if you're a good shot. If you just hold the gun to them they would either run, or try to take the gun from you, so your best bet would be to shoot t kill, but if you're confident in your marksmanship, get them in the leg

  • 1 decade ago

    In Texas, you are allowed to use deadly force against anyone who breaks into your home, car, or place of business or employment. You don't have to have reason to believe they're going to hurt you before you act, just as long as they entered "unlawfully and with force".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In America the victim is usually the suspect. There is a chance that the cops could burst into your house and shoot you nine times and then try to cover it up. Like this guy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hell no, don't Kill him/her, what if it's your Mother or Father in a Santa claus outfit? D:

    Just Catch them, question them and turn them in if their suspicious.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can ONLY if you are protecting you life, not property, and you cant shoot him in the back

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Assuming the gun works then yes you could, no doubt.

    I think the question you want to put is "Am I allowed?" or "May I?"

    Source(s): Student of correct English
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