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For atheists: No matter how much a person would insult me, or hate my beliefs?

I would not hesitate to save their life if the situation arose. (I am a Christian). Could you say truthfully you would do the same to someone who would aggressively oppose you?

15 Answers

  • Phil L
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would save a person's life regardless of his or her religious affiliation. People are people.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a Red Cross Certificate of Merit on my Wall, signed by President Reagan, and Citizen Lifesaver Certificates for CPR saves on perfect strangers in what was then a city exploding with cases of AIDS. I've been a Red Cross instructor since 1980. It's easy to talk, but you lip lock someone in cardio-respiratory failure, for all you know they are dying of something that will kill you too.

    As someone who does not believe in an afterlife, I have more reason to cling to the life I have than you do, but I have a stronger belief than yours, because it is one rooted in reality, that we all have a chance at better lives if we live at least somewhat sacrificially. It's the strength of community, and it's why we don't have all our old people dead in the streets of starvation, not because of Jesus, but because of Social Security and Medicare, that som many Christian seem to think is demonic policy.

    I've also put four kids through college (and bought their clothes, paid their doctor bills, bought their books, fixed their cars), kids whose Christian parents split and thought it more important to fight it out for years while the kids did without. You see I take James 1:27 seriously in a way only a small percentage of you supposed believers do. And since your God always seems to be napping or off taking a piss, it's really up to me and other real men to be a father to the fatherless.

    Of course I'm sure you're a regular Albert Schweitzer and thus justified in your sense of self-righteousness.

  • l
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Probably? I'm not really put in life-saving situations very often; are you? I don't think anyone knows what they'd really do in a given situation. You mean morally? Yeah, I'd probably save someone. But since I believe in karma and personal reckonings/judgement; if I felt it would be right to NOT help someone, then I wouldn't. That's the great thing about not believing in invisible omnipotent sky-men; you get to be a real human!

  • 1 decade ago


    Please don't tell me you're one of those "If you're an atheist, how can you possibly have morals?" people. Not only is it silly, but also intellectually insulting.

    A genuine sense of right or wrong is more meaningful in the absence of the fear of punishment or the desire for a reward.

    I'm an Atheistic Buddhist and I see all life as holding intrinsic value. Even if I hate your guts for religious reasons or otherwise, pettiness doesn't enter into my sense of ethics. It's called being consistent and sticking to your principles. No one should need 'God' for that.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Miscategorization much..?

    Anyway, I just so happen to be an atheist, and yes, of course I'd save your life if I could, without sacrificing my own in the process.

    What kind of callous bastard do you take me for?

  • 1 decade ago

    I may not believe in your religion, but I don't hate you, and I wouldn't hesitate to save your life if it was within my power.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would not care if they were christian or atheist or what ever. I wouldnt even check.

    A man hanging from a bridge:

    man - "CAN YOU HELP ME??!"

    me - "okey, but first, are you christian?"

    .. thats just stupid.

    Source(s): lol on you
  • 1 decade ago

    there seems to be a very strange belief on this here yahoo that if your not christian your automatically not a good person. just because you need a book to tell you how to be good doesn't mean we do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with patio of fun. Even if I knew you well and didn't like you in general i would still help. Why not?

  • 1 decade ago

    i would depending on the person. if i didn't know the person personally i would. if i did i would only do it if i respected them. but yes i respect people who hate me so yes

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