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Lv 6
J-Far asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Advice for a dog who's chewing up my couch.?

My wife and I have a Beagle who's 18 months old and we've had him for over a year. Recently we adopted a Basset Hound who's just about the same age so he'd have a friend. The only problem is the new dog has kind of destroyed our couch and throw pillows by ripping everything to shreds. I'm pretty sure it's him because our Beagle never did anything like that before. I bought a ton of toys for them to chew on but he seems to be more interested in destroying the couch. He only does this when no one is home, when my wife or I are home, he's such a good dog and doesn't do anything bad or destructive. If anyone could give me some advice on how to stop this problem, I'd appreciate it. Thank you!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is the reason crates were created, to put the dog in while you are gone.

    Source(s): Realist
  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like the bassett has separation anxiety, that's why he only attacks the couch when you aren't home. Study up on Separation Anxeity and learn how to train your dog to be ok when you leave the house, in the meantime purchase a crate and crate the dog when you aren't home that way he can't get at your couch or anything else.

  • 1 decade ago

    A long brisk walk to tire him out before you leave. Also I suggest you buy a bottle of Bitter Apple and spray some on the couch and pillows. The nasty taste discourages them from chewing on things.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is known that many canine misbehaviors are born out of instinct, and most arise from either boredom or stress. Aggressive behavior, chasing, marking, and resource guarding are modern manifestations of dogs' early instincts to acquire food and protect their territory and pack. Digging and chewing, on the other hand, are usually the results of boredom.

    Check this out for chewing behavior solutions,

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    training, exercise, supervision keep in crate when you can't supervise training is a lot more than leash listening well, etc. needs at least two hour long walks plus 4-5 hours play/exercise daily plus 45 minutes of training he is bored so destructive

  • 1 decade ago

    Buy a 'Scat Mat' and put it in front of the sofa so the dog has to step on it to reach the sofa. They work great and they won't hurt the dogs.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    When you leave only put him in another room and gate it off and in a while he will just forget or will just do what the other dog does

  • 1 decade ago

    buy a dog crate may be see a trainer as it may be separation anxiety as it is not doing it whilst your there and keep your doors closed when you are out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Kick it (I'm serious). It worked for me, Don't give him a big kick just kinda push him over with your foot, If he thinks your playing push him a bit harder. It worked for me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    stock up on couches

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