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Is This wrong to do???

Ok..I been talking to this guy for like 5 he was all in a rush to see me,but I like to really get to know ppl b4 I do a face to face he kept saying he wanted to see me like all week but I was like Im not ready to meet I got so tired of him asking to see me..that I was like fine you can come over and visit..I find out he smokes,drinks beers alot and he's a weed head...I mean he's cool to Talk to,But I dnt smoke and really dnt Drink...he been txtin me all day but I told he I dnt like how he was buggin to see me..and I felt really uncomfortable when he was here so...What should I do tell him again Im not feelin him like dat? and I feel like he wasn't tryin to take my feelins in to consideration when he try to come visit...


and he txted me at like 12 noon but I been ignoreing him cuz Im feelin like leave me alone(ur that impatent that u cant wait for me and that will be a problem later on)...I wanna txt bk and say something but Idk what to say..

Update 2:

thanks everyone for the help

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell him that he is not your type of guy or you can say that you like somebody else.

    Stay away from him, he might be trouble if he smokes,drinks,etc.

    Next time make sure you really get to know the guy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know some "weedheads" (I think you mean Pot Head) and they're some of the funnest people I've hung out with. There's your casual weeder and then your druggie weeder. Is he a druggie weeder or just a guy that smokes the occasional doobie?

    Did he bring over pot/smokes/beer on the first meet? If so thats pretty intense. Even if I was a potter (Which I am not. I am "sXe" as they say) I wouldnt bring that junk over the first time I met someone. o_O

    If you friend asks whats up just tell him the truth: His smoking/drinking bother you and made you feel uncomfortable and you really do not want to be around it. if he has an issue thats his own problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    The safest thing to do is to stop all contact. Dont try to hold on to him as a friend on your terms, he's too pushy to risk it. Also, how much do you want a friend who's "cool to talk to", but most of his conversation consists of trying to force you into doing things you dont want to do? Tell him he's too full on and you dont like his lifestyle so you cant see a future in it even as friends, and dont speak to him again. He'll be pushing you into all sorts you dont want to do, like wanting to move in! He can be rude and ride over your feelings so dont worry about being careful of his, tell him straight.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him exactly that, Tell him that he's a different person that you thought he was and you don't really like that person that he really is. Just don't be kind of "well, i guess..." that just shows weakness and he'll attack and suck you into hanging out with him more that you want. Tell him exactly what you think and be done with it. Gooooood luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him that you're not interested. If he needs a reason, just tell him the two of you are so contradictng in personality it's not going to work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it is not because you are protecting yourself take this advice stay away and avoid completely because i can tell your a good girl and you dont want him to mess that up... hope i helped goodluck and be strong!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Just tell him that you arent interested in that kind of stuff.....he may understand but if he doesnt and argues with you, then hes not worth it. You can find someone better!! Good Luck :-}

  • 1 decade ago

    the next tim ehe goes like can i come over or something, just go like yes, and youll get to meet my boyfriend. lmao. no seriously.

  • . . .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You don't want that if your life. Just tell him you are not feeling it and you don't think it is going to work.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him how you feel and what is what with you!

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