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How can I get sound back onto my computer?

Ok so I got a boot virus on my last computer and tore out the old motherboard and replaced it and formated the hard drive reinstalled Windows etc (WITH PROPER DISK AND SERIAL) And now my Sound will not work. I have tried everything. Please can you help me and enter any info you may have below. If someone has already entered your idea just say OR you could do this... Blah blah blah. Thanks

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The sound will not work because you reinstalled Windows and formatted your hard drive. Since everything is gone including the sound drivers you must reinstall them. Go to the manufacturer website for your motherboard or sound card and download the drivers for it. After it is done installing and once you restart your system the sound should work again.

    I cannot tell you the specific website to download the drivers since I don't know your system specs.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to install your sound drivers. This is hard to say as there are probably 30 or so cards counting onboard audio. If it was an addin card you are in luck as the brand and model should be on the card. If it is an onboard card refer to your motherboard manual or your computer manual if it was a prebuilt.

    The most popular cards are from

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    first of all i might reccommend doing a residing house windows replace. whilst it asks you in case you % to do "exhibit" or "custom", click custom. From there it is going to reveal the obtainable updates on your workstation. seem for sound card drivers or some style of audio drivers. If no longer something is in residing house windows replace, you will ought to discover out what style of soundcard you have, then flow to the manufactures internet site and get carry of the appropriate drivers.

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