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  • What do "break ups" feel like to you?

    This can be on either side of the fence. Be it the one who leaves, the one who is left, or even both. Don't be afraid to share. We are all people and have had similar experiences. To me they always hurt. Even when I am the one leaving. Once I found out I was being cheated on (they were in the middle of the way) I got angry, but no matter how much I hurt him and left her (maybe that hurt her maybe not) but I don't know who hurt worse them or me. I walked away after thinking about all of the great things that happened in the relationship. Its was once said "When the robbed smiles, it steals something from the thief" I remember her always saying that she felt like she was getting old and I would try to remedy this, but when I was done fighting I could finally say with great confidence "Grow the @*CK up!" and this made me smile, because I realized that I am better than her. I stole the part of me that she had worked so hard to take. MY self-respect. I should of known better than to trust a child. She may of been three yrs older than me but she acted like she was still 16 wanting to go out drinking and all that "fun" stuff.

    I also remember when the love of my life said she did not want to be with me anymore. I think that actually hurt more. She had her reasons, all of which were plausible. We were a great couple too. Inside and outside. Someone once said that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. This is both true and a false. True because you learn more about yourself as a person, but false because, well to me, it was the worst feeling I had ever felt. I have yet to find a feeling to outdo it. Remember the movie Buried" and you will know how it felt to me.

    But that's life. You win some, You loose some. You keep moving forward and take the memories with you with gratitude for even experiencing the moments..... What do break ups feel like to you?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • multiplayer survival game?

    I am looking for a fairly decent Multiplayer zombie survival game. I am just bored and looking for some clean fun. The game needs to be multiplayer, zombie survival, modern to futuristic, and one where you can board up an area. I don't care if its txt base or 3d so long as it is not a crappy 3d flash game or 2d graphic based like Mario..... Thank you.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Is there a way to partition the PS3.?

    I need to know so That I can keep both PS3 OS and win 7 so I can still play my PC games on it.

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Can you play WarRock on PS3?

    I lag sometimes on my PC and my friends seem to like PS3 better. Basically I need to know so I can decide to get PS3 or not. So if there is ANY way to do this then let me know how. Thanx

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What do you think is the best graphic format?

    Also include why and what program(s) use them.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What frequency would one need to move a metallic object?

    Would thickness effect the desired effect? If so how? Can it be controlled? If so how? How can one make a metallic object move without using thrusting technology as we know it? I have studied and hypothisiszed proven and found many different ways to move an object without using thrust and have now seen one of my experiments come to life and one of my theories proven as well. However, the idea of using sound frequency is the one that came to life and I wish to know more about the subject to find if my method had been correct.

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of any good site for Abadonware? (Old Software)?

    My friend just recieved her family's old computer and has been having a hard time finding software (namely games and firefox) for her mac osx 3.9 233mhz 192mb ram and I suggested that she search for Abandonware. Does anyone know of a good place to get them for those specs? She says she liked the old nintendo games, if that helps. I tried, however, I only know about pc abandonware. A best answer will be chosen.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Can a read/write head in a Hard Drive be fixed?

    I took apart my old Hard Drive to see what had happend to it (40gb) and seen that some how the read.write head on the arm had been facing up and hangin on the tip of the arm. What is the safest way to reposition the head back under the arm tip myself?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • What is the sexiest clothing for a guy to wear?

    Sorry None is not an option. What, color, and why?

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What computer programing language is the easiest to learn?

    in order from easiest to hardest to learn, please list computer programing languages.

    14 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to get into Nasa or Seti?

    Should one join the miltary? Would that speed things up in any way? AND what other ways are there?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • How can I show my daughter and her brother I love them.?

    My wife and I split, she has a 10 yr old son and we have a 5 year old daughter. How can I assure my daughter that I love her. And how can I show her brother that I love him without stepping on anyone's toes? I'd like to be with my wife again, but I don't think I can trust her any more so I want to make sure that the kids know I love them and will always be there for them.

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Ok sound STILL wont work?

    OMG PLEASEEE HELP.... Everything in my computer points to my sound working properly, is enabled, manually checked and installed driver for the hardware (Integrated audio), It's all good. I have tried the speakers on a different computer and they work fine. I have a ATI graphics card in AGP slot could that be the problem? If so how do I tell the computer to bypass it? UGH I am on edge because I need this thing for homework, Music, gaming, etc. I would use the other one BUT it is sooo old and sooo slow and sooo not mine lol. So I cannot so much as put in more ram or utilities or even manually tweak XP. It all started after I got a boot virus and reformated the HD reinstalled Windows Xp Pro etc. It's prolly because I had to reset the bios but idk. SO ummmmm Yeah there it is. Please help me.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Nope Audio still wont work?

    Can someone please help me? I have tried everything from device management to administrative services. I cannot figure it out. I have win xp pro... I have Hp Pavilion... I have Driver checker.... I have CPU-Z. I have downloaded drivers from Hp and Realtek, I have even went as far as trying VIA drivers and still nothing. I have checked my system and found out that it is Realtek but no sound yet. Sux and all because of a boot virus that I got and had to reformat everything.... UGH!!! Please help, I need my sound to do homework and I am stuck! lol, Irony has always ran my life I swear... Also, I have checked volume(S) and been through device manager and done services. It's integrated it can't just be blown... can it?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • My audio still wont work?

    Can someone please help me? I have tried everything from device management to administrative services. I cannot figure it out. I have win xp pro... I have Hp Pavilion... I have Driver checker.... I have CPU-Z. I have downloaded drivers from Hp and Realtek, I have even went as far as trying VIA drivers and still nothing. I have checked my system and found out that it is Realtek but no sound yet. Sux and all because of a boot virus that I got and had to reformat everything.... UGH!!! Please help, I need my sound to do homework and I am stuck! lol, Irony has always ran my life I swear...

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • How can I get sound back onto my computer?

    Ok so I got a boot virus on my last computer and tore out the old motherboard and replaced it and formated the hard drive reinstalled Windows etc (WITH PROPER DISK AND SERIAL) And now my Sound will not work. I have tried everything. Please can you help me and enter any info you may have below. If someone has already entered your idea just say OR you could do this... Blah blah blah. Thanks

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • What food should I send to a soldier........?

    I have family over seas helping out in the military and I wanna send them a package, What kinds of food can I send them?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How many antivrus can you have installed at one time?

    without any sufering

    8 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • One Hell of a Question?

    OK so I like this girl. I grew up with her, knew her for five years Was going to ask her out but physicked myself out and asked her best friend out instead. However she and I ended up becoming closer friends. Then I moved, her friend and I broke up and didn't talk to her for years after. The a few years back I asked her out and again freaked out and ended up "ditching" her. To make matters worse she was pregnant. Ugh needless to say I felt terrible ever since not just because I let myself down, BUT I let her down. AND needless to say she stopped talking to me. My phobic reaction is no excuse for what I did in comparison, but I know I love her. Or maybe is just me, but I have NEVER been like that/this with anyone else. I have tried to talk to her and relay messages through a third party but to no avail. Obviously she has cut me off (Been 4 years). I have moved on, she has moved on, But still there is this voice in the back of my head telling me that I need to fix it. How can I do this? We are in our early twenties now and I plan to leave for the Navy next year. How do I fix it? I know I don't wanna wait till I get back, but I would feel good enough for her then, Should I wait till I get back (would be years). UGHHHHH I have been thinking about sending her a message on myspace.... UGGHHH lol what do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago