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What food should I send to a soldier........?

I have family over seas helping out in the military and I wanna send them a package, What kinds of food can I send them?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can send them anything that can handle the shipment in extremely hot connexs. The best is canned food or dry snacks.

    Source(s): I am a U.S. Soldier recently returned from Iraq.
  • 1 decade ago

    When I sent my friend a package, I sent them the powder gatorade mix. They absolutely LOVE it. That and kool-aid mix of course. Peppermints, chex mix, beef jerky, things like that. He definitely loved it and was very grateful. It would be awesome to send a nice letter too, telling them you appreciate what they are doing and miss them greatly. Some holiday candies would be awesome too, such as candy in red and green rappers, or little santa chocolates.. just make sure it can withstand heat, as stated before. But you're taking a risk anyway, just if you put something that could be ruined, such as chocolate or chips, make sure you have extra stuff like the gatorade mixes and beef jerky. That way in case the items do make it, he has a lot, and if not, he still has some really great stuff. DVDs are awesome too of course if they have a DVD player or a computer to play them on.

    Source(s): personal expierence
  • 1 decade ago

    Kool aid, tea bags, sugar packs, jerky, nuts, dried fruits, canned meats, canned foods like ravioli, NOT chips as they will get crumpled.

    Source(s): Former military
  • 1 decade ago

    Packs of gum, hard candies, mints, tic tacs, suckers.

    Source(s): Military Wife
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you should send him ANZAC biscuits, they last a long time and they are good for you and give you energy.

    Source(s): ww1 books and school
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