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One Hell of a Question?

OK so I like this girl. I grew up with her, knew her for five years Was going to ask her out but physicked myself out and asked her best friend out instead. However she and I ended up becoming closer friends. Then I moved, her friend and I broke up and didn't talk to her for years after. The a few years back I asked her out and again freaked out and ended up "ditching" her. To make matters worse she was pregnant. Ugh needless to say I felt terrible ever since not just because I let myself down, BUT I let her down. AND needless to say she stopped talking to me. My phobic reaction is no excuse for what I did in comparison, but I know I love her. Or maybe is just me, but I have NEVER been like that/this with anyone else. I have tried to talk to her and relay messages through a third party but to no avail. Obviously she has cut me off (Been 4 years). I have moved on, she has moved on, But still there is this voice in the back of my head telling me that I need to fix it. How can I do this? We are in our early twenties now and I plan to leave for the Navy next year. How do I fix it? I know I don't wanna wait till I get back, but I would feel good enough for her then, Should I wait till I get back (would be years). UGHHHHH I have been thinking about sending her a message on myspace.... UGGHHH lol what do I do?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She does kind of have a right to be frustrated if you ditched her,

    But this is no reason to give up.

    If she really cares about you she'll forgive you eventually.

    It might just take some work.

    I'm not sure if you know anything about the father of this child she has,

    Or if she's married to someone else,

    But this would be good information to know.

    Myspace myspace myspace.

    If you want someone to know you feel this way about them,

    Skip the emails and just call her.

    If she doesn't answer leave a message saying that you were thinking about her.

    Say you're sorry for ditching her so long ago

    (stating that you know you're wrong for something that happened a long time ago is still valid)

    And tell her that you'd like to catch up.

    That you miss having her around.

    But you probably don't want to make things to mushy

    If you're not sure on the "husband/father/boyfriend" guy.

    If you don't have her number, look in phone books.

    Call her parents and get the number.

    Ask her friends.

    Find a way.

    Mail her a letter.

    Send a freaking messenger bird.

    But I know I'd prefer something other then an email.

    I hope this helps.

    Source(s): life
  • 1 decade ago

    listen up DUDE, that "little voice" in the back of your head is called a conscience, and you DO need to fix it. Don't send a myspace message, thats a lame idea. the only chance you have at her taking you seriously is a true, heart-felt apology, which can only be done in person. you need to go to her house when you know she's home and apologize striaght up with no nonsense in between the lines.

    ps. if you really love her as much as you say you do, you should mak eit right and put a ring on her finger, otherwise how will she know you won't abandon her again. (the end)

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