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  • Should I take my cat to the vet?

    I think my cat has a cold or sinus infection or something. Should I take him to the vet, or will he probably just get better on his own through course of time? He doesn't seem to be suffering or really under the weather. He's still pretty spunky and whatnot. He just has really watery eyes and a runny nose. He keeps sneezing and I hear occasional rasps when he breathes. I'm a little worried and want to take him in, but should I? If he's in danger then of course I want to take him to the vet, but if it's something that will run its course and go away, I don't want to spend a whole lot of money on an outcome that would have happened on its own anyway. Does that make sense? What should I do? Help me internet!

    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • What's going on in my subconscious, based on this dream?

    I'm looking for a logical interpretation to this dream. Not so much a spiritual/prophetic explanation as a technical analysis of the symbolic meaning of events to my subconscious. The first thing I remember is being at some kind of cocktail party with my boyfriend at a presumably very wealthy person's house. I was laying on the floor next to a coffee table and he was sitting next to me. I think I was drunk in the dream. My boyfriend's dad was sitting in this large chair in front of a window across the room from us. He wasn't wearing a shirt and his tummy flab was all over the place on that chair of his. The ceiling was very tall too. (background info, a few weeks ago my boyfriend and I got really drunk with this girl Michaela that he knew, and we ended up having a threesome... I've felt pretty disgusted with the whole thing ever since, and to be honest I seriously considered breaking up over it, but I love him too much. Michaela got really mad at him and completely cut him off afterward though. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda relieved about it. Nothing against her, she's a nice girl, it's just really hard to not feel threatened by her after that.) So anyway, my boyfriend Henry and I are in this person's living room and I'm laying in front of a table and he's sitting up next to me. His dad is across the room sitting shirtless on a huge armchair. Michaela comes in. It was weird because she was really happy to see us, so I got confused. I was wondering why she wasn't still angry with Henry. I guess she was leaving though and Henry said "let me walk you out"... I started to get up to go with and he pointed at me and said "You stay here." I felt really depreciated at that. Then his dad (acting very intoxicated) looked out the window behind him and started babbling about them. I can't remember what he said but it further upset me, so I got up and ran out of the house. When I saw Henry he was standing there talking to Michaela in front of the house... i looked at him and flipped him off, screaming "F*** You" (something I can't imagine saying to him no matter how upset I am) and then I ran away. I ran down this dirt driveway, then cut off it through some trees, and on the other side of the trees there was a huge freeway. I ran across one side of the freeway, stopped in the middle, then ran across the other side, the whole time knowing I was being chased. I got to the other side, ran through more trees, and then was on this huge gravelly parking lot kind of thing, just this huge open space of dirt, but with trees around. Henry caught up, and his dad was there, I started to run but he overtook me, so then I jumped up and started flying, thinking "What if he can fly too?"... Turns out he could, he jumped after me, and came at me, I tried to get away but he grabbed my foot. The whole time he was wearing a smile, but I felt in the dream that I had to run away because I was in danger. I'm confused by that. Also, when he grabbed my foot and pulled me down I remember thinking "I hope this isn't a metaphor that Henry is holding me back, because I don't want our relationship to end... Then (still dreaming) I woke up, and was laying in my bed, but I felt very opressed, and started screaming "help me, help me" but my voice wasn't working so my loudest screams came out a faint murmer... Then I ACTUALLY woke up and was very perplexed by the whole deal.... So what's going on in my head?

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • What does my dream mean?

    I'm looking for a logical interpretation to this dream. Not so much a spiritual/prophetic explanation as a technical analysis of the symbolic meaning of events to my subconscious. The first thing I remember is being at some kind of cocktail party with my boyfriend at a presumably very wealthy person's house. I was laying on the floor next to a coffee table and he was sitting next to me. I think I was drunk in the dream. My boyfriend's dad was sitting in this large chair in front of a window across the room from us. He wasn't wearing a shirt and his tummy flab was all over the place on that chair of his. The ceiling was very tall too. (background info, a few weeks ago my boyfriend and I got really drunk with this girl Michaela that he knew, and we ended up having a threesome... I've felt pretty disgusted with the whole thing ever since, and to be honest I seriously considered breaking up over it, but I love him too much. Michaela got really mad at him and completely cut him off afterward though. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda relieved about it. Nothing against her, she's a nice girl, it's just really hard to not feel threatened by her after that.) So anyway, my boyfriend Henry and I are in this person's living room and I'm laying in front of a table and he's sitting up next to me. His dad is across the room sitting shirtless on a huge armchair. Michaela comes in. It was weird because she was really happy to see us, so I got confused. I was wondering why she wasn't still angry with Henry. I guess she was leaving though and Henry said "let me walk you out"... I started to get up to go with and he pointed at me and said "You stay here." I felt really depreciated at that. Then his dad (acting very intoxicated) looked out the window behind him and started babbling about them. I can't remember what he said but it further upset me, so I got up and ran out of the house. When I saw Henry he was standing there talking to Michaela in front of the house... i looked at him and flipped him off, screaming "F*** You" (something I can't imagine saying to him no matter how upset I am) and then I ran away. I ran down this dirt driveway, then cut off it through some trees, and on the other side of the trees there was a huge freeway. I ran across one side of the freeway, stopped in the middle, then ran across the other side, the whole time knowing I was being chased. I got to the other side, ran through more trees, and then was on this huge gravelly parking lot kind of thing, just this huge open space of dirt, but with trees around. Henry caught up, and his dad was there, I started to run but he overtook me, so then I jumped up and started flying, thinking "What if he can fly too?"... Turns out he could, he jumped after me, and came at me, I tried to get away but he grabbed my foot. The whole time he was wearing a smile, but I felt in the dream that I had to run away because I was in danger. I'm confused by that. Also, when he grabbed my foot and pulled me down I remember thinking "I hope this isn't a metaphor that Henry is holding me back, because I don't want our relationship to end... Then (still dreaming) I woke up, and was laying in my bed, but I felt very opressed, and started screaming "help me, help me" but my voice wasn't working so my loudest screams came out a faint murmer... Then I ACTUALLY woke up and was very perplexed by the whole deal.... So what's going on in my head?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Any raves in the Sacramento area between June 26th and July 2nd?

    Does anyone know of any raves near Sacramento, (within driving distance of Lodi) California between June 26th and July 2nd? My friend is coming out and has never been, and I really want to take her to one, but haven't heard of any. Any raves in Sac? Modesto? Merced? Stockton? Lodi? Galt? or anywhere nearby?

    1 AnswerSacramento9 years ago
  • What are some tricks to giving really enjoyable oral sex?

    My boyfriend is much more experienced than I am and says I need to work on my "skills." So what advice would you give to a novice performer of oral sex? What is most sensual/erotic/pleasurable? Tips? Advice? Directions? (Please answer without sending me pornographic images or videos).

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What a some "party tricks" for pleasuring your partner when performing oral sex?

    My boyfriend is much more experienced than I am and says I need to work on my "skills." So what advice would you give to a novice performer of oral sex? What is most sensual/erotic/pleasurable? Tips? Advice? Directions? (Please answer without sending me pornographic images or videos).

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How many weight watcher's points do I earn if I take a six mile walk?

    If I walk six miles and it takes two hours how many extra points do I get to eat that day?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How much do you think two people living together will need to spend on groceries, toiletries, and the like?

    Just looking for a good estimate on the "cost of living," or whatever. This is all figurative, but, what do you think the monthly expenses will be for two people who live together, considering the following circumstances:

    1. Both people commute fifteen minutes each day for work (from Lodi CA to Stockton CA).

    2. The rent to their small apartment is about $800 a month.

    3. These are both people who need to eat, and who prefer to bathe on a regular basis.

    So basically my question is this: about how much would it cost per month for my boyfriend and I to live together in the Lodi-Stockton area, when rent, utilities, gas, groceries, and general needs (shampoo, toilet-paper, and the like) are all considered part of the equation?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • what happens if you drink a lot of caffeine before you find out you're pregnant?

    So, you know how you don't know if you're pregnant until you miss a period? What if you get pregnant three weeks before your time of the month, and drink a lot of energy drinks before you find out. Will all this caffeine affect your baby? If so, how?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What anime is like Ouran High School Host Club?

    Ok, I'm trying to get my roommate into anime, but so far the only one she has liked is Ouran High School Host Club. She said she fell in love with Tamaki, she likes the flirting involved with the anime, and she is boy crazy in general, and she only wants to watch one if it's very funny. Also she only wants to watch it if there's an English dub. So, any suggestions for a hysterically funny, flirtatious, and engaging anime with a very likeable male role? Haha, we all gotta love our boy crazy roommates.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • How do I teach my pit bull to sit?

    Last week I found a young pit bull (about four months) in the alley behind my house. She was so emaciated you could count her ribs.. After feeding her hearty meals for a week she's looking much better, however, I have never had to train a dog from scratch before and am not sure how to go about it. I'm trying to re-home her as soon as possible (anyone interested in a dog?) <-lol, but in the mean time it would probably be smart to start working on some basic commands for her. She seems to have absolutely not kind of foundation at all, sit, stay, housebreaking, etc...... So ....what do I do now? haha, help me internet people!!! lol. Also, if you live in Northern California and ARE interested in adopting her, you can check her out her name is Phoebe and she's very sweet.

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Is the amount of sweat you produce related to the amount of water you drink?

    Ok, so my room mate and I work out together, and I sweat a fair deal more than her. I told her it's because I drink a lot of water (usually about a gallon to a gallon and a half a day). She does not drink a lot of water, she mostly drinks Mountain Dew. I thought it was pretty logical to assume that since my body is better hydrated that it would excrete more water, but she actually LAUGHED at me. She said "No silly, that has NOTHING to do with it, water hydrates your body, it doesn't come out of it." So I said "No Bessie, the water you put it your body runs it's course and is excreted, that's why you have to keep drinking more." Then she said, (while laughing at me like I was a total moron) "No you." So I said "Well, where do YOU think the sweat comes from then?!" And get this, she said "Your body makes it, duh, that's why you pee." And so instead of trying to explain to her that your body cannot MAKE water, I turn to you, people of the internet, to tell me: WHICH ONE OF US IS THE IDIOT? lol.

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • Is it too late to take ballet lessons?

    Looking for opinions :) I'm 17, I took dance as a kid but stopped when I was 10. I REALLY want to take ballet again, because I LOVE it. Is it ridiculous to think I can ever be good at it starting at my age? I'm still super SUPER flexible, and have good balance, but after this much not-doing-ballet I don't want to embarrass myself. My room mate (yeah, she's kind of a *****) told me "there's no way you can be that good at your age, you have to be groomed from childhood. It's not like I want to join the ABA or anything, I just want to be "good" you know? But any way. Do you think this is a stupid ambition?

    7 AnswersDancing10 years ago
  • How much do fake eyelashes cost?

    just curious. :)

    4 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • How many times can you re-use fake eyelashes?

    just curious haha.

    3 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • Can anyone recommend me an awesome anime?

    Hi. I like Naruto and Inuyasha and I'm looking for something similar to get into. Before you say it (because I know it's coming) I'm NOT a big fan of Bleach. Basically I just want something with a little of everything, Action, Comedy, Romance (but there should be a plot BESIDES the romance), and mostly it has to be believable. Like in Naruto and Inuyasha, they live in completely different worlds, I want an anime that makes me want to live in it (because it seems BETTER than real life). That's all. GO! haha.

    8 AnswersComics & Animation10 years ago
  • does anyone have any or know where i can find historical information on the town of Firestone CO?

    i used to live there and was curious about it's history. i have been vainly trolling the internet for hours and all i can dig up is that it was founded in 1908, was a mining town, and named for a landowner named jacob firestone. This town is interwoven with two other towns (Frederick Colorado and Dacono Colorado) and the three are often referred to as a whole as Tri-town Colorado. Any information on Frederick and Dacono is appreciated as well. Links, Facts, timelines, anything is fair game, please help out haha....also, its in weld country if that helps. thanks a bunch!!

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to switch to homeschool at the quater instead of the semester in Fort Collins CO?

    I'm 16 years old, in my junior year of high school at front range baptist academy; i make good grades, and i do my homework. But i'm miserable. i want so badly to get out of this school but my mom says there's no possible way to make a switch before the end of the semester. Then she told me that if i didn't believe her, to research it myself and try to come up with a better option. The quarter end is coming up soon and i would think it would be possible to transfer then. My mom wants me to do a Christian home school program if any. Does anyone know of either a home school program or nearby (not public, because my mom despises all aspects of normalcy known to mankind)high school that offers good language credits and art courses? see my main thing is i want to double major in art and linguistics, but my school is so small and focused on training missionaries, that there is no available art class for my year, and only one (limited in extent) language course. I just want to go to a school that will give me a good education, provide the necessary credits for my choice of major, AND nurture my creativity rather than trying to stifle it. I live in the Fort Collins area of CO ...does anyone have any ideas that will help me out/ pacify my mom?...thanks so much .also will they let me transfer at the quarter? (links are appreciated)

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • algebra help pretty pretty pretty please.?

    can someone help me with my algebra homework? the three problems i dont get are

    1.) 9 less than or equal to 2(x+7)+ 3x - 9 <35

    2.) -3x + 9 greater-than-or-equal-to 15 (or) 5x+7-3x less-than-or-equal-to 52-5x+2x

    3.) 4z-9+2(z-6) less-than-or-equal-to 5z-7 and 3z+ 4(2z-8) -6z>16

    also, can you explain HOW to do this? im so lost....thanks guys =)

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • are there any known computer viruses associated with perfect world?

    just wondering what i could be getting myself into if i install "jade dynasty" by perfect world......also is this game any fun?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago