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Ok sound STILL wont work?

OMG PLEASEEE HELP.... Everything in my computer points to my sound working properly, is enabled, manually checked and installed driver for the hardware (Integrated audio), It's all good. I have tried the speakers on a different computer and they work fine. I have a ATI graphics card in AGP slot could that be the problem? If so how do I tell the computer to bypass it? UGH I am on edge because I need this thing for homework, Music, gaming, etc. I would use the other one BUT it is sooo old and sooo slow and sooo not mine lol. So I cannot so much as put in more ram or utilities or even manually tweak XP. It all started after I got a boot virus and reformated the HD reinstalled Windows Xp Pro etc. It's prolly because I had to reset the bios but idk. SO ummmmm Yeah there it is. Please help me.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You need to reinstall your sound device driver. You lost it when you reformatted and it is not installed with XP. You should install it separately. If you have the utility CD ( drivers) insert it and reinstall your sound device driver. No CD, go to the manufacturer's website and download your sound device driver from there.

  • Neilis
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The AGP card won't be a problem - it's an unrelated device.

    This may sound pretty stupid/basic, but if you go to the mixer in your task bar is the device (or any channels) muted? Make sure that overall volume or your main channel doesn't have the volume turned down either.

  • 4 years ago

    verify that the sound driving force has been put in. pass to device supervisor and verify there. If not, then setting up it. if so, be certain your speaker cable is plugged into the final port.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    examine that the sound motive force has been put in. bypass to gadget supervisor and examine there. If not, then deploy it. if so, determine your speaker cable is plugged into the the final option port.

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