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My audio still wont work?

Can someone please help me? I have tried everything from device management to administrative services. I cannot figure it out. I have win xp pro... I have Hp Pavilion... I have Driver checker.... I have CPU-Z. I have downloaded drivers from Hp and Realtek, I have even went as far as trying VIA drivers and still nothing. I have checked my system and found out that it is Realtek but no sound yet. Sux and all because of a boot virus that I got and had to reformat everything.... UGH!!! Please help, I need my sound to do homework and I am stuck! lol, Irony has always ran my life I swear...

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    okay- this HAS to work or else your Audio Device is BLOWN!

    Actually This is a Very Common Ailment . You need to open START- Then CONTROL PANEL-SYSTEM- Click HARDWARE Tab- Then Open Device Manager. Scroll to Audio Device (If You see a Yellow ? mark go to #2) Now Click & Delete Driver or Uninstall. RESTART PC- (Drivers Usually Reload + You Get Sound Back) #2: You have NO Driver (or Incorrect Driver) Click Update Driver + Go Online to Get New Driver.

  • 1 decade ago

    hi when you check in administrative did it said hardware working properly? if did try roll up or update. best way is to go to the maker of that computer. website and look for driver/download and well download the driver for that computer is going to ask you everything about that computer download and install from that point on every information should correct on your drivers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this is going to sound really silly: is your volume on? go into your volume control and make sure nothing is set to mute.

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