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What do "break ups" feel like to you?

This can be on either side of the fence. Be it the one who leaves, the one who is left, or even both. Don't be afraid to share. We are all people and have had similar experiences. To me they always hurt. Even when I am the one leaving. Once I found out I was being cheated on (they were in the middle of the way) I got angry, but no matter how much I hurt him and left her (maybe that hurt her maybe not) but I don't know who hurt worse them or me. I walked away after thinking about all of the great things that happened in the relationship. Its was once said "When the robbed smiles, it steals something from the thief" I remember her always saying that she felt like she was getting old and I would try to remedy this, but when I was done fighting I could finally say with great confidence "Grow the @*CK up!" and this made me smile, because I realized that I am better than her. I stole the part of me that she had worked so hard to take. MY self-respect. I should of known better than to trust a child. She may of been three yrs older than me but she acted like she was still 16 wanting to go out drinking and all that "fun" stuff.

I also remember when the love of my life said she did not want to be with me anymore. I think that actually hurt more. She had her reasons, all of which were plausible. We were a great couple too. Inside and outside. Someone once said that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. This is both true and a false. True because you learn more about yourself as a person, but false because, well to me, it was the worst feeling I had ever felt. I have yet to find a feeling to outdo it. Remember the movie Buried" and you will know how it felt to me.

But that's life. You win some, You loose some. You keep moving forward and take the memories with you with gratitude for even experiencing the moments..... What do break ups feel like to you?

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    2 me they feel like my world is over.Worst feeling ever besides losing a loved 1. I dont let many folks get close 2 me so I dont deal with it much.

    Source(s): Life
  • 10 years ago

    Honestly, ive never been in a relationship T.T seriously. But i think breaking up does hurt, even if ur the one whoese breaking up.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It really hurts :( but what hurts more is being cheated on, and not to be treated the way u treaated ur bf/gf.

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