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How many antivrus can you have installed at one time?

without any sufering

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's best to only have one installed at a time. Any more than that and you run the risk of one of the anti-virus software applications not being able to clean a virus when it needs to. Also, sometimes an anti-virus application will label another anti-virus application as a virus, which could also cause problems if it tries to clean it off of your computer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on which ones. Most will try to kill each other, figuratively speaking.

    Something you can do is install Ubuntu Linux side-by-side windows and get a scanner on it, for scanning windows. It will take a slight amount of learning. This will not interfere at all. It's a great place to recover Windows from unrecoverable situations-even virus scanners can get infected, but Linux is immune to Windows viruses.

    Note: if you decide to use ubuntu, use there forums for any problem you have. They have speedy response and the guys on them are absolute geniuses. Those communities to what was thought to be impossible, all the time-and so it the easy way.

  • 1 decade ago

    technically, you can INSTALL as many as your harddrive can hold,

    however, that ususally isn't the best of solutions.

    first off, though modern up to date antivirus' don't use much ram or cpu, but if you have many, they tend to build up and slow your computer down considerably. to have a computer that won't be affected by too much cpu and ram being taken up by antiviruses you shouldn't go over 2, though less would also be faster, and 0 would of course be fastest for your computer

    however, that was only the hardware, as for software, it is very likely that if you have 2 antivirus' install and activated at the same time, they might come into conflict with each other. of course, if you have even more antivirus, you would have even more software conflicts, causeing a software jam. they would try to kill each other off, marking each other as a virus most likely, and severly damage each other, resulting you with a computer worse that one without antivirus programs, because neither would work properlly, and hog your hardware usage

    so generally, it is best to have only one anti virus program installed on your computer at a time, windows defender and windows firewall won't interfere with any antivirus btw.

    how many antivirus can you have? well, technically unlimited, but without suffering? well anything installed can be considered suffering, as it takes up memory, and also ram and cpu if it is a program, but more times than not, the benifits of installing programs out weights not haveing them.

    i suggest one antivirus

  • icez
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Theoretically, as many as your hard drive and memory can hold...but practically it's usually best to have only one antivirus -running- at the same time. Some of them are worse than others at playing nice with other antiviruses.

  • 1 decade ago

    well it depends. If your running something like norton only have that because it uses a lot of ram, but if you have smaller antivirus software like superantispyware, spybot - search & destroy and malwarebyte's malware you can have 3 running. I have all of the smaller ones running. Together they are fantastic and all free too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Generally as many as you want.

    BUT, some big companies refuse to install if others are present, sometimes they install but say the Other AVPs are viruses.

    Source(s): My Digital Media/Internet Saftey Qualifications, My Information Systems Degree.
  • Glenn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1. Many times they interfere with each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only one. Ypu can have as many anti spyware/malware/whateverware as you want though.

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