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How can I show my daughter and her brother I love them.?

My wife and I split, she has a 10 yr old son and we have a 5 year old daughter. How can I assure my daughter that I love her. And how can I show her brother that I love him without stepping on anyone's toes? I'd like to be with my wife again, but I don't think I can trust her any more so I want to make sure that the kids know I love them and will always be there for them.

8 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    .Tell them that...give them hugs and attention and spend quality time with them. Reassure them that you're still there for them and love them, even though you and their Mom are no longer a couple.

    Bravo you for caring and wanting to make sure they know you're there for them....hopefully she is also (in spite of whatever issues the 2 of you have).

  • 1 decade ago

    I would make sure that you tell them that. Don't talk badly about your ex wife though. Just sit them down and say Me and Mom are not together but I love you and will always be here. Make sure to spend time with them. Like a trip to the park or other events. Attend their school activities or other things they are involved in. Don't just disappear or get them on every other weekend.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Your BFs cousin is so incorrect! Giving love and affection to you daughter is the main obligatory factor you're able to do! Your exhibiting her that she is enjoyed. How ought to kissing and hugging your daughter be delaying her progression? it is going to purely make her better as a guy or woman. additionally to coach her to p.c. to kiss anybody? I dont think of that your daughter will circulate as much as a random stranger and initiate kissing them. i think of which you're doing an remarkable interest of being a parent. Dont pay attention to what others say with regard to the way you instruct love on your daughter. The worst suggestion somebody has advised me replaced into whilst a parent in my daughters grade 2 class advised me to end "Spoiling" my newborn. She advised me that because of the fact I permit my daughter deliver her fish to instruct and tell. She observed as me irresponsible because of the fact im letting a 7 3 hundred and sixty 5 days old preserve a fish. Lol, i presumed that replaced into surprisingly dumb.

  • jb
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Tell them in person and show them with your actions. At the same time, I suggest you write them both letters expressing your feelings and keep the letters until they are old enough to read and understand them. When the kids are teens, they can read your letters and look at the dates and understand how you loved them when they were younger. Taking photos with them is also a good way to preserve happy memories, you could even compile a photo album for each child to give to them when they're older.

  • K.T
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You have to spend time with them. The little things are important. If you don't go to their soccer games or go to science fairs, it is little, but they will remember.

    Take them out to a arcade/pizza and movie theaters regularly.

    Be active in their life!

  • 1 decade ago

    Like everyone said do fun things and show them you care. I think you should tell them you care after you show them so they won't be like well you don't do anything with us. Good luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    take them out for dinners, go to movies with them, talk to them about their problems, dont never forget special days. call them. know the things they like. my father never done these things. i would be very happy if it was me.

  • 1 decade ago

    i really dont know am tryin to get some points

    Source(s): my head
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