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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why don't USA Conservatives support Employee Unions?

Suppose you worked in a Govt job where your performance is evaluated based on quality of work, timely completion, effective thinking skills, leadership, etc.

And you are evaluated by your boss and your boss's higher ups.

Suppose you received good evaluations for many years. Then, a top director leaves the organization and the new top director suppose dislikes you.

Suppose under the new top director, your evaluation suddenly is terrible and you are about to be fired.

What would you do if there were no Union? Shouldn't every organization have a union to create checks and balances if you are "unfairly" being manipulated by an individual in upper management?

What do Conservatives think about this scenario?


With NO Unions, there are targets of the US population that suffer significantly.

1) Americans with disabilities whose involuntary handicaps if properly accomodated enable the employee to perform his/her job effectively.

2) People whose performance evaluations are so subjective that the real basis for a bad review is race, country of origin, place of upbringing, religion, sex orientation.

3) Sexual harassment, bribes, threats to perform illegal activities or else face performance evaluation consequences.


20 Answers

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unions stand to haul in billions from Obamacare. Unions DID serve an essential role when they first started. However, the Industrial Revolution is over now and there are regulations set on any industry. Unions now create, or rather protect lazy workers.

    Some more problems with unions:

    * Anti-competitiveness. The website suggests that, "unions. are victims of their own success. Unions raised their wages substantially above the wages paid to nonunion workers. Therefore, many union-made products have become so expensive that sales were lost to less expensive foreign competitors and nonunion producers."

    * A decline in the value of merit. In many union settings, workers can't advance much or at all on their merits, but must generally progress within the limits defined by union contracts. Employers may have trouble weeding out ineffective employees if they belong to unions. In theory, at least, unionized workers might become so comfortable and protected that they lose the incentive to work hard for their employer. And outstanding employees might lose their get-up-and-go if there's no incentive to excel -- or worse, if they're pressured by the union to not go the extra mile.

    Source(s): bwlobo
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a Conservative: My view on your scenario is this:

    Human nature is human nature, an no law will ever alter that nature. I find the situation you described as detestable and the manager is a fool. However, Unions are not the solution to this problem. Perhaps at one time they were (I would not know since I'm 21 and grew up in a different era). Unions today, are out of control. People talk all the time of Big Oil, Big Tobacco, Big This and Big That, but MY chief concern is BIG LABOR. Unions have become so powerful, even small ones, that they serve do not serve just to provide decent wages, benefits, and working conditions, but instead provide spoils in plenty, with unreasonable contracts...the most disgusting example being the United Auto Workers Union and the Teachers Unions. Also, I would like to make a distinction between a job in the PRIVATE SECTOR and a job in the so-called PUBLIC SECTOR. Unionization of government jobs is nothing short of an abomination allowing numbers of government employee's to hold the vast majority of tax payers hostage to OUTRAGEOUS wage contracts, benefits, and other perks. I am a person who believes that one should earn what that make, and keep what they earn. Period. Virtually all Unions support the illogical philosophy of seniority pay, believing in equal work for equal pay. However, they automatically assume the work of one person is equal to another when that is NEVER the case. There are workers who are more productive and healthy and efficient and dedicated than others. THEY should be the ones making bank. There are TOO MANY rights for workers in this day and age. In the end, the principle is simple: The workers are just that. WORKERS. NOT owners. If I own a business, it IS MINE TO RUN. Not there's. A Government Agency should be run EVEN STRICTER. Why? Because all wages and benefits are paid by taxpayer dollars that are forcefully taken by the State. And finally...introducing Unions does not check or balance the employee-employer relationship one bit, when one of them...the business has legally regulated and under control, while the Unions are more free in their demands. To be more equal unions must be banned from political participation, and from making unreasonable demands upon being paid 75% of wage when you're laid off.....being paid for not working??? Only a Union could dream of that. And because of it, all of America pays with fewer jobs, and a lower quality of life.

  • 1 decade ago

    It should be the prerogative of the employer to decide how much to pay an employee. An employee gets paid based on his worth to the company. Unions create artificially high wages and put employers at a competitive disadvantage. Employees not satisfied with their jobs or pay can always look for another job.

    Government employees should not be allowed to join unions. Again wages are artificially high. Government workers do not produce any wealth for the country. Further government employees force people to pay higher taxes so their wages will be covered. We have way too many government employees.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    humorous, i do no longer understand the place you get your information from yet in basic terms 2 years in the past the so-noted as Conservatives have been following party traces WITH the Republicans and doing there terrific to assist ANY legislations that should supply amnesty to all illegals presently in this united states. The Democrats AND Liberals you're blaming are the two divided on the two aspects of the subject. And together as you probably did no longer use Bush or the Republicans as an occasion, the party for sure aligning themselves with the thought of Conservatism (and wrongly so) are the Republicans. no longer in basic terms that yet interior the final 2 an prolonged time do you recognize how many amnesty costs have been presented by using the so-noted as Conservative party? possibly you ought to attempt checking your information out till now you submit nonsensical made up accusations geared in the direction of slandering one political group circuitously. Your no longer almost as smart as you think of.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why is this recession so deep, and what can be done to reverse it?

    Hint: Go back about 50 years, when America’s middle class was expanding and the economy was soaring. Paychecks were big enough to allow us to buy all the goods and services we produced. It was a virtuous circle. Good pay meant more purchases, and more purchases meant more jobs.

    At the center of this virtuous circle were unions. In 1955, more than a third of working Americans belonged to one. Unions gave them the bargaining leverage they needed to get the paychecks that kept the economy going. So many Americans were unionized that wage agreements spilled over to nonunionized workplaces as well. Employers knew they had to match union wages to compete for workers and to recruit the best ones.


  • 1 decade ago

    First of all Govt jobs are not graded on performance, if they were everyone would be fired.

    Conservatives would never dream of working for the government in the capacity that you suggest.

    In a free market you have redress options since all your prior work evals were superior. The head of HR would make the rational decision that something else was up.

    Or, you would just find other work for another company if you ran into a boss that was holding you back, been there, done that.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is one cherry picked scenario which may or may not have a solution with in the organization without unions

    Now imagine your a health care town hall using your rights to assemble and be heard

    Now imagine because a specific union basically wrote the bill you are opposing some thugs from that union attack you and beat you

    What do Liberals think of this TRUE scenario?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Find a different job. That happens every day in life. Why would the government need unions anyway? Aren't they supposed to treat everybody fairly? Unions are a barnacle on the ship of life.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    For the same reason many Democrats (real Democrats, not Democratic Socialists) have turned against them.

    They are used by Socialists to pursue a Socialist agenda for the United States.

    When unions fight Socialism rather than let themselves be used, we'll support it. Until then, they have nothing but our contempt.

    Enough Socialism. Kick them back to their own party. I want mine back.

  • 1 decade ago

    In a Milwaukee Public School this week a teacher cut a little girls braid off because she kept playing with it in class. The teacher actually got a disorderly conduct ticket from the Milwaukee Police, but yet she was not even suspended as of yet much less fired for her actions thanks to the teachers union protecting worthless employees such as this one.

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