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What can we as the people of the United States do to stop government run health care?

I've been watching C-SPAN for months now, and these debates are really firing me up. I have heard senators say a certain items are not covered or covered in the bill, then other senators actually read the bill, and the bill dictates exactly the opposite of what the first senator was claiming the bill contained. I consider this the worst form of LYING. They are telling me that everything is going to be better for me, but the actual bill says it's going to make my life much worse. A recent poll I saw projected that less than 35% of Americans are in favor of this bill now. So why is this bill even on the floor? I am very concerned seeing as I am in the final years of med school, and I don't see much of a future for myself or my fellow classmates who are working so hard just to be allowed to help the people of this country when they are in need of it. And now the government wants to put a penny pinching bureaucrat between me and my future patients. Not alright!!! Does anyone know where I can find a FULL copy of the bill on the floor and all the amendments that have been added? For the people who want to stand up and tell our government NO, where can we go? What can the 65+% of United States citizens who disagree with what is happening do to stop this?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just wanted to say thank you for your answer to my new bill of rights question.You want the same thing I suggest in my question keep basic civil rights lose corruption and waste and the only way to achieve that is by starting with a totally new Congressional staff as well as a new leader.Witch brings me to answer this question.The only way we the people can stop the vote is to not re-elect those whom voted for it and replace those whom appose it.Thus allowing us the needed 60 votes to repeal that amendment and end that debate for a few more years.I myself not only want to take out those whom vote for this bill to be out but also would like anyone whom voted or votes for cap n trade to be out.Im from wisconsin and I can tell you that not one of my current Representatives will get my vote in mid-terms even if the person running against them would vote the same way.I just want new people those in witch aren't corrupt yet!!!.On that note I also would like to start a movement to limit congressional leaders to a 4 yr 2 term limit much like the president than we would not have nearly as many issues with corruption and we would be reassured that our leaders were working for us and not their lifetime goals of taking over the country and the world

    Source(s): Vote Stas A Urban for President in 2032
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The present health care bill has the approval of less than 35% of the American public. Obama knows that his best chance for "reform" is now and not after the next election. We are being forced into a program that is disastrous to our culture. The only saving grace is that most of it will not come into effect until 2014. The American public needs to remember which party forced us all to accept this train wreck and the only thing we can do is vote them out of office at the next possible time. The American public needs to realize that all these programs we have are not free and cost us in lost business and less jobs. Sometimes free government programs are very costly.

  • 1 decade ago

    You cannot find a copy of the bill because it is not finished yet; as late as last night there were more amendments being proposed:

    And it is not government-run health care. It's all about the insurance companies now, since there is no longer a public option (which would have been the government option) .

    And I had to laugh at your quote: "And now the government wants to put a penny pinching bureaucrat between me and my future patients." Just what the hell do you think insurance companies are currently?

  • mormon
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Indeed. The right position of presidency is to make certain that the humans are allowed to have interaction inside the unfastened marketplace and be covered from drive and fraud. A actual unfastened marketplace is like each person are competing in a tremendous stadium and the federal government appearing as an neutral referee. A executive takeover of wellbeing care is just like the referee throwing down his whistle and becoming a member of in a sport however remains to be making and imposing the principles. Thus whilst the sport turns into unfair because of their deficient judgment (can not play and referee even as) they simply difference the principles to fit them. Then they vociferously declare that the approach has failed. Though they're those whom have failed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, please stop the extremist rheotoric ok. Sounds to me like you are worried about your future salary and not the bill. 2nd, how old are you ha?? I don't care if you are in med school you are still talking foolish. Please do not bring up any poll percentages ok? They are not always accurate and different polls only ask certain groups of people. If you were down to earth and actually had any common sense, you would no that the poor or less fortunate are never asked there opinion about anything, nor do they follow politics, nor do all of them participate in polls. But I tell you what, they came out and voted this last election you know why? Cause they and many other people who voted this president in wanted change!! Hello???? You do not represent the opinions of many Americans and we liberals could care less about a poll that was most likely taken by your fellow med school students ok. What I suggest you do is to have some courage and find the closet minority, lower income neighborhood, or ghetto and walk down the streets or stop and ask those people their opinion on wanting free or affordable health care. Or you can find a working man or women who pays hundreds of dollars per month for health insurance for their family and does not have much left over.

    So until you do that, I suggest you keep your opinions to your self. YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW EVERONE ELSE IS FEELING ABOUT HEALTH CARE OK. I would ask if you are pleased with your health care, but I bet that your rich parents pay for yours and you have no idea what it is like to be grown ok.

  • 1 decade ago

    Government won't be running health care. The public option was taken out of the Senate bill. Government will only set rules and regulations for health care insurers and providers, like it does for any other American industry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh Gawd Yes! Save the World for the BILLIONAIRES who collect your insurance premiums!!!

    Come On Folks - Think of the BILLIONAIRES!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess you never heard of Medicare, Medicaid, social security, VA hospitals. No program is perfect. Stop worrying about your future income, I thought doctors just wanted to help people and not get rich.*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Demand that our thug politicians have the ame health care as we,er forced to have.

  • 1 decade ago

    email your senator and vote democrats out of office

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