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Dunfilly asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

What other sports/activities do you do besides riding?

I guess this is more like a poll question, but I was wondering if anyone participates in any other sports/activities/hobbies other than horseback riding? For example - we get lots of snow and ice in the winter, so no riding for me. I started riding snowmobiles a few years back, and I've found I really like it and it keeps me in great shape so when I start riding again in the Spring, it's much easier to prevent getting sore! I'm also involved in 4-H (4-H horse leader for 6 years). We're also looking at getting into Search and Rescue (both horses and snowmobiles).

Just a fun question!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a kid (through eighth grade), I played basketball at school in addition to riding. I was also involved in numerous non-riding events in 4-H (horse judging, hippology, and horse bowl), which I continued through high school. I spent one night a week at practice and went to multiple competitions through the national level, so it took a lot of my time. I didn't play basketball after 8th grade, but my twin sister did--so during the fall/winter, she barely got to ride since she had practice every day after school and games several nights a week. In college, I played intramural sports (field hockey in the fall and basketball in the spring) while riding on the IHSA team (four practices a week), though I didn't have my own horse at school. Now, I teach 3rd grade which should probably count as a sport in itself :). I still ride every day--I get to school at 6:30 (half an hour early) to prepare for the day, spend my 45 min.-1 hour planning period working and getting things done, and am usually able to leave around 3:15 or so, which allows me to make it to the barn before dark so that I can ride. If I have papers to grade, I do it early in the morning or at night.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It depends on the individual. None of us can tell you what your mule can or can't do. Some Arabs are hot-headed and some aren't. My horse is 14 and the laziest animal alive, but is 26 yr old buddy would love to gallop down a trail if we'd let him. All horses are individuals, they can't be judged by breed, age, or size. Almost any horse can trail ride, so you can do that. They can also be pretty good cart horses, and those are always fun.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not very sporty unfortunately, horse riding was really the only sport i did, as far as hobbies go I was up until last year an animation student, so i draw and paint the odd time as well.

    I enjoy a good night out on the tiles too :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Besides riding my own horse and riding all year round(inside arena). I take drum lessons. It helps a lot with controlling different parts of your body separately. I also work pushing carts at a large grocery store it's pretty hard work pushing so it keeps my legs strong. I also stretch out whenever I find time to do it so it keeps me flexible and less sore when I don't ride for a while.

    Source(s): Hpts
  • Karma
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hmm.. well I take Dance, I used to play Piano and take singing lessons but stopped recently, I aso draw/paint when I get a chance to :)

    *** ADD

    But then again i dont have the problem of snow during the winter because i live in Southern CA, so I ride year round.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a dog, I am a HUGE dog fan, just look at my Q&A, was a TC in dog section but lost the badge :( Miss it and trying to gain it back. Love horses too, just started out riding again, but before this, it was dogs. I like outdoors, and I participate in dog sports.

  • Julia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    None. I used to ski, but that is a very expensive hobby and I can only afford one drain on the wallet right now!

    As for staying in shape though, general barn chores keep me more than fit.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't. I would if I had time, but I don't. I would run track/cross country, but my time is taken up by riding. I also take piano lessons. The only time I have free time is when I can't ride, like right now, because I have a concussion, but I can't do any contact sports anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    I snowboard during the winter. Uses similar muscles and position as riding so it keeps me in shape.

  • 1 decade ago

    I swim for my school (it's a private school) and I used to be on a year round team...but then we got horses and i got to quit to clean stalls! :D i think that's a fair trade...

    I like swimming, though. It works all your core muscles and keeps me in shape when i can't get out to the barn.

    It also lets me have one extra curricular activity on my college app.

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