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I Need Things that are annoying! (Please answer)?

Ok so a few of my friends and I are going to start a YouTube channel... Hellannoying. We're basically talking about stuff that is... annoying! But we're sort of in a writer's block and need ideas, things that are annoying, get on your nerves, etc. So the only guidline is basically. keep it PG15 or lower. It can be teenage-ish. but not to adult-ish. know what im saying?

if you think of anymore ideas, like after the question expires, email me at

Also, if you give us an idea we can use, we will personally thank you in the Description.

So annoying things can be small everyday things for example:

-When you have a bag of candy, and someone ends up eating half the bag

-When your on the internet, playing a game or something, and the internet crashes.


So get those annoying things out of your system! I know everyone has at least one thing!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, I have a long litany of things that bother me. Here are a few.

    1) People who leave toothpaste in the sink. Seriously. The whole house can be filthy, and I don't really care. However, one little gob of toothpaste in the sink can ruin my day. It's not difficult to wash it down, people.

    2) When you are pouring a glass of milk, and weird flaky dried milk bits fall from the rim into your glass. Yuck.

    3) When someone cuts you off while driving (or pulls out in front of you) and then they honk at YOU like it's your fault.

    4) When people say "Eye"talian instead of Italian. (Mispronouncing the word Italian.)

    5) When people say "Q" pon instead of coupon. However, this is a regional thing, and people do it a lot near me!

    6) When the cola machine gives you the wrong thing, or it is sold out of the thing you want. Also, if you decide to get your money back from the machine, it spits the money out in quarters, even if you paid with a dollar. It just irks me, is all.

    7) Instant pudding takes 5 minutes to set. That is NOT instant.

    I have many, many more things that bother me. I will give you more if I think of them!

    Source(s): My experience with annoying people and things.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    the style of questions that get multiple solutions and the questions that do no longer are slightly stressful. I want greater human beings had the restraint to basically no longer answer some Q's via fact then the peoplel asking them could only pass away. BQ - those cases once you sense like area of a small Y!a team and each person is having exciting and getting a reliable giggle.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Something that annoys the hell outta me is when its Christmas and the people who want to get you a present ask you what you want / or tell you to go pick out your present and then wraps it for Christmas like if you didn't know what is was.

    Source(s): D:<
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