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pickles asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Who wants to rant?????????

this is the time to get all of those feelings off of your chest

ill go first

im tired of my friends who obviously do not care about of me

im sick of reaching out to them, all they do is spit on my thoughts and feelings

i wish i could be alone, and be comfortable being alone

all i want is my family to be happy and for me to be happy

i wish all of my friends would just finally end it so i wouldn't have to cry everyday wishing they would talk to me

i don't even know why i call them friends...they are nothing

i have no friends


now i feel better


and i kindly ask for no one to bash any other persons rants

this is just away to make people feel better

thank you.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well i got some things to rant about

    1: (this is about religion so if you would be offended please skip this one) im personally agnostic meaning that i have no faith. i chose this because every belief system out there does not contain a way to tell how everything got started it began its story after the beginning. for example Atheism proposes the big bang theory which basically states that there was a big ball of matter that exploded well where did the big ball of matter come from people??????? also Judaism, Christianity, islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and countless others say that the God(s) created the universe. well then where did the the God(s) come from????????

    2: why are we spending so much money on jails? i mean really there are people out there who are starving and living in cardboard boxes while we spend money on cable TVs and heaters for murderers and rapists! all i gotta say is why????????

    3: i recently say those bell dingalinger guys outside of my grocery store dingaling away for charities. now every other year they've all been dressed up in santa claus costumes but this year they weren't dressed up at all. so i went and asked the guy why he wasn't making with the fake beard and red suit. he told me that in order to be politically correct they cut the santa act. this annoys me because i have to ask myself who is so offended by a guy dressed up as santa trying to collect money for CHARITY! i mean Coke-a-Cola puts santa on their cans every year and no one stops drinking Coke because of it! i mean this no more santa thing is a load of bunk!

    thanks for listening to my rant you've all been great!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm tired of doing the same thing day after day and not being able to do much about it.

    I need a job and I'm tired of my family reminding me about that fact like I don't already know. I want a job because then I would have something to do. I just don't want a job I hate like so many people I know.

    I'm tired of people telling me I have no problems because I'm only 19. Just because I don't go on and on about my problems doesn't mean I don't have them and my age doesn't have anything to do with it.

    I know we all have problems some more than others there is nothing I can do about that but I wish I could.

    I hate seeing my family struggling to get by with money but what can you do.

    I'm 19 yet I look years younger and I hate the fact that that's all people see when they look at me. Instead of seeing me.

    I'm tired of always feeling like I'm the one that has to keep my family together, that should be my mom and dad's job but they have to much to do and I don't want to lose any of them.

    I hate the fact that I don't have that good of a relationship with some of the people in my family even though I try to.

    I have tried to fix most of these problems yet nothing ever seems to help. I'm really getting tired of life in general and I'm only 19. Im pretty much tired of everything at this point. I just wish everyone could be happy for a change.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    My mom and brother don't listen to me anymore. Mum always stops paying attention and asks me what I said a few seconds after I finish a 5-minute-long story from my day after she ASKS about my day! And then I was telling my brother something, and my mom just interrupted me mid-sentence, when it was very clear I was speaking. Yet, whenever I do anything remotely close to those, she gets mad at me, while I have to resort to ranting on here or to the walls in my bedroom. Then there's so much stress and homework. I have two long assignments due tomorrow, and one project due on Monday. And my mom is pressuring me to raise my C+ in Social Studies to an A+, and my A- in Science to an A+. On top of that, I feel like one of my close friends is distancing herself, and she seems really sad ad it suck SO much that I can't help her! And I keep telling my mom that I have ADHD because I have the symptoms and I should get it confirmed by a doctor, but she never believes me! Now I'm plagued my insomnia, possible bipolar disorder, eczema, possible ADHD, and anxiety. My life is just spiraling out of control so fast and I don't know what to do.

  • Lucy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I wish I could rant, but I am so tired tonight.

    Yes, I am tired, I work hard. I am tired of working hard, especially cleaning, al the time.

    Cleaning after people who don't care and make a mess.

    I am tired of not being acknowledged according to my true value.

    I am fed up with prejudices. I wish people would be more objective.

    I have more to say, but I will stop here.

    Source(s): lk
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree with your rant.........we really don't have real friends...they are instead acquaintances..

    a friend will get up in the middle of the night to help you, a friend loves you, a friend is your pal.

    but most people dont have friends.....people are simply not that giving.......the closest thing to a friend would be your wife or husband.....but even they can let you down,.....

    but there is one who is closer than a brother........He is the Lord Jesus Christ and because of Him we do not have to fear death...for He has over come the grave that we who believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting His Kingdom......

    Source(s): the Holy bible....the very word of GOD!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay go ahead and rant. We all need to sometimes. Sorry I have nothing to rant about right now.

    My only rant is I don't have any sesame seeds and I need some....

  • 1 decade ago

    Got rants in muh pants, 'n Ah gots ta dance!

    Source(s): You gots to funkafize!
  • 1 decade ago

    The wife bugs the crap out of me. She says the most facile, fatuous crap and then is shocked when people get offended

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Rant number one: People expecting others to feel the same and desire the same as themselves. And, if others don't feel the same and desire the same then WE ARE WRONG? NOT! Thanks so much. ♥♥

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