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I don't want to make my character Mary-Sue. (deatails inside)?

Haha, perfect shot!” I called to my brother. We were practicing archery. My mom had no idea what we were doing, and it probably needed to stay that way. Just like it always had. I was a princess, and princesses weren’t supposed to know how to defend themselves. Of course, this made no difference to me. But, to my mom who was trying to find me a husband, it was a big deal. I wasn’t supposed to fight, I was supposed to have perfect manners, I was supposed to always wear a dress, this is what “normal” princesses were like. But, I wasn’t normal. I was a tomboy, which was something that my mom seemed to never be able to accept.

“Honestly, Zillah, I have no idea how you always do that!” My brother told me in amazement as he ran up. We always practice our fighting skills together, and it still amazes him how I always do better than him.

“Well, maybe if you practiced….” I trailed off in joking sarcasm. I’m known in my family for this, as is my brother. Half the time no one else gets it, but if one of us uses it, the other busts out laughing which is exactly what my brother was doing now.

“Right Zillah, like I don’t work my butt of every day. Your not in training and yet your still better than me. Are you using a charm or something?” My brother was telling me this as he was still trying to catch his breath from laughing.

“I’ve told you a million times before, when I practice with you I use no charms, or spells. That would be cheating, and I know that would upset your unbalanced temper.” This sent him into another spasam of laughter.

“Zillah Isabelle Burshwick, Michael Sampson Burshwick, you two get in here right this minute!” We heard our mom calling us from a distance, she sounded furious, so we grabbed our stuff and took off.


“Goodness, look at you two! You are both an absolute mess! What were you doing?” We had dropped off our stuff in the indoor practice courts before coming into the castle. Unfortunately, we had forgotten to change our clothes.

“Zillah, why aren’t you in a dress. I told you that when we have guests, especially guests with possible husbands for you, over that you need to look presentable. Go upstairs, and clean yourself up. Layla already has your bath ready, and I set the dress that I wanted you to wear out.”

“What if I don’t want to wear that dress?” I retorted back to my mother, standing up to my full height of 5 feet 7 inches, which is a good three inches taller than my mom. Once again, she was trying to force me to be someone that I wasn’t, this always made me furious and I didn’t mind intimidating her even for a few seconds, to try and get my way. I knew that my stormy, gray-blue eyes, were shining with ferocity right now. I felt myself tense all over and my hands ball up into fists. I began to grit my teeth.

“Tonight, I don’t care what you want, you are going to wear that dress.” My mother was about to crack I could feel it. I could taste the fractured atmosphere on my lips. I knew that victory was underway. Even if she didn’t agree, if I showed up to dinner in my tunic and pants, then my mother wouldn’t care. She would be able to do nothing about it, which she knew.

“No I am not. You cannot force me into it.” I was furious, even though I knew that I was winning, I had to keep fighting with full force. Otherwise, I would lose, or come very close to it.

“Go to your room and get changed and cleaned up immediately, both of you. Our guests are going to be here any second.” My mother was avoiding it. She knew that I had won, but she wasn’t planning on admitting it.

“Alright, I’ll go change and clean up. But, I won’t come back down in a dress.” I said this as I walked away with my head held high. I had learned this trick from my father. By doing this, I was telling my mother, “And that’s final, no matter what.”


I could hear our guests waiting in the main hallway talking to my parents, obviously they had just arrived. They were talking to my parents. It was impossible to tell how many of them there were, but it sounded like more than just one family.

“Hey, you ready to go in there? Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you weren’t going to wear a dress tonight.” I had heard my brother’s footsteps come up behind me. I had just chosen to ignore him.

“I guess so. Am I ever kidding when I say I’m not going to wear a dress? Ugh, never mind, let’s just go in there and get it over with. Obviously, mom got as many possible husbands to come tonight as she could. Sounds like she’s looking for you a wife too.” I was turning around as I said this so as not to let my voice carry into the other room. Although I was talking in a whisper, I prefered not to let anyone hear me. So, I did everything to reduce the sound of my voice.

“Haha, I guess that’s true. I don’t care if she’s looking to find me a wife. I know I’m going to need one sooner or


I guess what I'm trying to ask is what kind of things would be good personality flaws for a princess I have anger issues, and very opinionated. I'm not trying to make her a vain person, or stuck up, I'm new to this, I guess I'm just looking for good flaws in my character....

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nice story!

    To answer your question, I'd say first of all, look at your character. Is he/she unrealistic? Does his/her level of talent or skill fit your story's current setting, or the amount of education he/she would have had in their lives? If not, then you might be making your character too much of a mary sue/gary smith (ie. the perfect person). Don't worry about it! These issues can always be fixed in characters, especially if an author has the mind to do so. If you're still unsure, you can check out the mary sue test here:

    Good luck!

  • Details, not much just an expert but so much grammar issues. First off: my full height of 5 feet 7 inches

    Never give exact measurements. This is what am amateur does. Say for instance: An average height around five feet and some inches.

    “Alright, I’ll go change and clean up. But, I won’t come back down in a dress.” I said this as I walked

    Eliminate: this. And this character is starting to act the a stuck up brat, thats okay if you wish her to be that, but other than that a no-no.

    “I guess so. Am I ever kidding when I say I’m not going to wear a dress? Ugh, never mind, let’s just go in there and get it over with. Obviously, mom got as many possible husbands to come tonight as she could. Sounds like she’s looking for you a wife too.”

    This is too much overload, break it up into regular dialogue and eliminate ugh. Show not tell. Explain how she groaned.

    I knew that my stormy, gray-blue eyes, were shining with ferocity right now.

    This girl praises herself too much and pays attention to much.

    Write gray blue and later on explain in dialogue how she saw herself in a mirror, clouded eyes.

    . But, I wasn’t normal. I was a tomboy, which was something that my mom seemed to never be able to accept.

    This girl is now praising herself by saying IM NOT NORMAL, meaning that tomboys aren't normal. Again show and don't tell.

    She isn't quite a Mary-Sue she is an ignorant, overrated, selfish, vain girl. This overall doesn't seem realistic. Brush up on it. :) 4/10 Thats okay. Think of this as room to improve and good critisism.

    Source(s): Published Author
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why is your fantasy character acting and talking exactly like a 21st century teen in the real world?

    Why does a princess have a surname?

    In a world where archery is a fighting skill (implying a pretty low level of technology), how can her mum get loads of potential husbands to come over just for the evening?

    Why are her fighting skills better than her brother's? Is he incompetent or lazy? Girls are not as good at physical skills as boys. They just aren't. Especially when the boy's being trained and the girl isn't.

    And why do her parents not simply _make_ her behave in an appropriate manner? Either she's in a society where it's OK for girls to fight and not wear dresses and there wouldn't be all this fuss, or she isn't, and they'd enforce it.

    She's a Mary Sue. Decide how princesses behave in your universe and have her behave that way. If she wants to try archery, have her sneak out and do it in secret. She'll be rubbish at it compared to her brother who trains for real every day. Have her face consequences for her rudeness and defiance. Her mother can do nothing about it? How about having the kid whipped and sent to bed without food? I doubt they have CPS.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Mary Sue Litmus Test:

    It's not /that/ egregious, although your story is not yet very original, but watch for things like "stormy gray-blue eyes." Nobody (and I mean nobody) says things like that. Well, except maybe Paris Hilton. And always be careful to give your characters flaws.

    On the other hand, you know what a Mary Sue is, which is a great first step. There was this other poster on here who spent 600 words describing her character, about 550 of which were about her appearance. Oy vey. You? Much better than that. I wish you good luck! Also, read "Dealing with Dragons" for how to write a charming story about an atypical princess.

  • Eden
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Whoa! I just read this on WF, like, 5 minutes ago!


    Sorry, way off topic, I'll edit it later so it's an actual answer..

  • 1 decade ago

    its a great story. but i dont get your question that you had to go with it

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