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I love to write, if you do too, then join the website below It's free to join, and is always welcome for other writers to join. You can post the stuff that you've written on there and get feed-back from other members.

  • How can you tell that a guy is interested in you?

    Just out of curiosity...I'm a 15 year old girl and I can't tell if guys like me or not...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what this is from?

    I watched this...I know it! But, I can't remember what movie it is...

    This link gives a picture from the movie:

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is it hard to teach yourself to play the guitar?

    I really want to learn to play the acoustic guitar. It's always been one of those things that eats at the back of my mind. I already play the violin, but I can't sing while I do that. Right now, I don't even have a guitar. I'm just curious to know if it's hard to teach yourself to play the guitar. Please and thank you.!

    7 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • I think I need mental help....?

    I told my mom already, and I think that she's waiting to take me to a doctor because she feels that it is just stress...

    I'm a middle aged teen if that helps any....

    Lately, I find myself to be zoning out. I can't sleep at night and I'm always really tense. I play volleyball and run track and I also play the violin, so when I'm tense, I always come really close to pulling muscles....

    I'm not sure about any of these things. I've had thoughts of suicide once, and it was of drowning myself while I took a bath which I attempted to didn't work....

    I feel sometimes like the world is against me, and then other times, I act happy, but on the inside I'm really upset.

    I'm not sure what's going on with my life...I'm confused, and lost, and I think I need help.

    I feel crazy....and I can't relax or got to sleep....

    Please help me!!!

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I'm curious about asthma. I think I have it.?

    I was just wondering first off, if asthma can be caused from exercise and allergies, if so, then please explain or give me a link.

    I'm not positive if I have it, but I think I might. Should I go and get it checked out?

    Please, give me some links on asthma and answer my questions if possible. I will choose the answer that best helps me. Thanks all!!! :)

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Unusual names for my character? Please?

    Ok. So, my character is going to be 14/15. She's a girl, and is best friends with the main character, whose name is Lillian, Lilly for short. So, I was just wondering if you had any ideas for her name. I prefer something that's kind of oldish. And I want it to be unique. Please also a nickname. All help is appreciated. I'll pick the best answer.

    I had Evangeline, but Ev wasn't a very good nickname....

    I also have Harmony, but I can't have a nickname for her....

    Please help me!!! O_O

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Clothes question (20 characters)?

    Ok. I'm kind of a weird girl. I'm 14 and play the violin. And most musicians dress weird. I'm not trying to fit in either. I'm naturally out there and my mom is finally letting me express myself. So....I'm just wondering where I can find clothes with a kind of weird style. Specifically in the dallas area. Link to sites so that I can see the clothes there would be great.

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Is this a good poem from a 14 year old?

    Three Words Changed It all....

    I look at you

    you look away.

    I text you;

    the reply is "Go away."

    You hate me for loving you.

    But, how can I not?

    I mean, look at you.

    I bump into you

    by accident,

    but you don't

    even give me a glance.

    To you I am

    nothing but air.

    But to me you

    are my everything.

    Why don't you realize

    my love for you?

    What have I done

    to recieve such

    feelings from you?

    We used to talk

    and laugh for hours,

    but three words

    have turned into a disaster.

    I say that I like you

    and everything is changed.

    Now you ignore me,

    and my heart is breaking.

    Please look at me,

    I beg of you.

    I don't want to die,

    with love like this.

    Text me,

    look at me,

    make me laugh.

    I want to be

    what we were again.

    I can't stand to be

    around you with

    no feeling of return.

    I hate that you can't stand

    to look at me anymore.

    I know I upset you,

    but accept what

    I have to say.

    I apologize for

    making things this way.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • I need help with a name for my character.(Details inside)?

    Ok. So, I'm writing a short story/hopeful novel and I need help with a name for my character. She is going to have medium long red hair, hazel eyes, and freckles. Her personality is kind of hard to explain but she is the main character's best friend. The main character has blue gray eyes that go from a murky blue/sea gray to a blue green and her hair is dirty blonde, and rests on her shoulders. The main character loves to laugh and is a violinist. Both of the characters are in the 8th grade and are best friends. So, my question is this can: someone give me first and last name's for these two characters? Please help me...I'm seriously stuck.....

    Thanks to all who answer and I'll choose the best answer as to who gives me a name I can use.

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is static electricity?

    Ok, so I was just wondering what is static electricity. Mind you, I am only 14. I guess my main question is how does it get onto things like combs, or hair, or balloons, and things like that? Is it more attracted to certain things? Stuff like that. Also, if you know how to get rid of it that would be great too!!! As simple an explaination as possible would be nice.....Please and thank you!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • I don't want to make my character Mary-Sue. (deatails inside)?

    Haha, perfect shot!” I called to my brother. We were practicing archery. My mom had no idea what we were doing, and it probably needed to stay that way. Just like it always had. I was a princess, and princesses weren’t supposed to know how to defend themselves. Of course, this made no difference to me. But, to my mom who was trying to find me a husband, it was a big deal. I wasn’t supposed to fight, I was supposed to have perfect manners, I was supposed to always wear a dress, this is what “normal” princesses were like. But, I wasn’t normal. I was a tomboy, which was something that my mom seemed to never be able to accept.

    “Honestly, Zillah, I have no idea how you always do that!” My brother told me in amazement as he ran up. We always practice our fighting skills together, and it still amazes him how I always do better than him.

    “Well, maybe if you practiced….” I trailed off in joking sarcasm. I’m known in my family for this, as is my brother. Half the time no one else gets it, but if one of us uses it, the other busts out laughing which is exactly what my brother was doing now.

    “Right Zillah, like I don’t work my butt of every day. Your not in training and yet your still better than me. Are you using a charm or something?” My brother was telling me this as he was still trying to catch his breath from laughing.

    “I’ve told you a million times before, when I practice with you I use no charms, or spells. That would be cheating, and I know that would upset your unbalanced temper.” This sent him into another spasam of laughter.

    “Zillah Isabelle Burshwick, Michael Sampson Burshwick, you two get in here right this minute!” We heard our mom calling us from a distance, she sounded furious, so we grabbed our stuff and took off.


    “Goodness, look at you two! You are both an absolute mess! What were you doing?” We had dropped off our stuff in the indoor practice courts before coming into the castle. Unfortunately, we had forgotten to change our clothes.

    “Zillah, why aren’t you in a dress. I told you that when we have guests, especially guests with possible husbands for you, over that you need to look presentable. Go upstairs, and clean yourself up. Layla already has your bath ready, and I set the dress that I wanted you to wear out.”

    “What if I don’t want to wear that dress?” I retorted back to my mother, standing up to my full height of 5 feet 7 inches, which is a good three inches taller than my mom. Once again, she was trying to force me to be someone that I wasn’t, this always made me furious and I didn’t mind intimidating her even for a few seconds, to try and get my way. I knew that my stormy, gray-blue eyes, were shining with ferocity right now. I felt myself tense all over and my hands ball up into fists. I began to grit my teeth.

    “Tonight, I don’t care what you want, you are going to wear that dress.” My mother was about to crack I could feel it. I could taste the fractured atmosphere on my lips. I knew that victory was underway. Even if she didn’t agree, if I showed up to dinner in my tunic and pants, then my mother wouldn’t care. She would be able to do nothing about it, which she knew.

    “No I am not. You cannot force me into it.” I was furious, even though I knew that I was winning, I had to keep fighting with full force. Otherwise, I would lose, or come very close to it.

    “Go to your room and get changed and cleaned up immediately, both of you. Our guests are going to be here any second.” My mother was avoiding it. She knew that I had won, but she wasn’t planning on admitting it.

    “Alright, I’ll go change and clean up. But, I won’t come back down in a dress.” I said this as I walked away with my head held high. I had learned this trick from my father. By doing this, I was telling my mother, “And that’s final, no matter what.”


    I could hear our guests waiting in the main hallway talking to my parents, obviously they had just arrived. They were talking to my parents. It was impossible to tell how many of them there were, but it sounded like more than just one family.

    “Hey, you ready to go in there? Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you weren’t going to wear a dress tonight.” I had heard my brother’s footsteps come up behind me. I had just chosen to ignore him.

    “I guess so. Am I ever kidding when I say I’m not going to wear a dress? Ugh, never mind, let’s just go in there and get it over with. Obviously, mom got as many possible husbands to come tonight as she could. Sounds like she’s looking for you a wife too.” I was turning around as I said this so as not to let my voice carry into the other room. Although I was talking in a whisper, I prefered not to let anyone hear me. So, I did everything to reduce the sound of my voice.

    “Haha, I guess that’s true. I don’t care if she’s looking to find me a wife. I know I’m going to need one sooner or

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Era's of music? (details inside)?

    I was just curious about the different eras of music, the composers of that time, ect. I'm kind of new to this I was just wondering. Please don't make it too technical......

    1 AnswerClassical1 decade ago
  • Do you like the rain? (details inside)?

    Do you like the rain a lot? If so why do you like it so much?

    If you don't then why do you not like it?

    I love the rain because it makes the world so fresh. It smells good and feels good. I wish it would always rain..... :)

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I'm Claustrophobic......I'm not really sure what to do?

    Ok, I'm pretty sure that I'm claustrophobic....and I'm not sure what to do when I get in that sort of situation.....all you claustrophobic people, what do you do????

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I play the violin and I was wonder if I should go to a performing arts school?

    Ok I'm going to be a freshman next year, I've been playing the violin for about 10 years now, so I was just wondering what a school for the preforming arts is like? Does anyone think it would be good for me?

    Opinions anyone. Please help me!!!

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • What do girls put in their purses(I'm a girl)?

    I'm 14, and I want to know what most girls put in their purses at this age???

    13 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Where can I get some cute uggs at?

    I need some cute uggs....what store can I go to. I live near Dallas Texas and would prefer not to order online. What is the best store to go to in that area???

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I'm very well built and athletic(details inside)?

    Ok, everyone.....

    I'm a very athletic 14 year old my school that I'm at I'm labeled as a tomboy. I'm very artistic, I love music, and I don't think that I'm all that pretty.....I'm trying to change my image to where I'm still a tomboy, but not fully.....where should I go to get clothes since I'm athletic or what's something that I could do to change my image???

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Do you like my poem??? (20 characters)?

    My best friend forever,

    the love of my life.

    My escape to my dreams,

    and my tears when I cry.

    The arms that hold me when I can't stand up,

    what I run to when I'm down in the dumps.

    My drug, my life line, and all that I have.

    The best thing ever created is just a simple sound.

    My light house that is on the shore,

    shining it's light for my path back home.

    It's my map for life,

    my hopes and my dreams.

    Music is my sweet serenity.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do you like my poem? I need to know.?


    It starts by flowing into your ear.

    It picks you up and then you float both far and near.

    You drift along on its gentle waves,

    And you let it carry you forever away.

    The sound of it can make you cry.

    Though when you listen,

    You feel as if you could fly.

    The sound of it is pure and sweet.

    And can take you and sweep you off your feet.

    But when it’s done and you start to applaud,

    All that you can think of is the joy it brought.

    It lets you escape from your worry and pain,

    And takes you around like a children’s game.

    You wish that it would never end,

    And you begin to think of it like a loving, calming, gentle friend.

    Please I need a honest opinion...I just recently got into poetry. I'm not trying to use age as an excuse but I'm only 13 and I can take criticism

    Please help and give your honest opinion!!! Thank you!!!!

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago