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What to do with a 14 y/o?

I am at my wits end with what to do with my 14 y/o granddaughter. I have guardianship of her and her 2 sisters since my daughter works out of town.

Tonight she and her 11 y/o sister were messing around and knocked over my Christmas tree, breaking it. No apology from her and acted like it was nothing.

Yesterday was mouthing off and had an attitude from H E L L. I slapped her when she put her hands on her hips and kept mouthing off to me. Yes I know I shouldnt have done that!

She is always making fun of her 13 y/o sister who is overweight calling her really bad names and hurting her feelings.

She really thinks her stuff doesnt stink and I cant take anymore.

She loves her makeup and I thought about taking all of it away from her, taking her T.V. and cell phone away from her until she can act like a human again.

Just need some ideas please.


Alex I take it that you are either a punk little boy or a man with no kids. I bought the **** and I can take it away!!!

If I had to vote for the worst answer it would go to you. Or Frankie his is about as intelligent as yours.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Take away those things that are making her feel so superior to everyone else. I'll bet she'll realize that she's not such hot sh*t once all her make up and communications are gone. But seriously, if you send a 14y/o to school with out any make up...she will smarten up real quick. That's practically a nightmare. She will know you mean Business then. Just be prepared for a backlash like you can't imagine. She's going to be verrrry angry, WILL get your point across.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a 14 year old girl and I have to say she is a brat. I personally think taking her cell phone make up and T.V. away would make her mad at you but it would show her you are the boss and you aren't playing around and I think in the long run it would work very effectively. Just make sure you tell her exactly why you are taking those things away from her. When my mom and dad take things away it works for me.

    Hope I helped.

    Source(s): Im a 14 year old girl
  • 1 decade ago

    Ok I am 12 so u know how we think ok what you gotta do is lecture and explain what she is doing and punish her tell her why your doing it and take away her phone for a week and in that week if she's worse make it 2 go up to 3 weeks then add grounding her for a week eventually she will learn her leson trust me or give spankins

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, all 14 year olds act like that.

    Second, you aren't her parent, and if you're taking care of her you're doing it badly. Knocking over a christmas tree deserves a huge lecture.

    Hitting, also BAD. And illegal. Pretty sure there are other ways to teach than to hit, that's about as childish as her!

    Take stuff away, lecture, make them listen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Too far gone already, she will smarten up around 30. Until then it will be sex, cursing, drinking, and credit cards.

    Haha frankie, that probably won't shock her because she has probably had sex already. Only a guess, but i know the type, gonna show mom and dad whose boss and go screw every guy in town.

    Horrible world eh.

    Source(s): I study the attack on the White family perpetrated by the Jews in Washington and Hollywood.
  • 1 decade ago

    you need to lecture her, and just start yelling at her if you need to. at that age, she think she's cool and she knows what she's doing. you need to tell her if she keeps acting like a smartass, she can get in trouble.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hitting -illegal

    And it also isnt your right to take away their stuff, not even parents can do thhat

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd have sex with her! Or have sex in front of her. She'll shut up then...

    ... but then again, i'm not related to her.

    ROFL sorry, couldn't resist.

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