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Lv 44,454 points

Hannah Boo

Favorite Answers12%
  • Called in sick and my boss doesn't believe me.?

    So to put it lightly my bowls have been backed up for two weeks now, which has in a natural course of events lead to my current constipation. I drank 4oz of prune juice and took a laxative and have now been up all night releaveing myself. On top of that the constipation has made me nauseous, so I've thrown up a couple of times. I told my self if I felt better I would go to work no questions asked but lo and behold Im still curled over in pain and getting sick. I had plans with my boyfriend to go out of town after the weekend when I got off work (which have unfortunately been postponed), I was excited for them so obviously I talked about my plans yesterday at work. I think you see where I'm going with this, when I called in sick my boss said verbatim "this real puts stress on the team, especially after everyone heard about your weekend plans yesterday". I've aploigised many times and I do understand where he is coming from. How do I make sure he knows I would be there if I could but am currently just in a lot of pain?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Iud and sex?

    So I want to switch from hormonal birth control to a non hormonal iud. Hormonal birth control and I don't mix well but I still want to remain baby free and iud looks like a nice option. However my boyfriend and I like to occasionally engage in some rough sex and I'm concerned that the iud may cause some pain to myself or him. If that is the case than I will smile through the hormonal birth control until we are ready for children in 5 yeas or so. Will an iud cause pain to either of us and what are any other cautions you may want to throw in? Thanks!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • My twitter location was off.?

    Last night it showed that I had tweeted from a town 5 minutes away from me. I was in my house so I'm confused as to why it said I was somewhere else...

    2 AnswersOther - Computers7 years ago
  • Do I confront my boy friend about this?

    So he left to take a test and I was just browsing around on his computer. A message popes up form iMessage from his friend. I went to look at it and reply to his friend if I could he wouldn't mind. I could see that he had texted his ex back in January. Idk so I wasn't anything bad but I got a little snoopy which I shouldn't have it's just she's really pretty and I get jealous by that. They hung out in the same group in high school so most of the messages were like when he was home and she would like try and find a party or something like no big deal. There were two that are like four months old that bother me. They had seen each other at this parter and the first was "it was really good seeing you tonight" she replied you too. The second one was "I shouldn't say this but you looked really cute tonight". She just replied thanks. I was snooping so I know that's my wrong and I know he wouldn't cheat on me but the text really bother me. They were before thanks giving but still. Do I own up to my wrong and just talk to him about it when he gets home? Thanks

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • How do you get your stuff back from an ex friend who says its not yours?

    Well we did every thing together and we had a falling out. I have a bag of all her things and I asked her that if when I brought them to her she would give me all my things, she said yes. The thing is when ever I would go to her house I would see things that were mine and tell her they were mine and she would say no or that they were someone else! My best example would be my favorite pajama pants I let her wear one time that she will now not give back no matter how many times I say hey those are mine. Today I saw a picture of her on face book in another state wearing a dress of mine (that she would have never been able to afford, not being rude just speaking the truth) I didn't even know she had or how she got it. So I decided to tell her on face book for every one to see that I had been looking for it. There was also this really nice shirt of mine she had again I don't know how she got it but when she returned it to me it was ruined and not wearable any more. Our other two friends are no longer friends with her either and they are having the same problem. One has said that she thinks this girl out right takes stuff from her house and now I'm starting to believe it especially after this whole face book thing today. What do I do she has allot of my really nice things and like half my wardrobe!

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How can I skip my period for a month?

    Okay I know this sounds dumb but here it goes... My senior prom is the 27th of this month and doing that whole 28 day calculation thing I'm going to start right before that. I don't want to have to worry about my period during prom that would suck. Not only that but my boy friend is going to be here and he's long distance and I don't want my period getting in the way of... Anything (don't judge). I know BC (birth control) pill can stop it but the thing is I've never takin birth control and it takes a few month to regulate before you can successfully control your period. Is there any way(s) that I can stop my period from coming this month or make it come a week or two earlier so I'm not on it for the last dance of my high school existence?? Btw I got off my most recent period yesterday idk if that will help or not but theres that just incase! Thank you:)

    5 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • How do I fix this fight with my parents?

    Hi... Well I haven't been here in a while so I really need help.

    Umm Im a senior in hs and I failed one test and there beyond mad because my grade in math dropped. Despite telling them that I went in to talk to the teacher and I can re take it they are still mad. My mom told me she checked my grades earlier today and that the grade showed I was failing the class but when I checked the grade book showed I had a D. In this class test count for allot of my grade so failing hurt my grade allot. I've prepared my self and am ready to retake it and then my grade will go back to where it was. Not only that but all my other grades are where my parents expect them to be. On top of that I have my first hour off and I slept into day and didn't make it to second hour (my first class of the day). There mad about that and my moms saying she wakes me up every day. Yeah she calls but I have usually been up for 30 minutes by that point. I told my mom that and now she's mad that I said by the time she calls I'm usually up. There really mad and I'm not sure what do do... Help is appreciated!!


    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • what is the slope between (8,-1) and (-7,4)?

    Help please and thank you:)

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • How do I quit the cheer team? When I can't stand the coach?

    My Coach is bipolar. Seriously she will say one thing one minute and want us to do the exact opposite then next. I can't stand it my best friend is on the team with me and my coach doesn't like her because of her mom and something that happened between them. One day she told me I shouldn't be friend with her. I told her that kind of wasn't an option because she is my best friend and so my coach tole me she was going to tell my mom and dad on me if I continued to be her friend. I told her to go ahead because my parents love her, she isn't a bad girl she is like a really good girl so she isn't a bad influence on me. When my best friend isn't in the room my coach will talk $hit on her and make up these lies and tell us all things things that aren't true. Either way tho she is the adult she is the coach and talking about one of your athletes to the rest of the team is extremely unprofessional. She will tell us to confront girls if we have a problem with them one minute and when we do she tells us we cant to it. If things don't go her way like the boys loose or something she gets mad and goes crazy. When she's mad she yells and makes no sense and rambles on about random $hit for a solid hour or two and we all just sit there like wow. One of the girls has already quit and every one on the team has talked about it. I have been thinking about weather I wanted to for a few days now and I have decided it is whats best for me. I'm going into her office to quit today. What I really want to say is "You are the most unprofessional coach I have ever encountered in my entire life. You act like your a teenager when in reality your 40 who cares if this girl breaks up with her boyfriend and then gets back together with him the next day. She doesn't let that effect the team but you do. You need to do some serious growing up before you can even begin to be a successful coach." Then I would put my uniforms down on her desk and walk out. Now I know that's not okay to say but what could I say that is along those lines and is kind of an FU to her? P.S I'm a senior and I've been putting up with this my who high school career and I can't take it anymore.

    3 AnswersOther - Sports8 years ago
  • What do I do when a girl on my team keeps trying to start false drama and roomers.?

    K well I am a senior and a captain along with my best friend well call her (D.J). Well There is this sophomore on the team and it's her first year on the team. First she asks if we had "heard that D.J. had cheated on her ex boyfriend with like a few different guys before they broke up" I stopped her right there told it her it was a lie and called the guys she had calmed the D.J. cheated on her ex with then and there and they all said that they have never done anything with D.J. So that disproved that. Then That same day she goes "hey Hannah are you and ____ still dating?" and right then I was like what a dumb question we both just changed our relationship status to single Friday so of course she knows we aren't dating. But the thing is he is going through so much with his family it's a total mess so WE decided to break up and wait till every thing is figured out because he doesn't want me to be in the middle of it. We still talk every day and everything like I'm still apart of his life he still says he loves me, I just want to be one less worry while he figures things out. So anyways she has no idea the deal with that. So when she asked I was all like "no" and she was like "okay just checking because he hooked up with _____ on Saturday" and I was like "alright well if he did he would have told me but nice try" and she was just like "OOOkay" so then I asked my ex and the girl and they both said no they were at the same house that night but nothing happened they both said it with out knowing I asked the other person. I also asked his best friend and he told me that he was with my ex all night and wasn't ever not with him so if something happened he would have known. So that was lie number 2 from this girl. I told my coach and she said she will do every thing she can to stop it and go as far as she has to stop it. But like if this girl is still on the team IDK how to handle it like I don't even want to look at a person. How do I make it through the year with a drama starter?? Like help seriously!!!

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How do I upload pictures on Facebook?

    So I updated my iPhone and when it was done it asked if I would like Facebook to have access to my pictures. I clicked no being dumb and all thinking that Facebook could get my pictures off my phone when ever. But no that's not what it meant at all. So now I can't upload pictures of my Facebook through my phone which is sort of a problem. I went into setting and picture setting and I still couldn't figure it out!! Like idk I tried to change it on my computer but like I can still upload pictures on my computer so it wasn't an option. I need to be able to upload off my phone HELP!!!

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • Abortion... Where do you stand with it, and why?

    That's all let the debate begin!!

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What are some good just because gifts for my parents?

    K so my parents are great I've always lived privileged my whole life both my sister and I. We have always been blessed with great things cloths phones ect. They are so loving and support us in every thing they do. They are good role models they are just good people and they have a good relationship and take pride in keeping it strong to show my sister and I what a GREAT relationship. should be like when the time is right... I want to show them my appreciation and how much I love them. MY dad is kind, funny and into golfing, fishing, BBQing, good food, being with friends and family, and good music. My mom is sweet, karing, she is a teacher and loves it, loves to read, good coffee, being with friend family, running, and her favorite flower are tulips.

    If anyone can come up with some good gift ideas for them with the things I've told you I would appreciate! Thanks:) 10 points to best answer:D

    2 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • How to get a guys attention on Facebook?

    Serious answers only please I am picking best answer!

    I want to know how to get this guy I like to notice me on Facebook without being too obvious. Thanks!! :)

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Let's play 20 questions on your mark get set... GO!?

    1: Do you have any nick names? If so what are they?

    2: When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?

    3: Have you changed your mind sense then, yes or no? If so what do you want to be now or if you're old enough what are you or are you going to school for?

    4: Have any best friends? How many and can you trust them with everything?

    6: What is your favorite kind of music?

    7: What is your favorite song?

    8: What is your current favorite movie?

    9: What is your all time favorite movie?

    10: Any siblings? How many? Boys, girls or both?

    11: Do you read, favorite book if you do?

    12: Are your patents together?

    13: Whats your favorite color?

    14: What's your favorite animal?

    15: Whats your favorite number?

    16: What's your favorite tv show?

    17: iPhone, black berry, droid, other, or none.

    18: Who or what are you thinking about right now?

    19: Are you falling, are you or have you ever been in love?

    20: Are you happy with who you are as a person, or is their room for improvement?

    Reason for this??? Lots on my mind can't sleep need to stay busy!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Help guy problems! 10 pts to best answer!?

    Well I have been with this guy who we will call N for about a month and a half. Two weeks before we met he broke up with his ex girlfriend we will call T. She hates me and I mean HATES me it's two the point where him and I have both blocked her on face book and blocked her number from our phones she is crazy just straight up insane and she has done every thing in her power to drive me and him apart. All the things are making up lies such as I "cheated on him", I "hooked up with one of his friends before I meet N, apparently I "went lesbian (nothing wrong with them Im a supporter just I know Im straight) for a little after my last relationship" oh and lets not forget the classic crazy ex girlfriend move telling him that "him and her (T) might be expecting a child together" which was not true. She did all those things to try and drive us apart also telling people that she would "f" me if she ever saw me this scared me I've never been even close to a fight so I doubt I would do good!! On with the story N has some family issues right now really big family issues (involving his dad and his mom and their family being driven apart and his grandma died a few months ago) that takes up a lot of his time he also rides horses and we have a rodeo in town this week so he's been really busy with that his mom is usually in charge but with every thing going on most of that has fallen on him. The time that he has been spending with his horses is the time he usually would spend on me but I understand he is busy and that's where his time belongs right now I get that. Tonight he asked if I was talking to another guy and I told him no and he said okay he just worries some times that i do (he has trust issues from his first love not S) then he called and we were taking on the phone normal nothing was wrong asked how his each others day was he asked how I was feeling because I had surgery this morning. I was kidding around and asked him if he was talking to any girls, he said no. He had to go feed his horses so he said he would just text me. He said hey babe then before I texted back he said how he didn't know what happened but with everything going on he just needs to be single and how he still wants to hang but doesn't need anything serious. I told him not to lead me on and he said that's why he told me this so that he didn't. I responded with the fact that he just did for two months that if he didn't like me he need to be honest and tell me. He said that he does like me and that he was serious. But that he shouldn't have moved on so quickly and that he's sorry. So I asked him what he wanted from me and he said to hang out but that he can't date right now. And that's when the lovely and amazingly classy girl that is S created a new face book with her nick name and last name and added me (something I felt she would do if she was talking to N again and wanted to rub it in my face) so I him what she did and how she added me on face book and asked him if he was talking to her. He said no, not to add her (which is a no brainer I had already blocked that face book of hers) and that he can't believe her doing that and that she is "cut" I said okay and that I'm really hurt and that it really hurts me feeling this way. He said sorry he was hurt too and that he just needed to be alone for a while. And I told him okay and that I would just give him time. And that was the end of that. My friends think it's not me and that he will come around and that I just need to give him time and space and that they know things will work out between us... I just want some more opinions what do you think of this all and what do you think I should do? Just hurts because I'm falling for him... Hard and I just don't want to lose him how do I save our relationship... Do you think I can?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My new boy friend doesn't trust me... At all and I haven't done anything to lose his trust. HELP?

    Well when we were first together his ex got really mad (by the way she is crazy and doesn't have any boundaries) and wanted all her stuff back. He said he was with me and she said well bring your b*tch if you have to so we went and dropped off all her stuff. When we were there I was sitting in the truck waiting and his old friend from high school (who is also friends with his crazy ex) is walking by so i meat him for the FIRST time. The next day he calls me and asked why I acted like I didn't know his friend when really I "hooked up with him one night at a party" He didn't say when this "hook up" took place. So i told him that I didn't know his friend until the day before and then he was like your right it must have been my ex trying to get us to fight, then every thing was okay. But then today he started acting strange so I asked him what was wrong and he told me how it bothers him that "hooked up" with his friend then I pretend not to know him. So I told him that once again I didn't know him until I met him that day, that I am not the kind of person to just hook up with people and that he needs to trust me. He never said anything back. I really like him and I HAVE NO IDEA what to do. My friends think I should tell him I'm going to stay in a relationship with somebody who doesn't believe or trust me. I don't want to do that I want him to know that I never did that with his friend and the first time I meet him was that day by his ex girlfriends house. WHAT DO I DO???

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My direct tv remot won't program to my tv anymore...?

    I know how to program it and this remot has been programed to the tv before. Now when I hit the volume up button so the program settints come up they don't pop up the tv just shtays the same... Thats the only way I know how to get to the program setting so the remot will change the volume... Is there another way cuz I can't find one...

    1 AnswerTVs9 years ago
  • I keep having dreams about this guy that I don't know...?

    It started at the beginning of December and I was having one like once a week, I just had 2 dreams about this guy in a row what does it mean?

    So in the first dream we are in this room like a regular bedroom but where the closet door should be there is long black strips of thick black rubber I don't know how to describe it. Then all of a sudden the guy goes over to the closet and I here him scream and he looks at me and half his eye is gone but he isn't bleeding and it looks heeled. So I go over there then this thing that looks like a mixture of the Cheshire cat in alice in wonderland and a Shi tzu dog bit off half of my eye. it is just a floating head and it is about the size of two basketballs... Then I look at the thing and it tells me if I want my eye to look like it used to (and at the same time it's eyes turn into how my eyes used to look) then I can't tell anyone what happened to his eyes (then it's eyes transform from my eyes to how that guys eyes looked at the time. I woke up after that I never have scary dreams like I only remember one besides that in my life.

    So the next night I had a dream with the same guy but this time we were at an amusement part themed around gangs and mobs but it wasn't scary it was like the history. And then we get on this ride (it's similar to space mountain at disney) but it's the history of mobs and gangs instead. And were riding on it when it turns into a fast roller coaster and like we would get to this part and we would fall straight down off the track like it just would stop so we would have to put the cart back on the track but so did every one else like it was part of the ride. I don't remember where the dream ended because it was kind of long and boring except for the roller coaster part. The weird part is that my schools home eck teacher was the one who owned the amusement park. I just cant see this sweet old lady owning an amusement park about gangs and mobs.

    All my other dreams about him are really plain and boring like regular dreams. But in every dream he is in it is some how brought up that him and I are together like he is my boyfriend in my dreams. He also looks like he is a college student like in his late teens early 20's.

    I am in a complicated relation ship with a college boy right now if that helps we don't know if we are together or not and it's been that way for about a month now...

    What do you think my dreams mean thanks...

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago