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Do I need to confess my sin if I can't stop doing the sin?

Okay i am a Catholic girl, and I am quite religious, and there is this sin I have kept for a long time. I just cannot tell anyone. But the problem is, I don't think I can stop doing that bad thing. Christmas is coming and I just feel I am still 'dirty'. However what is the point if I will still do it again?

Help, what should I do?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should definitely still go to confession. Don't just confess your sin, actually talk to the priest about it. Remember, they're honestly there to help you, not to scare you. And it's not like they can tell anyone what you did. Talking about it can only help. Maybe the priest can offer some suggestions about how to stop.

    hope this helps :)

    Source(s): Catholic girl :)
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Repent skill to teach away, not basically say you're sorry. yet whilst are keen to admit to the guy you have harmed, it's going to be just about impossible so you may be a repeat criminal. case in point; and that i'm utilising an occasion right here, not understanding what this sin it extremely is you have finished, say you cheated on your spouse. in case you will tell her, she would be able to the two A) forgive you, wherein case your guy or woman disgrace will supply up you from cheating returned -or- B) she would be able to divorce you, which dissolves you vows so cheating is now not a controversy. in case you prefer to purely shop asserting "i'm sorry" devoid of effects, that's not ethical in spite of no rely if good forgives you or not. If there are extremely no victims, then it extremely is a private rely, and not a sin. Sin skill "lacking the mark" not breaking the regulation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suggest the following:

    Consider whether you consider this habit if yours to be a "sin" because

    A) You are depriving another person of life, liberty, or property, i.e you are actually causing harm or risk to another human being, or to yourself (theft, violence, fraud, drug addiction, self-mutilation, etc.).

    B) You are not doing anything that will actually cause another person harm, but you've been taught that it's "bad" or "dirty".

    If A, stop now and try to get help from someone you trust.

    If B, ask yourself if you really want to be part of a belief system that encourages you to feel guilty for actions that don't hurt anyone. If you were the creator of the universe, would you want to put such a useless burden on your creations? So assuming your god exists, why would he/she/it do so? Because the bible says so? Because your priest says so? You have the right to your own religious convictions, and I'm the last person that would ever try to outlaw a religion. But it sounds to me like you might be putting yourself on a useless guilt trip. And since you did ask for opinions, this is mine: if B, there is nothing to "confess."

    Also, be prepared for the non-Catholic fundamentalist Christians who will tell you that since you are a Catholic, you are not really a Christian etc. etc.

    Good luck.

  • mark r
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am not Catholic, but in my mind salvation is repentance...and repentance is a little bit more than just being sorry. It is consciously working through your issues with the goal of finding out exactly why you conduct that particular sin and then taking steps to stop.

    You may not be successful on the first attempt, or the second, third or fourth...but if you continue in earnest to eradicate that sin you will.

    You must get to know yourself and find out what are your motivations towards this sin, and then devise a strategy to not put you in that environment to sin in the future. You will evolve, be a better person, and become closer to the Creator for it.

    I hope this helps.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First, there are a lot of religious dictates that are commonly accepted, but are not taught in the scripture. Since we don't know what you're referring to, is it really a sin?

    Second, assuming it really is a sin, you have to seriously want to stop, because in all honesty, many sins are fun. Why is it that you don't think you can stop?

    Do you want to stop sinning? What would it take to convince you that you must stop? The Bible tells us to flee from sin.

  • 1 decade ago

    The truth is that in God's eyes, there is no such thing as sin. Nothing you or anyone else has done will ever be judged..It is difficult, especially for the religious people, to accept the fact that God never judges, condemns or punishes. If you and all others would find the courage to read my source, you will find there is no need ever to fear God. There is purpose in everything said and done. Those of us that know God know that there is a creation process that is going on in our world, which will lead to enlightenment for everyone. It appears to be moving slowly but will grow steadily until all will be aware. God bless

    Source(s): "Conversations with God", available in all libraries and major book stores.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If there is a god, he is a very busy fellow creating suns in far off galaxies, helping millions of other life-forms, keeping the laws of physics flowing. He does not care how or where you stimulate your own nervous system. The problem is not the "sin" but your feelings of shame about it. You need to work on the guilt thing. Catholicism pushes guilt far too much. You do not need to accept that.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is getting on to the new year and lots of people take stock of the actions or inaction were are involved in and seek to change our actions ...change comes from inside us and when we have new attitudes or insights we willingly change our actions ..understading that you have a real problem and one that you really don't have too much control over is honest..Jesus says that we should cast all our cares upon him because he cares for us and will help us . sometimes the truth is we don't want to surrender our petty dirty lil secrets up and think we can somehow hide from the eyes of an all powerful god who loves us and has our best intrests in mind .....the reason it's a sin is because it's a lie < focus on that statement because i just made it up and really like it ...someone is trying to sell you a bill of goods ...Satan is a liar and the bible clearly says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world

  • Corey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Masturbating isn't a sin, as nobody is harmed by it. It's everyone's "dirty little secret". If God is benevolent, he isn't worried about people touching themselves because of their biology. He's worried about people being good neighbors to one another, helping each other when we're in danger of violence or hunger. That we should decrease injustice in the world and not increase it.

    While its something that is taboo to really talk about (because it's a private matter), that doesn't mean you should be ashamed of doing it. Letting yourself torment yourself emotionally about it isn't good for your mental well-being.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Only if you wish continued forgiveness. Jesus can help you to do that which you need to do if you will let him. But you are a work in progress so be patient - diligent AND patient.

    1Cr 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear [it].

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