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21 year old female. Love having fun and clothes. Yay!

  • What should I do to our friendship after my bridesmaid bailed on me 4 months before the wedding?

    I am very disappointed since she accepted the role like a year before the wedding. Then she just got engaged and she chose to have her wedding 2-3 weeks earlier than mine. So she said she cannot be my bridesmaid anymore. I already ordered a dress for her for $70. I do not understand any of her decision because if I were in her shoes, I would choose a different date so I can still be my friend's bridesmaid. Now I am not sure whether I want her at my wedding as a guest and whether I want to attend her wedding. So friendship? Not sure now.

    16 AnswersWeddings6 years ago
  • A question for those who have dated a religious guy?

    For anyone who has dated a religious christian guy, do you find them kinder than other guys?

    I am not being discriminative, just curious of others' experience.


    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why ex does this? What does he want?

    What does it mean if my ex (from an online relationship) messaged me just saying hi (nothing else), yet when I replied him (like, saying how are you?), he never replied back? He has done this a few times, maybe like every 3-4 months.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why do guys do this? Stare from toe to head?

    I dont mean all guys, but I have met a few guys who look at me from toe to head-right in front of me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Don't they think that this is rude and seem to be kinda pervert?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Afraid of losing virginity?

    I am 21 year old girl, virgin, just got my first boyfriend recently and we have this issue as he, just like any other guy, wants to have sex with me. Due to my religious and personal beliefs, I do not want to have sex before marriage, although I am always, always tempted to do further and further when cuddling/kissing with my boyfriend.

    Somehow I feel that if I give my virginity to him, I am worried that he will just want the relationship to keep having sex instead of loving my personality. And yes, I am afraid if he leaves me, I will be left with nothing because I have given him my virginity.

    Although he said he will slow down and is afraid to lose me so he will not force me to do it, I know he will keep trying until I do it. Is it impossible to have a guy who can really love me and wait until marriage for sex these days? It sounds like impossible :(

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to fall in love because of someone's sincerity?

    There is this guy who slowly approaches me. His style is different with any other guys who usually texted me a lot but quickly disappeared too. I am really wondering if this is the right guy for me because I don't feel nervous when I am around him, but I can really feel that he is quite serious towards me, in the meaning, respecting me a lot and not just for his advantage. I can't stop thinking about him now, just because I feel this is wonderful, to have someone who really appreaciates me.

    So...umm, will something like this last forever though?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I wonder what he is thinking?

    This guy in my college already has a girlfriend, but last semester he seems to be attracted to me because he tried to talk to me whenever his girl was not around. Sadly I actually liked him as well. I really didn't want to, but I was so helpless trying not to like him. We did not do anything though. We just talked like friends, but I am sure he knew that I liked him and I knew he was interested in me.

    Anyway, this semester I am totally avoiding him. Even if we meet, I try not to talk too long to him, and I think he can feel that.

    I always think I am a victim here as I try soo hard to kill my feelings although it is clear I really like his personality, and sadly he will never leave his girlfriend, I am totally just a fling to him.

    So yes, I am wondering what he is thinking, knowing that I am avoiding him. Would he feel any guilt at all, for liking another girl while he is in relationship? Is he sad, is he mad on the fact I am avoiding him?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do guys do this to girls that they like?

    Short story, a guy who seems to be interested in me (but does not make a move, because he knows I only consider him as a friend), always talks to me in MSN about random stuff, and always greets me everytime I am online. He had been in and off a relationship with other girl, and yesterday he asked me to help him if I know any girl that I can recommend for him.

    Is this normal for a guy to ask this from a girl he likes? Maybe I am mistaken but I am quite sure he likes me because he always talk to me in all the time and being super nice to me.

    I am just curious, and no, I am not interested in him.

    Thanks for the opinions.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you think it is dangerous to show webcam to strangers?

    I know sending pictures are dangerous because he can do anything with it (like editing them or something), but how about webcam?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • First impression of SNSD members?

    Heya! This is just for fun. I am SNSD fan (I am crazy over some of their songs and their members are just soooo pretty!!!)

    Anyway, I just wanna ask different opinions of what are your first impression on each SNSD members? I am not asking how they really act in real life, I just want to know what you think when you saw their faces the first time.

    For me:

    Tae Yeon: She reminds of cats (I guess it's her eyes)! And she looks...well, temperamental.

    Soo Young: Very easy going and cheerful :)

    Sunny: Girly and talkative :)

    Jessica: Hmm foxy and mean...

    Yuri: intelligent and arrogant

    Hyo Yeon: Extroverted, cheerful, temperamental

    Seohyun: spoiled, slow

    Tiffany: tries to be mysterious (lol)

    Yoona: temperamental

    I dont mean to make any fans angry, okay? It's just first impression and I admit some of them are not right after I searched about them more.

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • So should I show how I feel or not?

    Okay. There is this guy in my university who is very nice and quite attentive to me. The problem is, I am not even sure he is in a relationship or not. I know he was, and I know his girlfriend. But then in facebook the girl changed her relationship status to 'single', but the guy's status is still 'in relationship'. However I still can see in uni they still go everywhere together.

    This annoys me as I actually like the guy, but always hold my feelings back because of that unclear status of them, and I cannot ask them because:

    - the guy will know I like him

    - the girl, surely already knows I like him.

    So should I just keep holding my feelings back?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Scared to fall in love. Anyone feels the same?

    I know love can be very beautiful and makes you happy if they love you back, but I just think it is very hard to get someone who will not disappoint you. I knew some guys who were really nice to me, and I fell for them, and they could just disappeared suddenly, totally ignored me, which showed that they don't feel the same way as I did. It really, really sucked to be vulnerable when you like someone. You hope and you get disappointed. You feel very happy then feel very lonely.

    Is it better to not fall in love?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to ask a taken guy out (with other friends as well)?

    Okay I kinda like this guy in my uni, but he has a girlfriend already and I know her as well, but I am not close with her. There is this dinner coming up with some of my colleagues and I wanna invite him, but I worry she will think I try to take his boyfriend away. However if I ask the girl to come too, it might be weird for both of us because she does not know me or my friends really well.

    What do you think? Just ask the guy and the girlfriend out, or just the guy?

    I know I am screwed for liking him, but I have no intention whatsoever in that dinner, just think it will be nice having him among my friends in the dinner, that's it.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are these normal for a guy? (guys answers please)?

    Okay, short story, I chatted with this stranger, a guy, who seemed to be kind and said he has a perfect girlfriend. He did not flirt with me, and he was kind, so I become his friend. Few days later, he chatted with me again, and that time he asked for my webcam or pics. I refused it since I think friends don't need to do that (I just think without looking at other's appearance, friendship is more based on personality only. However once you see their physical appearance, things may change, right?)

    He seems to be upset about me not giving webcam or pics, although he keeps saying he has no intention to be more than friends with me.

    So I am just really curious: what this guy does, asking for other girl's pics and webcam, don't you think it is a first step to cheat? I mean, you want to see another girl.

    I don't understand, he said his girlfriend is perfect, so why does he still do this? Is it normal for you guys to do it even though you love your girlfriend so much?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Relationship with no sex?

    I know these days everyone does it and maybe some guys will leave a girl who does not want to do sex while in a relationship.

    I'm 21 and virgin, and I just think I have made it this far, so I'd better keep it until marriage. However the thoughts of a guy will leave me after he knows I will not have sex with him makes me scared.

    So I am confused now between just do it or not. Is it possible, having like few years relationship before getting married without sex? It sounds very hard too.

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Girls only: Do you find it difficult to sleep for a week before period?

    I just want to know whether it is only me. Even when I have nothing to worry about, I just cannot sleep like a week before period. This really affects my mood (which is really bad).

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Do I need to confess my sin if I can't stop doing the sin?

    Okay i am a Catholic girl, and I am quite religious, and there is this sin I have kept for a long time. I just cannot tell anyone. But the problem is, I don't think I can stop doing that bad thing. Christmas is coming and I just feel I am still 'dirty'. However what is the point if I will still do it again?

    Help, what should I do?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Guys (especially), do you think his reason is selfish?

    There is this guy, around 28 year old, and we just hang out twice, and it is obvious that he likes me. We do not talk or hang out much because he is busy working and I am busy studying.

    Last time he asked me to be his girlfriend, and he said he needs a girlfriend to support him, and to distract him from all the stress he has.

    I do not know why, I just feel his reason is very selfish, and all he wants is to receive, not to give. I mean, I have fallen in love before, and when I did, all I can think about is I want to see that person happy, not wanting that person to make me happy (I hope, but I will not demand).

    Do you guys think I am right or there is nothing wrong with that guy?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why am I so sad? Help me?

    Okay in short, I did a mistake and I did not mean it but it hurt someone. I already apologised to him and he forgave me. However that issue spread to many people and there is a friend of that guy who I just know, and he is not friendly to me possibly because he knows what I did to his friend.

    I try not to think too much about this, but I cannot help feeling sad. Why is it I feel like I break something and I cannot mend it?

    12 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Help!Unable to download new version of MSN!?

    Today my I can't log in to my MSN, it says I have to download a newer version, which I clicked okay, it says it cannot download and tells me to go to MSN website. I did and clicked download, but after 5 seconds downloading, it stopped downloading and just disappeared.

    What do I do? I really miss my MSN :'(

    3 AnswersMSN1 decade ago