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My girlfriend's sending mixed messages o.o what do I do?

She was complaining earlier that she was jealous that all the other guys got their girlfriends 'Sweetie Gifts' and I kept telling her that I'd get her something special, but she keeps saying not to get her anything, & that she'll be mad if I do >.< but then I keep thinking I should get her something if she was jealous the other girls got gifts from their bf's, Should I get her something even though she said not to or what?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok ghostie, you're obviously a young pup and new to the game so let me explain a thing or two to you. Now keep in mind that I just completed my 11th wedding anniversary to a woman that I love dearly and that I also have 3 sisters...

    The first thing you need to know is that girls are mental. Don't get me wrong, I love them dearly, but you need to understand this as fact. Only then can you move forward. So you think that because you say "no" to a question you mean "no" that that means that when a girl says "no" to that question she also means "no." This is how I know you're a young pup. No seasoned man falls for this. If you understood girls are mental, you'd understand her "no" answer to mean "hell YES you had better get me something! How could you be so stupid as to not read my mind and understand that I need a 'sweetie gift' too?! OMG I think I'm retaining water! What time is Oprah on...."

    And that's another thing. Girls expect you to read their minds. Now they'll give subtle hints that you are supposed to decode. She'll do something like stick her pinky in her mouth and she's thinking, "OMG I need my man to ravage me right now I'm so horny! He'd better pick up on this message before I cool down and he's in major trouble" and you're sitting there thinking, "Great, she wants to watch Austin Powers!" and it's curtains for you young man!

    So yes, get her a gift and it had better be good and NO, do not wonder about this EVER again! For every sentimental holiday, from Christmas to Easter and especially Valentine's day, you had better not ever forget to get her something. It doesn't have to be something major or expensive, just something to show you care, though don't rule out major or expensive when the time calls for it. Like this time. Also, on this same trek of thought, you want to get her small tokens of affection from time to time out of the blue and not just when you screw up. Because lack of appropriate giving to show her you care is also screwing up, requiring the aforementioned major gift.

    Your actions speak louder than words and NEVER think that telling a girl you love her is sufficient. There's a word for guys who think like that and it's called 'single'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get her a gift. Girls are really really strange like that. They'll say they don't want something, but obviously want it, and tell the guy if he does it/gets it he's in s*it. But you'll be in (worse) trouble if you don't get her anything, because then she'll think you don't care about her at all (therefore, she wasn't worth even a non-"sweety" gift, much less a "sweety" gift).

    Get it?

    Im a girl, but I don't know why some girls play those games. It leads things NO WHERE. >_<

  • JON M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Get her something creative that you can't buy in a store.

    Or give her a gift that is the two of you doing something together, like tickets to a concert or something.

    Say it is a couple gift, not just for her.

    Put both your names on it and have her open it. Put from Santa.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok first of all when a girl says something like "don't get me a gift" she means the opposite, she wants a gift that will make her feel like shes special and the most important person to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just get the broad something. When they say they don't want a gift, they want a gift. You mean to tell me you haven't got your lady a gift yet for Christmas? ... Wtf, dude? You're not being very smart at all. Do you know how to treat a girl or is this your first relationship, bro?

    Judas Priest Metal Gods!

  • 1 decade ago

    you should get her something . when a woman says she doesn't want u to get her something it means get me something. I kno its very confusing I think the world would be a better place if ppl just say what they mean and mean what they say. Maybe u should get her a nice bracelet or necklace not too expensive but not cheap either. it depends on the stage ur on it ur relationship. And when u give it to her say something like honey i kno u told me not to get u something but I couldn't help it ur so special to me and I just wanted to show u that in my gift. But of course theres no gift in the world that can compare to ur specialness. well something like that i kno its corny but hey its kinda romantic. hope this helps =).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get her something she really likes. Looks like she got turned off by your previous gifts.

  • 1 decade ago

    what she just means is that you must give her something really nice or else she will really get mad, whatever the outcome giving a gift is much better than giving nothing.

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