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? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

How do i tell my boyfriend in a polite way~?

i know this is not appropriately placed but i havent gotten much luck in the right section and the ppl in this section are SOOO nice::

my boyfriends father asked to stay with us for a WEEK at thanksgiving and we said yes no problem. He stayed for the week and left as scheduled with no problems. Well 2 days later he showed up again. Not asking to stay @ our home or anything like that. It is now 3 weeks later and he is still here and SEVERELY over stayed his welcome in my book. I need to tell my boyfriend in a polite way that it is time for him to leave. My boyfriend allows his father to walk all over him in every possible way and NEVER says anything to anyone but me about it. Anyone got any suggestions??? Additionally, we have another baby due in about a month. I simply cannot deal with it anymore! I feel like im being a bi*ch by coming out and saying hes overstayed his welcome and needs to leave because i am not currently working and i pay no bills, he supports me as well as my son that isnt his.

~~~~~~~~~~PLZ HELP ME~~~~~~~~~~~

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was in your situation about a week or so ago. My husbands uncle was staying with us and at first it was okay, but after a while it just gets to you. You eventually want your home back, so I understand completely. If I were you I would tell your b/f that his father's stay at your home needs to come to an end soon. You can only be nice for so long, then one day you just snap! I snapped and the next day his uncle was gone. (I hope your situation doesn't come to that, because it causes a big argument) Good Luck to you!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You do need to have a serious talk with your boyfriend. Choose a place to talk to him, not your home, somewhere public like a restaurant.

    Tell him that having his father there isn't working, and that his Dad needs to find somewhere else to live, because having him there is affecting your nerves.

    Try to come up with something together that you can both live with - he may not want to seem mean to his father, so you may have to choose your words carefully.

    Do it together - but your boyfriend may have to say "Dad, you know we care about you, but we were wondering if next week-end would be a good time for you to leave, because we need the space for the new baby?"

    If he absolutely has nowhere to go, you may have to find somewhere for him.

    There is another thing you could try - it wouldn't be easy for me because I am pretty up-front kind of gal, but if you think you could do it, you might try playing the "poor little woman" - you know, the frail, pregnant, helpless little flower (I know, it would be tough for me too), but some men respond really well to this female type - so perhaps a few tears, some sadness, a little "I don't know how I'm going to cope" and "I'm so thankful I have you to protect me and take care of me, sweetheart", and a day or two where you have to stay in bed to rest - this just might work (you know your boyfriend better than I do).

    Good Luck!

    Source(s): Mother of 5
  • 1 decade ago

    You need to stay calm, and be firm, in a nice way. Consult your boyfriend first, by telling him that you feel stressed with the baby and the fact that his father is STILL at your house. If you word it this way, your boyfriend might take it upon himself to ask his father to leave. Given your "he lets his father walk all over him" is seems unlikely. If your boyfriend refuses to do anything, you might want to insist, or leave it, and ask him again. Depending on your boyfriend's personality, it might be a good idea to keep on insisting, or just let it go, and bring it up later. If everything fails, you might want to talk to the father himself, by admitting that you feel stressed with the baby coming, and you don't feel like you can deal with him staying any longer. He should understand that. Why not tell him he can visit in the following year? That option will make him feel less of being pushed out. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your carrying his baby now? Yeah I think he needs to take care of you. He chose to have sex with you and get you pregnant knowing you also had another child. Obviously he knew YOUR son came with YOU. Say hunny im really stressed and I feel a bit crowded. I think I would like things to go back to our family and I feel like your father has overstayed your welcome. YOUR NOT being a ***** or stepping out of your boundaries in ANY way. Im sure he would tell you. And a doesn't matter who pays the bills. If you were paying the bills his opinion and decisions would have just as much weight in the relationship as yours. Your opinion should too. Let him know. The worst that can happen is that he says he cant tell his dad to leave and then he knows how you feel. Then at least he can be thinking about what you have said!

  • 1 decade ago

    The SAME thing happened to my sister, but she isn't pregnant, she just has 3 kids lol. But it was her/our father. He was supposed to stay with them for abut 2 weeks and he has been living there since July now. If you don't say something to your boyfriend, then he wont know how you feel. tell him that you aren't trying to be rude, and it is nothing at all against his father, but you think since it is so close in time to have your baby, that you think it is time for his dad to leave. Don't being up the whole "overstayed his welcome." That may offend your boyfriend. But chances are likely that if he lets his dad walk all over him, then he wont say anything to him and the choice is yours. Either you say something, or he will stay in your home. If he doesn't know how you fell, then he doesn't know that you want your home back. If your boyfriend doesn't do anything about it and it goes on too much longer, then step up and tell his dad, "Look, I'm not trying to be rude, but I think it is time you go back home. Our child will be here before we know it and I would really like for it to be just us here to prepare for this baby and have time to relax and get everything prepared." If he still doesn't leave then get ill with him. You are pregnant. You have every right to get ill.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    O wow. Tough situation hun. If i were you, i would tell him that you just need a few days to cool down that you are a bit overwhelmed. But that you don't want him to leave you bc of this bc you do still love him and he has played a major role in your sons life and really don't wanna lose him, but need a couple alone days before the baby comes. Do you think that would be ok?! I hope my advice helped you hun. I'm sorry your in this situation but Congratulations on the baby! Best wishes.

  • Ethel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think this should have been addressed a week ago at least with Christmas and New Years coming, but I suggest that he needs to at least pay half the rent (or mortgage) starting now since he's been there almost a whole month and also 1/3 of the utilities and groceries. Give him a bill, tell him he needs to pay his way or find new lodging.

  • 1 decade ago

    your boyfriend needs to stop letting his father walk all over him ,and start putting his foot down.

    it sound's like his father is just taking advantage because he probably knows his son won't say anything to him . talk to your boyfriend and tell him that his father has to leave he's over stayed his

    welcome you've had enough . your not being a ***** , your having a baby and you don't need his

    father hanging around , your boyfriend is supporting you and your baby, not his father . tell if that his

    father has to leave or else . good luck !

  • 1 decade ago

    Just privately tell your boyfriend how you feel. He may be feeling the same way and is afraid to say anything. Ask him how much longer his father plans on staying because you guys need some alone time before the baby comes.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a very tight spot you're in!

    I guess it all hinges on how your relationship stands with your BF and in turn how he stands with his Father. If he allows his Father to walk all over him, it doesn't seem good.

    If it's come to a boiling point, make sure you have some alternatives for yourself.

    If the guy is worth keeping, he'll tell his Dad to scram if you tell him your feelings.

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