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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Since some people view capitalism and rich CEOs as bad things that must be remedied, what is better?

What do you feel is a better system? Corporations offer services or material items that we need/use everyday? Who could provide these things better? Is profit a terrible thing to you? Do you think that the low level grunt worker is equal to the executives? Should their paychecks be closer together? Is government the answer? Do you trust that the government can produce the products and provide the services that the people need/want?

Does it bother you how much money Al Gore has made with his global warming agenda? The rich libbys have lots of money that wrong or is it just conservatives who should be stripped of their income to be redistributed? Do you feel that you have a right to get a piece of the income a rich CEO has earned simply because you buy his product?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What the typical liberal doesn't understand (due to the propaganda from the MSM) is that CEOs, COOs, CFOs and the like are like the professional athletes of business. They are like the A List movie stars heavily in demand. They are recruited and lured with contracts same as a number one draft pick for the NBA.

    The Board of Directors hire these people based on their experience and accomplishments with the hopes that they can make the corporation profitable or even more profitable...whatever the case may be. I know for a fact that the business life expectancy of most CEO's is less than 5 years....they are under pressure, a lot of pressure to succeed and turn a profit. They get paid well...sometimes very well because of their talent and skills....same as an athlete.

    The professional athlete gets the big bucks only if the ownership of the team believes that the team can tun a profit with the is always about money and profit for the shareholders...always. In the entertainment industry, the record producers or the movie producers want to turn a profit so they hire or contract the best they can afford....people who have proven to be successful at filling the seats and selling the tickets....simple as that.

    So, if the liberal government and the liberal masses want to limit CEO pay or hold them accountable for companies failing then shouldn't the same rules apply to professional athletes, entertainers and elected officials? I wonder what quality of athletes we would have if their pay was limited and subjected to the teams performance or actors paying back their 20 million dollars they received for a movie that bombed at the box office, or elected officials losing their pay and pensions because the legislation they voted for put the country so deep in debt that it couldn't ever be paid off.

    Food for thought.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not capitalism. It's uncontrolled capitalism that corrupts and destroys democracy. It's the accumulation of most of the nation's wealth in the hands of a few because those few have incredible access to and influence over the political system. The goal of capitalism is monopoly. It's the elimination of competition in the marketplace. The Founders warned us that the development of heritable wealth would destroy the country, that the development of the stratified economic structure of Europe would destroy the U.S. We tend to forget that all corporations are legal creations of our government, not the other way around. Every corporate charter outlines the responsibilities of the corporation to the country that registers it. For some reason we want to believe that corporations come into existence by themselves and, like wild animals, would thrive if only the nasty government kept their hands off them and let them run free.

    As an owner of stock I can tell you that the earnings of most CEOs, CFOs and other slime that occupy the executive offices of our corporations have nothing to do with the work they do. Their earnings, including stock options and other non-monetary compensation are determined by negotiation with a usually friendly board. Everything is done behind closed doors and without input from shareholders. Most of the time we don't know what the top execs of our corporations earn and it's difficult to find out. What we do know lately is that while the top execs continue to get their bloated salaries and benefits, our piece of the pie - the dividends and other earnings from our stock - has all but disappeared in a lot of cases.

    Profit for the sake of profit leads to a chaotic market. Hedge funds own our grocery stores. They don't care about selling us food. They care about making their investment back with a big profit. Two of our local stores were bought by funds last year. Recently they changed over: selection dropped and prices went up. Numbers of shoppers at both stores have also decreased. Will the new owners increase the selection and lower prices to entice the shoppers back? My guess is that they won't. Those stores are an investment. If they don't pay off, they'll be sold off. Then there will be less competition and higher prices all around.

    Every job has value. There would be no production, no sales, no need for executives and no profit without those "grunts". They are a necessary part of the business equation. Without them there is no business. In classical economics only those who actually do the labor own the product and should profit from its sale. Starting in the 1990's, workers were laid off while those that remained on the job were given the extra responsibilities without extra compensation. The loss of personnel showed up in the pockets of the executives who actually had less "work" to do because of their smaller workforce. Profit that's tied directly to production and sales is one thing. Profit that flows from manipulation and trickery is something else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I worked for corporations and as far as I can see, they weren't any more efficient than government services because they're both bureaucratic and office politics tend to screw things up. I also grew up in small business and quite frankly, a lot of small businesses are more efficient than corporations.

    Because of my early background I also believe in the right of an individual to seek his own economic freedom free of tyranny and big business as well as big government tend to be tyrannical. Listening to excuses for existence of corporations makes me wonder what difference there really is between corporatism and Communism.

    I wonder if you've ever noticed the similarity between corporate boardrooms and the Politburo? Both are run behind closed doors by fat old men and effete young ones with grossly inflated egos and few of them have done anything to build their organizations from the ground up.

    And what's the difference between the rich liberals and the cadillac conservatives? Whatever it is, you and I will never be one of them, so why should either of us be concerned about the welfare of people who are so obviously out our league, whether they are Democrats or Republicans?


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Capitalism does no longer rationale drama or violence. Have you ever heard of Ngo Dihn Diem or Ho Chi Mihn? I strongly propose you learn up on those communist leaders and the way they dealt with their humans. I am seeking to fully grasp why you do not like capitalism. I learn that you do not like how there are deficient humans who paintings tough and lose extra money, however there'll continually be the deficient and unlucky. Just beause of that truth, it does no longer justify taking any person else's gains and spreading well ol' communism round. The cosmetic of capitalism is that you've the capacity and oportunity to drag yourself out of the role you are in and switch a benefit on it. Thomas Jefferson wrote that everybody has the proper to "existence, liberty, and the persuit of happiness" in order that a sort of presidency like communism might no longer constrict any person from attaining his/her happiness. And except, do you relatively desire the federal government to be in all your industry? I shutter to believe what would occur in the event that they might learn into our wellness files... I'm going to check out to give an explanation for this factor in as few phrases as viable. Communism is evil. I recognize you fully grasp what communism is. It is a central authority sort of entire manipulate. They can come to a decision what you devour, what is on t.v., what is at the radio, and what you learn at the laptop. Complete manipulate. My factor being, communism is what ushers within the New World Order. From the New World Order comes the anti-christ, almost that means that ultimately days, you both bow to the satan, or get your head chopped off. It will come to that considering the fact that the Bible says so, however it does no longer have got to be now. Say no to communism.

  • Matt
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The current system is the best, and the least of my concerns would be CEO's. I would be a lot more concerned about the stuff I don't know about like the Federal Reserve and Hedge Funds. The big banks might make mistakes, but they are very transparent.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Profit = good.

    Greed = evil.

    If capitalism was the best system, we wouldn't be calling china up in 0ct 08 and telling them "excuse me, we have gambled all our money away and all major banks are about to close their doors. There will be riots and martial law. Please loan us some money so we can avoid a total great depression and civil war like history has never seen"

    Socialism is a good comprise between the evils of capitalism and the downfalls of other systems.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As bad as the corporations can be at times, they are nothing compared to the evil that communists have a history of.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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