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Jehovah's Witnesses- What Would You Do In This Scenario?

You're with a member of the opposite sex in the ministry. The sister has a Bible student, and this is her 5th study with the woman so far. The woman speaks a language that the brother doesn't speak, so the sister conducts the study.

At the end of the study the sister motions for the brother to pray, and she explains to the student that the brother will pray in language X because he doesn't speak the language the woman understands.

But then the woman protests, saying "But the material we just considered says that "Amen" means I agree with what is being said in the prayer, and I won't understand, so how can I say "Amen" to his prayer?"

What would you say?

Please state whether you're playing the role of the brother or of the sister in this case. Thanks :)


Clarifying point: Would you consider this to be an "exceptional" reason as per w02 7/15 Questions From Readers or would you feel the student was being..... difficult?

Update 2:

This scenario is not a "regular basis"- it's the 5th time the sister is studying with the woman but the first time the brother is there with her.

Okay, imagine it's the CO's visit. You wouldn't pass up the opportunity to work with the CO simply because he doesn't speak a certain language, no? :-D

23 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    At the end of a meeting when I've been translating for a deaf couple, I've had to sign (translate) the prayer so that they can sign "Amen"

    This case is no different as it is another language... so, as the sister, I would suggest that I translate the prayer so that she understands.

  • badger
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You've already got excellent answers to our situation, so I won't add to that. I will say that this sounds like a real quality bible student. who has an appreciation of spiritual things and who values a relationship with Jehovah. She wants to understand the prayer so she can agree with it, that's wonderful. Encourage it. To insist that the brother say the prayer, just because he is a "brother", would not be appropriate in this case. The brother would be humble and understanding. The sister doing the study should bring along another sister next time, if at all possible, or go alone. If the sister feels unsafe doing so, meet the study at the Kingdom Hall, or some public place.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Would it be safe to assume that the sister understands the brother's language? In which case could she not interpret the prayer?

    And if not, it would seem there would be no reason for him to sit in. It would also seem that he is not present even though he is in the same room if he is unable to be a part of the sturdy. Still a head covering would be in order but I believe the sister would have to do the prayer just as she would if the brother was unable to speak at all.

  • Mindy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hmmm, I could be wrong in this. I'm not yet baptized but I do go out in the Ministry.

    I think that the proper thing to do would be for the sister to wear a head covering (which I think she should have been wearing all along by conducting the study in the presence of the brother).

    The sister should humbly ask the brother if she could offer the prayer due to the circumstances and she would definitely have to be wearing the head covering while doing so.

    Like I said, I could be wrong about this. I asked about the question of head covering before I became a unbaptized publisher because I was concerned that something like what you described COULD possibly happen and I didn't want to be a bad example to the angels.

    I have to check my notes on headcovering in my binder.

    ~Edit~ I just read many answers here that talked about the sister translating the prayer, I didn't even think about that! To all JW's please forgive me if I was out of line.

    Hmmm, would the sister still need to wear the head covering if she was doing the translating of the prayer? Thanx everybody.

  • I guess if the Bible student doesn't feel comfortable agreeing with what is said because she wont understand what is being said...Then since the sister was already conducting and should be wearing a head covering then the sister should speak the prayer. Simple as that!

    Additional thought:Bringing anyone to a study on a reg basis that can't participate is silly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The woman is right. Even in the congregation if a speaker speaks a different tongue it must be translated so that all can understand. The sister has a couple of options:

    1) Let the brother know what the woman says and ask him if it is okay with him if she says the prayer in the language of the woman. The brother will agree with the sister saying the prayer but wearing a head covering. OR

    2) Ask the woman if it is okay with her if the brother says the prayer in his tongue and it is translated for her.

  • 1 decade ago

    The sister can interpret the prayer for the student as the brother prays. This would be just like a brother teaching at the Kingdom hall and a sister translating for deaf members in the audience.

  • 1 decade ago

    Simple, if the student doesn't mind the brother can pray and the sister can translate in the language of the student.

    Or ask the brother if he wouldn't mind stepping out of the room if the student is not comfortable with his prayer in another language. He'll understand.

    Both scenario would be appropriate

  • Shar B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If it were me conducting the study and the brother wanted to conclude the study in prayer, then I'd interpret what the brother said in his prayer so that the new study could say "Amen". In other words, if the brother said the prayer in English, and the study spoke Russian, I'd repeat the prayer word for word in Russian for the benefit of the non English speaking study.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would not take a companion who cannot not speak to or understand the student. It would likely creep the student out a bit. I have taken bros. back to R.Vs as interest is shown and a male needs more attention. In my experience, I probably would not start a study with a man at the door but get a bro. to make the RV sooner to take over.

    Your area might make a difference to mine. We don't have a lot of foreign language needs that are not being met. Our local African refugee migrants nearly all speak English. We do have a need for Chinese though.

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