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Is Obama going to go down as the worst US president ever?

He is completly destroying our county and it seems nothing can be done about it. They passed a horrible healthcare bill that most of Americans don't want. Along with Cash for clunkers, old golf clubs, etc,. and putting our county farther and farther into debt is just ridiculas (AKA "we're going to spend outselves out of the recession")..seriously???, I'm not a Republican, Liberial, Dem, etc., because I think they're all idiots...but this Obama, and Pelosi serioulsy destroying out county...

What do you random people think?


sorry for some of the mispelled words at the end...I got in a hurry.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think he will be rememberd as if jimmy carter and bill clinton mated and had off spring and that off spring ran for president

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm...he kept the bush recession from turing into the bush depression. He cooled off the Cold War that bush spent 8 years trying to re-heat up. He got the EU and Russia to agree on sanctions against Iran, something that never happened before. He is bringing the troops home from Iraq, something bush couldn't do for 5 years and is taking the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan, something bush didn't do for 7 years. The economy is improving and for the first time someone is doing something about the growing health care crisis that is destroying this nation.

    As far as everything goes bush secured the top spot as the worst President ever so you don't have to worry about that.

  • mgm
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Definitely! I'm glad to see your someone that has sense. Ignore the ignorant people that say Bush will be the worst. Bush was not the worst. Sure he made bad decisions, but Obama is worse. Worse than another horrible president we had named Jimmy Carter! I am sure when 2012 comes they see how bad Obama will be, think of him as the worst president ever and elect somebody else in 2012 that has some sense on how to run the country! Wait until Jan 20, 2013 and then President Mitt will come and clean up the mess Obama has created.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think its hardly fair to come up with a final critique of a president who is not even half way through his term. I have to admit, I question some of the actions of our Congress, but I can't pass a solid judgement on Obama until the day is done. That said, if you think about it, look at our current economic position and the actions of our past couple of presidents and the acts of congress. This whole time is the result of a lot of mistakes that have added up in the past 20+ years. It just so happens to fall on us right as i'm getting ready to enter the work world. great.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Hell" no ! Former President Bush won that hands down. Where have you been hiding at under some rock or what ? Bush ,and his evil @ss administration . Had our military invade Iraq 4 no reason whats so ever.

    I lost six of my best friends in that "Hell" Hole & 4 what ? Just so that sorry bastard could get rich .

    2 tours in Iraq & Desert Storm ! Just where in the "Hell " Where you at ? Still breast feeding or what ?

    Source(s): T
  • 1 decade ago

    wow you have a short memory don"t you? Well heres a refresher, there was this president long long ago( 1 year) named George W Bush. He wasnt the absolute worst, but hes pretty far down in the rankings. His top accomplishments are: clearing brush, Yay! his list of failures: Katrina, war in Iraq, going surplus to recession, and Ill let others fill in the rest of the list.

  • GABY
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know because he has not finished yet. He still has time to get religion and change his beliefs from fascist liberal wacko to conservative. He can then do what he said when he campaigned. He said no lobbyists in his administration, no earmarks in congress's bills, no corporate welfare, no special interests, etc., ect., etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    A health care bill most Americans don't want? Where did you get this information from? Most polls shows that the public does want some sort of public option and most also wants some sort of reform. Apparently you are too lazy to look up facts and instead allowed others to think for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, The economy has probably been failing ever since lil bush's father was elected, they treated them like puppets since then. so sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO because he will be the President who saved America from Bankruptcy George W. bush was the Worse President ever ask any Muslim or Middle Eastern person that fact they despise Both bush's and I don't blame them either

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