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Anonymous asked in SportsBoxing · 1 decade ago

Let's review the facts on the blood test (Mayweather-Pacquiao) issue shall we?

Ok, as far as I know. The Pacquiao camp has agreed on three (3) blood tests. One on January before the press conference, one thirty (30) days prior to the fight, and one (1) immediately after the fight, in addition to giving as many pee samples as Floyd wants. But the Floyd camp wants a finite number of random blood tests during the entire training camp and a required blood test 48 hours before the fight night. Please correct my details if there is something wrong.

If the details above are correct to some extent, can you not see that what Floyd is asking is too much and is extrmely unfair? Here are my points on why it is so.

1. Olympic-style drug testing (including the blood test) is not a standard practice in professional boxing. The Nevada State Athletic Commission is the one responsible in drug testing and Pacquiao passed this already 10 times. Pacquiao's camp agreeing to these DEMANDS from the Mayweather camp is already a sign of submission to the Mayweather's pre-fight tactics- isn't that enought handicap from the Pacquiao camp?

2. Pacquiao is a hard worker in the gym. He burns like 7000 calories per day training. Could you imagine what taking blood does to you when you train like that? You can't have blood continuously taken from you and not affect your extreme training routine (Follow-up point on item 5).

3. Blood taken from you 48 hours before the fight? Everyone knows this is too much. It takes 3 to 4 days to a week before a person recovers completely after being drawn of blood (depending on the amount taken). A normal person might not feel this weakening, but elite athletes who needs to be perfectly conditioned definitely will be affected significantly.

4. The Mayweather camp did good research. They knew Pacquiao is superstitious about what blood being taken from him a few days before a fight could do. This is with regards to Pacquiao's psychology and most probably may not really have actually physical effects. Everybody knows how important is mental conditioning in the fight, and seems Pacquiao is always 100% mentally prepared for a fight, the Mayweather camp has found a good trick to make Pacquiao mentally awkward. A dirty, but effective trick.

5. Pacquiao is an intensity fighter. His style includes constant pressure and aggression. Even if both Floyd and Manny comes in weak because of the blood drawn out, only Manny would be greatly affected. Mayweather has always been known to be relaxed in fights, whereas Pacquiao is best when intense and aggressive. Mayweather has never been known to win by hurting his opponents when his opponents are elites (or at least close to that status), Mayweather wins on points. But Pacquiao is known to hurt his opponents bad and thus neutralizing them to win (elite opponents or not). You can see how the same thing can affect different people in different ways (which is also true in life). That is why the taxation system in democratic countries is equity based, not equality based. Just because both of them will do it doesn't mean it's fair. Think about it.

BONUS question: Name a performance enhancing drug that can only be detected within 48 hours after it has been taken, and at the same time can only be detected by blood test, and is completely undetectable after 48 hours of taking it?


@EzLover23 and Norman Bates

Happy Holidays. Can you just answer or rebut my points instead of accusing me? This is a boxing forum (effectively), and people discuss their perspectives and ideas. I did my thinking can you do yours? I wouldn't mind if you prove me wrong, as long as you prove it concisely. Man I didn't expect this low level thinking, especially from you Norman Bates.

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Ok,easy.Take a test in january,do a 2week cycle of HGH.Take a blood test first of February,ok cycle again HGH until march 13th.No need to take a test "if" manny wins.Floyd would look silly trying to chase manny around requesting a blood test.They will blow them off and say manny is very busy.This has been done many times by winners of a fight.

    If you are in the military or any high end job,the company does not give warning when the test will be so the employee will be giving time to clean up.Manny punches people in the face for crying out loud.He is saying he will feel weak to give a half of teaspoon of blood out of 380 teaspoons?

    If you know anything about cycling roids then you yourself would question your champ.They are telling on their selves bro trust me.Just take the top test and this issue is over.

    I know filipino culture.The people are very sensitive and will protect each other even if they are in the wrong.That is not racists so don't even go there.Just tell manny to man up and step to the plate.America will not give a #1P4P award to the heartless.

    I'm no accusing Manny of using but i know steroid users,they are my friends and all i can say is that something is fishy here and the excuses giving are not acceptable.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    A boxing match is different from other sports. For instance, in 1987, Sugar Ray Leonard wanted his fight with Hagler to be 12 rounds rather than 15. Hagler's share of the purse increased, and Leonard got his wish. At that time some fights were still going 15 rds depending on which organization sanctioned the fight. It wasn't until 1988 that all bodies had 12 rd title bouts. Concerning the Floyd fight, I'm not sure how long certain substances stay in a person's body. If Pacquiao has consented to a blood test 30 days before the fight, and one immediately after the fight, how much room is there to use drugs? That may be the most important factor; I myself don't know how long each illegal substance stays in the body. I can't imagine Pacquiao is taking HGH, and that is what someone has stated that blood tests check for. Growth Hormones make people big. Their stomach's and internal organs swell. If you watch a current bodybuilding contest you'll see ripped guys with bloated bellys. It's weird. There are many other drug testing methods that don't require blood tests. I think part of the reason that the Olympic athletes take a blood test is because there are so many athletes coming from so many countries, and they're testing their general health for things like Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, and those kinds of things. I think Pacquiao's concern is with infection from a needle stick and getting sweaty and being sweated on by sparring partner's. He doesn't want to disrupt a day of training due to having blood drawn. A needle stick in your elbow crook can cause soreness as well. Maybe Floyd has experience with having blood drawn from his thigh or something, you know, someplace that doesn't need to bend like a person's elbow. If Pacquiao is clean, he should consult a vascular specialist or something to perform the blood drawing from the best place on his body. These guys are so lean that I think veins are exposed in more places than what's visible on a normal person. I appreciate Floyd's desire to ensure a fair fight, but there might be a better way to do it for both athletes rather than getting poked by needles.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Isn't a blood test 48 hours simple enough? Yes it is, and that's the reason why everyone is so damn suspicious of Pacquiao (HGH can leave the system within 48 hours). The dude brings it upon himself.

    2. Then how come intense athletes like Michael Phelps, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James were able to subject themselves to blood tests AND still kick some azz in the Olympics? Why? Exactly, because a prick of your finger for a little bit of measly blood is not going to affect you.

    3. "Everyone knows this is too much" lol dude, he's not running for general of the Red Cross blood drive, its as simple as a little bit of blood from thumb and that's enough. If Pacquiao really is the hard working, best p4p fighter in the world, and with the best trainer in the world, then why not go on with it, maybe's he's not as good as you fans hype him up to be.

    4. That is pure speculation and nobody has an warrant that Manny is "queezy" or "superstitious" to that. Stop making up excuses for him. It's not a mind's just testing to fair down to the grain. So when people in the Olympics are mentally stronger than the Filipino sensation? That doesn't make sense and that's how your logic is standing.

    5. So you're telling me that Manny is a freak of nature whose only method of winning is by all out beast like fighting and that it's impossible for him to classically and skillfully out-box his opponents? He's not able to box and win Floyd on points? He's only able to win by KO'ing his opponents?

    BQ: Any HGH for that matter can be detected, you're asking this question so you can make your conscience better by trying to convince yourself that he doesn't wanna take the test 48 hours because he's going to be doubting himself.

    All in all, try to put your bias aside and seriously ask yourself, why won't Manny just take the damn test, if he's as his good as all you loyal and loud fans claim he is , than why not? The one thing that really ticks me off is that this has to be the biggest double standard in any sport: If Floyd was pulling something like this, this forum would be going crazy with "he''s ducking, he's a this, he's a that, he's scared" But when it comes to good, humble, traditional Manny, it's totally tolerable. BULLSHT!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    blood vs. Urine? Usada clears up fuss over mayweather-pacquiao drug testing feud

    by josh slagter | the grand rapids press

    december 24, 2009, 11:55am

    the notion of bad blood interfering with the negotiations between floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao's representatives wasn't far fetched. Neither camp gets along with the other.

    But with tuesday's announcement from mayweather's camp that pacquiao has refused the olympic-style random drug testing, tensions have reached a new high.

    The nevada state athletic commission uses urine tests before and after fights to check for steroids other and performance-enhancing drugs. A blood test is required to earn a one-year license to fight in nevada, too.

    Mayweather's camp is demanding the u.s. Anti-doping agency conduct random blood tests during training. Pacqiuao's promoter, bob aurm, has said his fighter has agreed to be blood tested three times: In january, 30 days before the fight and then right after the fight.

    Travis tygart, the ceo of usada, told kevin iole of yahoo! Sports that both urine and blood tests are needed to determine if a fighter is clean.

    "there is no urine-based tested for human-growth hormone," tygart said. "it doesn’t show up in the urine. It’s only a blood-based test. That’s true of a number of prohibited substances, particularly those that would enhance and aid a boxer.”

    tygert also added the schedule arum is proposing won't work, because a fighter would have the advantage of knowing when he'd be tested.

    “that kind of window is totally unacceptable,” tygart said. “it would provide a huge loophole for a cheater to step through and get away with cheating.”

    dr. Gary wadler, an internal medicine physician and chairman of the world anti-doping agency’s prohibited list and methods sub-committee, supported tygar's position.

    “the fundamental principle is that the time and place of testing is in the domain of the governing body, not of the athlete,” wadler told yahoo! Sports. “it would lose all its validity if the athlete could pick and choose when he is going to be tested and for what he’s going to be tested for and how he’s going to be tested. They’re sophisticated enough now that if someone wanted to, you could play the calendar to your advantage."

    and to arum's notion that pacquaio will feel "weakened" by getting his blood drawn close to the fight? Victor conte, the founder of bay-area laboratory cooperative (balco), said the tests would have no physical effect on either fighter.

    “that amount would be less than one-half of one percent (of the total blood in the body),” conte told yahoo! Sports. “it’s not going to have any effect, the drawing of blood. Could it have some mental effect? That’s the only down side of that. It’s certainly not going to have any physical effect, giving blood before a fight.”

    the implementation of drug testing remains the only sticking point on negotiations for a fight that could break all of boxing's revenue records.

    Will either side blink in time for the fight to happen? It doesn't sound like mayweather adviser leonard ellerbe plans to back off on his demands.

    "they're backed up against the wall. Either they're going to step up to the plate and do this, or my guy's not stepping up into the ring and fighting," ellerbe said on "the huge show" on wednesday. "if you have nothing to hide, why not subject yourself to this testing?"

  • 1 decade ago

    Bro I agree. If Manny should take this ridiculous test then all boxers now should be subjected to the same procedure. If this Olympic style is so necessary then shouldnt all pro boxers undergo the same?? This is so pathetic.

  • 1 decade ago

    boxing fans have very short memories (except maybe the very few fight freaks, as dan rafael calls them). this is definitely unprecedented in professional boxing and is a precedence. i am curious how floyd will handle his next fight. he should subject himself to USADA and whoever his opponent is to set an example.

    and of course, boxing fans are not really intelligent. come on, i am guessing most people hear didn't even read half of your text above.

    i think arum is doing the right thing though, just sticking up with what pacquiao wants. i'd like to see pacquiao fight floyd-- but i would not mind seeing pacquiao fight someone else.

    it does not make sense to convince people who want to believe that pacquiao is using illegal enhancers. once it's a belief then there's no way reasoning will work. pacquiao isn't even tested yet and a few people already jumps to conclusions. i think even if pacquiao gets subjected to USADA there will be something else to say. who cares? it's like convincing people people who believe in big foot that such creatures do not exist.

    i don't really care about floyd. he is getting annoying. i will watch any other pacquiao fight. the cotto fight was good.

    i am getting convinced that floyd really does not want to fight pacquiao. or that he is not confident he can defeat the pacquiao that defeated dela hoya, hatton, and cotto. he probably truly believes that pacquiao uses illegal enhancers and he also believes that if subjected to USADA testing, pacquiao will be weaker and not fight like the way he did against cotto. in short, floyd wants to fight a weak version of the pacquiao we are familiar with. and this is what he means by fair play.

    frankly, i like the pacquiao that defeated dela hoya, hatton, and cotto. and for me it is enough that he fights subjected to the existing professional boxing association protocols. from these tests alone he already passes all tests from substances traceable from urine.

    i am in favor of using USADA testing protocols in all sports. but right now i just want to see pacquiao fight. i don't care about this test-- it's for the olympics. i don't care if pacquiao doesn't get a gold medal. i like to see this guy punch another guy to kingdom come. just bring the old boxing, the boxing when somebody like duran fought. i can't imagine duran asking his opponent to take USADA testing.

    i think HGH can only be detected 24-48 hours after use. and it's supposed to be used off season. and this is detectable in blood (using existing technology that is approved by the USADA). actually HGH can also be detected in urine using nanotechnology-- by amplifying trace amounts. but this is not yet approved by the USADA or WADA.

    hopefully, in the near future all measurements could be done using only urine because that is not intrusive. blood is always trickier because to get blood you have to inflict a wound to the athlete.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you whole heartedly. Very good points brought up. I just want to add that if there issue is ever fully resolved Floyd will be finding other things to complain about. It's kind of what you have to have come to expect from him.

  • 1 decade ago

    im going to say it again zab judah beat mayweather in that fight and zab beat his @ss on speed pac is a much faster puncher you cant counter anything that aint there mayweather duck alot of good fighters mosely, going to give a drug test give one to senior,hes the crackhead zab countered mayweathers punches and ducked his punches.mosely will whoop his @ss also mayweather looking scared after that interview of his last fight telling mosely "remember we were playing basketball" who gives, mosely will play the mind games also and prety much better than mayweather im just saying you use to be someone i thought was great but his image is being tarnished to me he is just a punk a$$ buster bad for boxing just fight whoever they put up against you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are obviously a Pacquaio fan, I like both fighters personally but all of your questions are based to but Mayweather down and make him the villain. Can you be a little less obvious in your building up one and putting the other down? Happy Holidays to you.

  • cm
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    to simms, why u are pushing manny to a suicide. let boxers like floyd test on steroids. and fight pacquiao with out excuses,

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