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Best Friend or Boyfriend? losing my v or waiting?

ok. me and my best friend have ben friends since 6th grade and we r now freshman he moved away and his mom died recently i had liked him before but got over bcuz i didnt want it to ruin our friendship he wasnt showing any interest anyway so now i hav a boyfriend that i love and my best friend is starting to show a little interest but the big problem is that ive been thinking about losing my virginity. my boyfriend agreed to wait on me but i think im ready now but deres is also my best friend who i been want to f*** i haven't let either of them kno dat im ready bcuz i think that will make things worst so i don't know wat to do should i have sex wit my boyfriend that ive been with for some months or my best friend that ive known for years? and im also still contemplating if i shud have sex in the first place or wait a couple more year


im a freshman in highschool ill b 15 in a week in sum odd days

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i was in a situation like this. when i was a sophomore, i told my best guy friend that i would lose my virginity to him right before i went to college (because i didn't want to lose it to some guy when i was drunk... etc) if i hadn't lost it by then. i really liked him, and we had hooked up before, but he was a "player", so there was no way we would ever go out. well, then i get a boyfriend at the end of my junior year and i end up losing my virginity to him, because ultimately, he was the one i really loved (and i'm still together with). i guess i would have been happy losing it to my friend, but i'm glad i didn't, and that i lost it to the guy that i actually in a committed relationship with. the nice thing about losing it to my boyfriend was that i trusted him and knew him well enough so it wasn't awkward when i had to tell him that it hurt, i was comfortable being naked in front of him, etc. and plus, i saw him the next day and it didn't need to be awkward. it made us closer and strengthened the relationship. i'm still with him, and so i'm so glad that it was something that i could give to him.

    so all that being said, don't feel rushed to just lose it to someone. it's really not that bad being a virgin, and waiting until you're sure you're ready. i was a senior, and i was still with guys in other ways, but i waited for someone that i could trust to lost my virginity to, and it was so worth it!

    so if you're questioning it this much, it probably means that you don't know yet, and maybe you're not ready (but only you can decide that).

    i see a negative for losing it to each guy:

    best friend - he wasn't showing any interest, so he might not want a relationship with you. plus, he's far away, so in the end, you'll end up heart broken and more attached to him than he is to you

    boyfriend - you don't seem to like your boyfriend that much (and you're only a freshman, so chances are, it's a relationship that won't last... no offense) so why bother?

    just wait until you know for sure

  • 1 decade ago

    My first advice would be to wait.

    You're a freshman. If you sleep with a guy now the first thing that people are going to say is "slut" right to your face. You don't want to deal with that. Also, there are many risks, and think about explaining -that- to your parents.

    You were smart enough to not ruin things with your best friend. If he is interested in you, wouldn't he be hurt that you slept with some guy that you haven't even dated that long? He might even get jealous and that could ruin your friendship, especially when you're so young

    Also, word of advice: Until you learn to type like some one older than 12 you shouldn't even have thoughts about having sex.

    Source(s): me, myself, and my personal opinions.
  • 1 decade ago

    Wait a few more years. youre a freshman in high school and youre being run by hormones. you should want to have sex out of love, not just because you want to "f***" someone. and you've been with your boyfriend for "months". first of all i would say that you should wait at least a year. but youre still so young, so you should wait longer. and it will only complicate your life if you do have sex. think of all the emotional stress. first of all, you'll have the problem of "did i sleep with the right guy?" then you'll start to wonder if you would be happier if you had slept with the other guy. and then you'll worry about pregnancy. no form of birth control is 100% effective. and high school will only get more complicated. guys will come and go and you'll wish that you had waited to have sex when you break up with your boyfriend. so my personal opinion is that you should have sex with neither and save yourself the stress and worry, but its your choice and who am i to say anything?

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi - im from Australia and I cant make out your age - Freshman, is that our High school - Im guessing you are around 15yrs old? In any case, you sound confused so dont go either way. I dont think you know what love is - because you say you love your boyfriend but are thinking of having sex with your best friend. Dont confuse yourself. Sex is love making and until you decide that you know you are in love with someone, dont go there. Never have sex for the sake of having sex, you will feel rotten about yourself. It is a very special thing giving away your virginity, please take care. You will remember it for the rest of your life. My best advise is to W.A.I.T, honestly, you dont know what you want so dont go there!

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope you mean freshman in college. If you are around 17-18, then it really just depends on your boyfriend. I will definitely suggest you do not lose your v to your best friend. That will just make things awkward for you, boyfriend, and best friend. That is the worst possible thing you can do. You might end up losing both of them. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait until you're married. I know I sound like your mom but think about this. What would you feel like if when you got married, you found out your husband had sex with a different girl. Wouldn't you feel bad, like you weren't "good enough" for him? If you had sex now, your future husband would feel that way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait a couple more years there's no rush, you'll have all the time in the world to have sex when your ready to do it with someone you really care about.

  • 1 decade ago

    why not just draw straws to pick the first one and then the next day just go do the other one it doesn't really matter because it seems you have decided to have sex with both of them but do it safely use protection and lots of lube good luck enjoy it

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like you need to wait. Because you're going to regret it either way in this situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lose your virginity to a guy who deserves it...marry the guy who deserves it...and then you won't have trouble deciding cuz then you'd lose it to the guy you've married! Why is that hard?

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