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Why do most women feel that they should take 1/2 of rich guys money if only married under 10yrs?

Its F'up that the guy gets rich WAYYYYY b4 he meets his wife. They stay married for under 10 yrs...divorces... now she is entitled to half his LIFE EARNING !?!?.......How does this system last ? Why is there even a legal option to not sign a prenup for rich guys ? SERIOUSLY.....I call 4 mandatory prenups for rich peps. (Even though it seems prenups somehow gets thrown out or change for the better of the wife BY THE HUSBAND).

Here is what should happen.....There should be a mandatory divorce payment/alimony chart.....Stay 1-10yrs= No Money.....Stay 11-20yrs= 20% of Family money......Stay 21yrs- ? = HALF THE MONEY !!!!!!! Couple that w/reduce Child Support payments. Results in longer grow up w/ BOTH parents.

Speaking of CS..... child support should be mandatory of course ......BUT.....I see ex-wives of rich men getting crazy CS so much they can practically LIVE off it and comfortably raise the child. Im talking $50,000 a month or more(Like it takes that much to raise a baby). Its just another way the court purposely screw the guys and favor women.......Cause NOT alot of women get ALIMONY these days BUT.....there child support payment will be so INFLATED that child support has turned into child support/light alimony...really.

Even everyday women get over INFLATED child support payments....usually that DOES go to raise the child but it also usually goes to wifes mall shopping also, LETS BE REAL. And then people wonder why most women dont work as much as most men....they dont have to( Chill peps thats only one reason the average women dont work as much as the average male).

Im not just bashing women on this......this is also for men married to rich women.

Taking half someones LIFE earning after being married under 10yrs and/or Making a man pay 2x as much is needed to raise a kid , just because the marriage DIDNT immoral , EVIL, very very very unfair,

Dont get me started on visitation laws for dads......:/ And guys DONT LET YOUR WIFE BE A SAHM

What do you think about this topic ?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have a lot of valid points there,abut you seem to be adding spousal support in with child support in a few places. like the 50k/mo example. In the case where the man has made a fortune before marriage the wife should only be entitled to a percent of what is earned after the marriage date while they were married. Prenups should be unchangeableto prevent unlawful enrichment.>_<.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have an idea about what you're talking about. Your thoughts seem pretty nice, although I think prenups establish these credentials in the first place. However, you are right, prenups should remain constant regardless of circumstance and should not ever be thrown out. Hopefully Tiger got a good prenup, or he's going to be $300 mill short, minus wife and kids as well. And if he did, it would make me so angry if the judge threw it out.

    Personally, for celebrities it seems like marriage is a black hole. I constantly hear of stars such as Paul McCartney and Nicolas Cage feeling the aftereffects of a nasty divorce with a gold digger. You think they'd be smarter or something, but apparently they're as dumb as the next guy. If I was making upwards of $500,000 a year earnings, I would make sure to get a good prenup before I married, just as a precaution, because if she really loves me she would accept the fact that she would never divorce, as is sworn in marriage.

  • essentailly corrupt family courts have created a pervese incentive system in which husbands - men are 'worth' more divorced, than in an intact family. Your formula based on years of marriage is a bad idea, because it encourages divorce, such as California which has the 10 year rule, causing so many celebrity divorces after 9 years. The courts should never offer an incentive to divorce, nor let women think they will profit from divorce. Women initiate divorce about 85% of the time now, it is mostly a financial decision, because women become independantly wealthier after divorce.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is what prenups are for. If a rich guy does not use one, then he is an idiot.

    However, the woman should be fairly compensated for what she did contribute during the marriage. If she paid for him to attend medical school, she should be entitled to a portion of all his future earnings, because she contributed materially to his career development.

    Courts use a reference of "lifestyle to which the family has become accustomed" to determine CS and alimony payments. It assumes that both parties should maintain their standard of living, even if it is extravagant, after the divorce. I think that's bogus. Divorce is a choice, and part of the consequence of a failed marriage is a lower standard of living as a single parent. Everyone must sacrifice in a divorce.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It more compleax than that. But to simplify's all about the kids. If you give the mother just enough wouldn't work. That doesn't take into consideration inflation ( it can take up to three months to change a court order), medical emergencies, saving for college etc etc etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dunno...I kinda think a fool and his money are soon parted. After all, what actually did Elin Woods DO (that other classes of women couldn't) except squirt out a couple of infants, probably under the influence of a epidural drip narcotic.

    Part of the problem is men; too often we nail our own coffins.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Im not just bashing women on this......this is also for men married to rich women."

    The ratio of men married to rich women to women married to rich men is 1:10000

    So feel free to bash women on this subject, exclude the outliers on the standard deviation curve.

    The reason this occurs is because most heterosexual women are self-loving narccisists, who are not sexually attracted to male bodies in the way males are sexually attracted to female bodies. So therefore rich ugly men marry hot models because the men are so sexually attracted to the females.

    How many rich/any women marry hot men models? Not many. Playboy sells millions, Playgirl is going bankrupt. Hence clearly the sexual attraction towards the males hardly exists for the females.

    “Women’s desire is not relational, it’s narcissistic — it is dominated by the yearnings of “self-love,” by the wish to be the object of erotic admiration and sexual need, more than finding the male body attractive." Dr.Chivers a female sexuality reasearcher

    That last quote explains it all.........

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In general, men and women have different roles.

    He might have been out "earning" all that money. But, she was home; raising his kids, cleaning his house, making him meals, etc. That doesn't pay a dime.

    She deserves something.

    Oh and there are these things called prenups. He could have asked her to sign one before the marriage.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rich men = the women's lottery.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that people should decide if they want a pre-nup by themselves. It really isn't my business to make decisions for other people. Nor yours. As I have said before - the guys posting here don't have much to worry about.

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