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What am I doing wrong?

I received a Canon EOS Rebel T1i SLR camera for Christmas and I am having trouble zooming in on pictures. When I zoom in as far as I can and take the picture; what I see in the viewfinder at the time I snap the picture isn't how the picture finally turns out. It is well focused but not close enough. Please help.

1 Answer

  • Jim A
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is your auto focus turned on? The switch is on the side of the lens.

    Another thought. I have a Rebel XS which uses 7 focus points. However, I use only one of them because I always end up with subject out of focus because the camera likes to grab the closest thing too it.

    Read your manual, you'll learn what setting to change your focus points if you want to.

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