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Am I wrong to dislike the way Christmas is celebrated nowadays?

Christmas to me seems like such a greedy holiday. I am Christian and do like the fact that it is Jesus Christs birthday but I think it is celebrated horridly. Some people call me Scrooge or the Grinch when I tell them that I am not excited for Christmas, I loathed going to celebrate it yesterday and I have another celebration tomorrow, is it wrong for me to dislike Christmas? Am I really a Scrooge?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was only able to give one small gift to anyone this Christmas,

    just knitting needles with some yarn... oh that and my myself...

    for whatever it is worth.

    Some recent calamities, both of my cars broken down with one that is dead,

    tow trucks, motels... and a few overdrafts... from wishful thinking later...

    I did get to spend Christmas week with my 5 year old child.

    On some days, I wish I could just forget about Christmas

    with all of its deceptions but how could I steal the magic of that day

    from my 5 year old little one? I tried to tell her the story of Jesus;

    she told me she already knows about that...

    but she was not interested.

    She was just anxiously waiting...and waiting... waiting for that day after this day

    when finally...finally.... Christmas day would arrive... I sigh...

    but what am I to say? So I shut my mouth and let her talk about reindeer and elves...

    I have been stranded with my daughter for five days now with no vehicle...

    no money... And I say stranded but there is no injury for the stranding...

    But still I am a little flustered with her as she is just bouncing

    and bouncing and bouncing off of the walls...

    I am afraid she has my ADD/ADHD situation

    in spite of her coming out of her mother's womb

    as a calm child with a delightful disposition.

    It being too cold to go outside for more than a few moments...

    I have had to play the prince

    with her prince doll, or a dog, then a cat...

    which I do reluctantly do... but she demands that I play...

    and I have no gift to give her but myself...

    so I play... and I play... and I play...

    Knocking over things, refusing to eat

    anything but Christmas treats...

    my baby is a mess but somehow...

    some way oh through it all,

    I have gotten to know her..

    my little one.. in some wonderful ways.

    These are some beautiful words she had to say;

    "Daddy, I love you all the way to heaven" and then she said...

    "I love you all the way back to 'erf;' "Your the best daddy I ever had."

    And I laughed... She also asked me yesterday;

    "Daddy, what does a soul look like?" she said.

    She wanted me to know that she loved me and

    I felt in my heart how important to her I was to her

    in those precious few moments shared.

    My bouncy, bubbly and wonderful child said she had a dream

    the night before Christmas Eve;

    I inquired as to what it was that she dreamed about

    and she said to me that she dreamed

    it was Christmas... Christmas every day of the year...

    and in her dream each day..every day that it snowed...

    I thought Oh No! No... not snow! but I didn't say a word...

    but I wanted to tell her....explain that where we live,

    it snows only once..once only every few years...

    Then she danced and she sang and she wandered off out of sight...

    to look for her dolls... I looked out the window

    and then to my surprise... as if by some Christmas magic...

    a snow flurry blew in and some snowflakes as snowflakes floated by.

    She ran to the window...She and shouted with glee...

    It's's snowing... it's snowing you see!

    and just for a moment, I couldn't help but let down my guard...

    and then and even until now my frozen heart for Christmas


    I opened my gift from her on Christmas day and what did I see

    but her drawing of herself playing with me...

    and then I noticed at oncehow when she drew herself...

    she would draw a great big heart

    where a tiny heart should be. She is such an angel and

    says such wonderful things to me...

    But even now as I write you, I am being hailed once again

    to play the prince... to dance with her maiden doll at the ball...

    She bows and she curtsy's and says after you,

    I just said wait a moment until I press send to send this message through...

    I then reflected on all the of things going wrong in the world and thought;

    I can't help but believe it might not matter what happens in this world

    of broken cars and broken hearts this day; things are going to be alright.

    I hope, if you practice Christmas... or even if not

    that these days...

    when it is too cold to spend too much time outside

    are spent within... and shared with those...

    those that you love.

    From "The Grinch" I meant rudi... Merry Christmas to All...

  • 1 decade ago

    Call it something different. Jesus wasn't born in December anyway. I call it "December Gift Giving Day" since I'm an agnostic and not celebrating the Christian ideals of Christmas. I'm guessing that you're loathing the money-grubbing, whiney kid side of Christmas and missing the "God bless us, every one!" Dickens style Christmas. I don't think you're a Scrooge. I think that you have a different interpretation of what Christmas is. Some people see it as a day of worship, others see it as a time to spend with family, some see it as a time to give to those less fortunate, some see it as a day to get free stuff for no reason, some see it as a day to give for no reason, and some just like the idea of having a big old celebration. If you don't like it, then don't celebrate it. Or celebrate it in your own way and ask that others respect your wish to not be part of the materialistic side of Christmas (ie: no gifts for or from you). Show them your holiday spirit in other ways: a prayer card, a warm hug, a thoughtful and intimate meal, inviting them to church services with you or a candle lighting ceremony. Remember, there are lots of people in the world who don't buy into the "Modern Christmas" and nobody thinks there is anything wrong with them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not Jesus birthday, actually. Even many Christians can tell you that (those who actually researched it.). If Jesus existed, he was not born in December. They just made the holiday around that time because they were trying to convert the pagans in ancient Rome to Christianity, and wanted to make it easier by letting them keep their winter holiday. So they made out like it was a Christian one.

    Many Christians still choose to use the date to celebrate Jesus, since his real birthdate would be unknown, which I have no problem with.

    But as much of the holiday was stolen from pagans, Christians cannot be angry when non-Christians celebrate it, also. I celebrate the 'goodwill towards man' and family parts, but not any religious part.

    I think even that has been degraded by commercialism, greed and consumer culture, though. Which is NOT what the holiday was supposed to be about.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, it's just your opinion and the way you feel. Don't let anyone change your mind. However, the first 200 years of Christmas was a celebration of the solstice, not Jesus' birthday. It is originally a PAGAN holiday. Just thought I'd throw that in.

  • 1 decade ago

    This will sound strange coming from an atheist but I have to agree. The greed and commercialism is astounding. I respect your religious views on christmas but since I don't share them I celebrate christmas as a time for family gatherings.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    it is a superb question, seeing the JWs could have chosen the different day of the 300 and sixty 5 days to rejoice Jesus' beginning, which they could somewhat reject. The Watchtower leaders elect no occasion or day off for his or her followers. the story of Jesus' beginning became placed into 2 of the Gospels for an extraordinarily good reason. there is in basic terms one way for observance of the Christ's beginning, and that's to rejoice with acquaintances and relatives in this very specific occasion. to go away out this observance because of the dictative words of a team of old men who elect finished compliance to their twisted sayings, this shows them to be against the Christ in countless techniques. Dare they attempt and make up yet another day of observance to the Christ's beginning, and that day or the different day of the 300 and sixty 5 days will actual land into yet another one in each of those historic pagan roots. There are pagan roots on daily of the 300 and sixty 5 days, so i could elect to work out them pick one!

  • 1 decade ago

    Now a days?

    For the last 300 years or so, is being very comertiallice . economist have learn that they can make a proffit out of peoples fellings and belifs ...

    Did I say Polititians, I meant Economis...

    We are going to sell Christmas in China...,with that we will make a proffit, calling it "An interesting and very particular cultural exchange" or so

    That way no body losses fece value, but they win in "Public Image"

    Source(s): 007
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I agree, it is fun but some people think of it wrong they take as a time to get presents and nothing else. But then again it depends on how you see it in your eyes. (i am religious)

  • It's not Jesus birthday, get your facts straight before you complain. Just don't go to the celebrations.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, some people think that it's just for the presents but it's not.

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