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Anonymous asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Why do people still deny Global Warming?

I just don't understand. Global Warming is so evident, look at picture of glaciers 50 years ago and the same ones today. The current version of the glaciers are extremely emaciated. Lake Chad in Africa use to be the world's 3rd largest lake, now it is a fraction of it's size. If you just go and look on the internet you find insurmountable evidence. Or watch The Inconvenient Truth and put aside politics. All you have to do is actually look for the evidence and give the idea that there may be unnatural global warming out of it's cycle a chance and you will be astounded on what you discover. Even without the science, and obvious distress of our planet, does anyone really think that our factory farms, factories, cars, and lifestyles have no affect on the earth?

So with all this information why do people still deny America's and Humanities biggest threat in my opinion? I believe if anything is possible and therefore it is possible I am wrong, I hope i am, as it is possible the opposing side of the global warming debate is wrong. BUT wouldn't it be so much better if in case we were right(Global Warming is true side) that the world was prepared to deal with this problem. We might as well take precautions. It is better to be safe than sorry.


Yes, the glaciers are much less than they were 50,000 years ago. But the rapid change seen in the last 50 years just isn't right, it is commen sense if you just go look at the pictures of glaciers.

Update 2:

@ Meadow F, I simply said that there are more signs of global warming than the science. The science of it is solid anyway in the first place. Oh and I like how you don't want to spend any money on a problem that won't affect you directly but next generations.

Update 3:

@ Ben-

How am I in a cult if almost every country in the world beside America believes in it. It is typical of us to just try to find facts and make up scientific investigations so we can keep our luxurious life styles and not actually change to help the world.

21 Answers

  • lg
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you could look at glacier 50 000 years ago, yes they covered most of canada. global warming and cooling is a fact of life (of the planet) nothing we can do to change it. nothing we can do to prevent another cycle to happen. their is much more to GW then human activity. the sun solar activity is affecting every single planet in this solar system. every planet temperature as been going up at a much faster rate then on earth. which leave the question of human influence on GW did we accelerated it as warmist say or did we slow it down as astronomer said. but since warmist reject any debate with scientist not supporting their view we will never know. We do not beleive the crap reported by Al Gore in is movie because he does as Micheal Moore as done with all is movie. for example: he depicts the canadian health care system as wonderful and free and very humain well guess what it cost us billions taken strait into ours pay before we even see it, if you have a family physician it takes month (some) to see them, get a specialised test to be done with referall as urgent it will take month to get the rv for the next 3 month. if you go to the ER spend the next 24 hrs for a broken foot in the waiting room. it so perfect that people die in waiting list.

    internet evidence most of the time is planted info by warmist giving you part of the picture. look at the black seaa how small it is that is a man made problem, they derivated most of the water going in it. Lake chad it filling and drying all the time in accordance to the drought cycles and the arctic is not in worst condition then reported in 1923 were ice pack was breaking up and polar bear had difficulty finding food. since then it seem to have been ok and even got better.

    So are we panicing on GW, NO, we realise their is change in weather patern. we realise that pollution is bad, but were not accepting the 100% responsability of human being in GW and some fact tend to deny even some of the GW theory. Precaution is good if you can do something about it (we all want a better earth fo our children) but the problem lie there also can we do someting about it and that's exactly where we don't believe warmist, even if we stop every single sourc of man made pollution and repaired damaged done in the past, can we revert the natural trend toward the warming cycle or even the return to global cooling. However mighty you think we are the answer is, No.

    Reductions in carbon emitions by the imposition of a tax won't affect the emisition itself but it will affect the poores and middle class familie.

    I for one, As done as much as my budget allow me to do, i have change windows and roof that needed to be done, use eco light bulb everywhere i could, but by -20 to -40 this winter the furnace will have to be employed and my snowplow also cause you can, if you whish, plow the 400 cm to 500cm (tha,s 5m or 15 some feet) of snow fall that we get every single year. I've done it for 10 years now i am not anymore.

    one last fact if GW was changing the earth so fast, why aren't we still breaking heat record of the 40's, 50's and 60's shouldn't we be breaking those of the last 10 years.That is probably the most important fact that leave a little doubt in our mind on GW. Since no warmist want us to debate or research this, then the scientific methode is compromised.

    Don't fall for the new religion and it's dogma, this is not beleive or be doom this is science fact and it's chalenge by peer. if we dont do science the right way then it's no science.

    Source(s): read other thing then green and eco engage article on the internet and know the allegence of what you read. When your subsidised by a global warming institute your not demonstrating cooling your researching proof of what pay's you
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    They don't ignore global warming, they ignore that the human-induced carbon-dioxide (CO2), should be the root of all evil in this case. The earth has always been warming up, and cooling down over and over again, in jurassic time-period fx, it was much warmer than it is today. Even in the medieval times we had a period looong period of warmer climate. In the 70's everyone feared global cooling, and the threat of a new ice-age, because the graph on global temperature had been going drastically downwards after a period where the temperature had been increasing. Furthermore the temperature has since the year 2000 been going downwards again. I just think we have to accept that these climate changes have always been going on, and will keep going on and on and on forever. People deny that CO2 is the greatest sinner of all time, because it simply is against the human logic, when you have a lot of knowledge. Most people just believe what they hear, when it's someone of high authority saying it, because they don't have any background knowledge at all, other than "it's a greenhouse gas". That said, I'm happy to see have this fuzz over us, so that the scientist and engineers will get on with the development in the field of alternative energy. Because nomatter the global warming, we're running out of oil and choal, which there's tons of bad things to say about other than the CO2 produced when burning it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's quite funny how the mini ice age was getting colder and stronger until the Industrial Revolution then steadily got warmer and warmer. Note STEADILY not all at once.

    Which means even during *Warm* years there will still be the odd cold spell breaking records but not as often.

    Here in the PNW we used to get moderate Artic bites every 2-3 years but now it's once every 5 years. The last deep one was in December then before that was strangely again December 2009 and before that October 2003.

    Weird how every 5 years there is a major polar air mass and it used to be every 3 years. 100 years from now it might be every 8-10 years before one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because it is all a lie. Climategate revealed all the lies.

    Leaked emails don't change a thing.

    On Christmas day, Dallas Texas had the first white Christmas in 80 years

    If Global Warming is true, that would be the case.

    The 1999 glacieral melting in the Arctic was caused by increased undersea volcano activity


    The Antartica glaciers are stable and have been growing since 1980 while also most all of the worlds glaciers have been thickening in recent years

    It's not even org or edu so so what?

    People deny it because there is alot of proof against it (natural sun cycle). Denying global warming is not the problem however; denying to still try and stop it is the problem. I don't think global warming through emissions is fact but I'm not going to buy a car in 3 years or use lots of aerosol cans because that would be human ignorance. It's not "is this fact", it's "this has evidence and if we don't accept it, something bad will happen".

    However, taxing emissions is not the way to go and you shouldn't pay a dime for these footprint removal things. Just stop driving fossil fuel driven cars and buy some freaking plants.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't deny global warming, I deny that we are the cause. You can't ask someone to put politics and point them to a political movie.

    I believe we should be doing a lot more to limit our use of fossil fuels, I just don't agree with the ridiculous schemes that people are touting right now. Trading air and increasing the cost of living for everyone. Allowing people to maintain there current carbon emissions by giving them subsidies or allowing them to increase the price and buying more carbon credits. As intelligent as the alarmist crowd thinks they are, these schemes aren't very bright.

  • 1 decade ago

    Global warming is so evident that we didn't had any Large hurricanes this year...

    Global warming is so evident that its the coldest freaking winter as far as I remember...

    Global warming is so evident that summer never showed up...

    First of all getting facts right is something you should do, if world warms up by a little... lets say 1 Deg C that is the average temperature around the world warming up not of some place like Uran'batar that has temperature range of 45 Deg C a day, the overall rainfall around the world would increase to.

    That is why they said that due to global warming the frequency of hurricane will increase, which didn't happen this is why lakes are drying because rainfall is lower as world temperature is falling not increasing.

    Factories, cars and lifestyle has effect on earth for sure but all this is like 1% of the total effect, which is controlled by the Sun, Orbit of the Earth, Tilt of the Earth, Number of sun spots on the Sun and many things that are "FAR" larger than stupid human factories.

    And how would you deal with global warming?

    #1 World came out of Ice Age, 10,000 years ago, geologically its not a very long time period, we're out of it and we're still warming.

    #2 Earth goes through cycle of cooling and heating naturally, its not something we can stop or prevent. For instance geologically speaking temperatures 65 Million years ago were 8 Deg C warmer than today and there weren't any ice caps either on south or north poles. "We are yet to discover Factories and Cars that made that global warming 65 Million years ago".

    #3 So you'll prevent human's from consuming meat, stop farming, stop factories, go back to forest? What are you even talking about? Drag us back to prehistoric era? You must be kidding me right?

    So what precaution you want to take? Stop flying? Use horse to go from New York to San Diego? Stop using car? Stop using Trains and Bus? We shouldn't launch any more Satellites because rocket produces lots of green house gases? Stop using all kind of communication, including internet? Because Servers that keep these systems up use lots of energy and release lots of heat?

    Tell you what, try camping and see if you can live without all these facilities then come and write your other question here.

    #1 Earth has been cooling down since 2001.

    #2 Earth cools and heats up naturally, nothing we do can change that.

    #3 This year had one of the coldest early winter we had ever seen in previous years.

    #4 To change the lifestyle you really have to pay a lot for no benefit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Connor -

    Your statement about whether or not the science is accurate shows the dangers of your thinking. We're talking about spending billions on something (Co2 emissions) which may not even be having a significant effect on the atmosphere. It simply isn't proven - only models and extrapolations.

    Do you think it's a free ticket here? The money used to combat Co2 emissions has to be paid for by normal working people and it's money that could have been used for so many things. Surely the least they expect is honest and open debate and science? They haven't had that yet.

    Lastly, An Inconvenient Truth is in fact a tissue of lies and exaggerations. It was found to contain numerous distortions and mistruths in court. Why don't you keep an open mind? It's a fraught issue and you know something? It's better to be safe than sorry.

  • JB
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, Global Warming has taken a huge toll on the world ever since the glaciers left the northern part of the United States thousands of years ago when the warming trend started.

    It's amazing if you have a disagreement with what CNN and politicians tell you somehow you're ignorant. The one scientist that I have spoke to at school has said that in his (professional) opinion humans have had at best less than a 5% effect on the total change in climate over the last 100 years.

    Stop exhaling so much of the greenhouse gas CO2; you'll make the world a better place. Al Gore invented the climate movement right after he invented the internet.

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