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Lv 4
Tami asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

When did you tell everyone you were pregnant?

I took a pregnancy test on Christmas and it was positive, of course my husband made me take a few more....all were positive!! :) We had been trying for a year and are so excited. We told our immediate family members and I'm just wondering when everyone told their extended family, friends and co-workers. I am only 4 weeks.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    with our first not until 16-18 weeks, but with this pregnancy we couldn't hold it in any longer so we told close family at 6 weeks and everyone else around 8-10 weeks.

  • 1 decade ago

    We said we would wait until the second trimester since they say the risk goes down alot by then of a miscarriage.. But honestly we found out we were pregnant at 4 1/2 weeks along and by 7 weeks the Whole family and friends knew.

    Source(s): 36 weeks pregnant
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm horrible at keeping things from my family, so I told my close family and friends as soon as I found out (5 weeks), I told everyone else after my first doctors appointment which was 10 weeks. Tell them as soon as you want there is no rule, just depends on the person. Congrats!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well it's a pretty common practice to wait until the 2nd trimester of pregnancy to tell people because that's when the risk of miscarriage drops the greatest, but it's really difficult to wait till then. Once I told one person I wanted to tell everyone. Even though our plan was to wait 3 months I couldn't hold it in and just prayed really hard that I didn't miscarry so I wouldn't have to turn around and tell everyone that news. You'll probably be too happy to hold it in and its always going to be on your mind so I would just tell people as soon as your ready. Although I would maybe wait to tell co workers. That really depends on your work situation, but I would wait as long as possible to tell my job. Congratulations. You sound very delighted.

  • Digi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We told everyone when I was about 10 weeks. (Can't remember exact date, could have been 9 weeks.)

    I suspected I was pregnant right away, but didn't want to get my hopes up. So I waited until a few days before my second missed period before I even tested. So about 2 weeks after that. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We didn't tell anyone about our pregnancies until after our first prenatal appointment with the doctor. It gave us a chance to confirm the pregnancy was healthy and normal before telling anyone. After that, we told anyone that would listen. lol I was between 5 and 10 weeks when I told family/friends/coworkers about the pregnancies.

    Source(s): Mother of 3.
  • 1 decade ago

    First, congrats!

    I got my BFP on Christmas Eve, I waited til after midnite (when we exchange gifts) to tell my BF, the baby´s dad. I gave him a present with the positive test; he was so happy he cried. It was adorable. Anyway the next day, Christmas, we told our parents. We told some of our closest friends. He is on vacation til January, so I imagine he will tell his coworkers once he goes back.

    Source(s): 3w6d with #1
  • 1 decade ago

    We were told by our doctor that we couldn't conceive a 3rd child together, so when we actually did it, anyone who knew us found out really quickly!

    The down side of that is now I'm worried if I do have a miscarriage in the next two weeks, then I have to deal with telling all of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I told my mother as soon as I was 7 weeks pregnant and then she announced it because she was really thrilled!

    He told his family as well at 7 weeks!

    They say to announce it as soon as your out of the danger zone which is when you enter your second trimester. The excitement takes over though lol

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I found out I was pregnant and immediately told my mom and my best friend, obviously my fiance new. I did not tell anyone else until I was 13 weeks.

    Source(s): 24 weeks with a baby boy!
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