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Black mites on my boas?

I recently took possession of 2 red-tail boa constrictors from a woman who no longer wanted them; they are about 1 year old and came with their 40 gal. tank. When I picked them up from the woman they were in a large plastic bin (for transport) and they were fine. About 5 minutes after getting them situated and put back in the tank at my house, both of them were just covered in black mites that had been in the tank. Since the snakes didn't have so much as a speck of dirt on them when I picked them up, I have reason to believe that the woman had been containing the snakes in the plastic bin for a lot longer than she said she had been and I now believe that the mite infestation is the reason she was getting rid of them. I've gotten the mite infestation down for the most part; bleach cleaned the tank, tossed the bedding, sprinkled Mite Gard, lined the tank with newspaper and everything else. The snakes get a warm water bath every other day and I rub them down with olive oil each day to control the problem. What I was wondering is if anyone who has had to deal with this before has any advice to get rid of the mites once and for all. Are there any special tricks you used..? And as for the woman that gave them to me, i really want to call her and b***h her the hell out about this because I have one other snake (in a huge 55 gal. tank) that I've had to relocate to another area of the house and I am having to us preventative measures with. 2 wonderful new pets has turned into a nightmare filled with black snake mites -.- Any helpful advice would be much appreciated :-)

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would suggest using something for mites from your local pet shop. Usually you just mist the snake and the cage with it and it helps control them and helps get rid of them. Keep cleaning the cage like you are, as you are doing that right. Also mist your other snake (one without mites) with the mite mist to prevent it from getting mites. Hope I helped!

    P.S. I would call her, but thats just me. :)

    Source(s): Years of keeping/breeding reptiles.
  • Dion J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Simply eliminating mites from the cage is not sufficient, as they lay eggs away from the cage, and new mites will continue to return to the host. The trick is to make the host inhospitable. You do not need to apply anything directly to the snake. Most pet store remedies do not work very well.

    Here is what I have had success with; replace the substrate with newspaper, and sprinkle a small amount of Sevin dust under the newspaper. Sevin is an insecticide that is available at farm stores, and small quantities are harmless to snakes.

    Any mite that goes into the snake's cage will die before it can feed and reproduce.

    Clean the cage weekly, and replace the Sevin dust each time. You should be mite-free in about a month. If they come back, simply repeat the cycle.

  • 1 decade ago

    Provent-a-mite is awesome at getting rid of snake mites and ticks. It is toxic to people and animals if inhailed for an extended period of time or comes into contact w/the skin and is not washed off right away. It cost about $20 a can, 1 can can last for years. All you gotta do is remove the snakes and anyother animals from that room and put them in another room. Spray the bedding and decorations, NOT the water bowl..remove the water bowl before spraying.

    Hope this helped.

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    I just had this problem with my boas what you need to do is get some lice spray from Walgreen's and get rid of all there bedding water dishes. you want to soak your boas in water for two hours then take a clean cloth and spray a little for that lice spray on it and wipe there bodies with it. This can be a two day event but do not put anything that was in there cage back or the mites will come back make sure its all clean bedding in there for them. and don't give them water for a couple of days good luck hope that helps

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In addition to the answers above...I would definitely separate them, if one has been ridden of the mites and the other hasn't completely, then they will continue to pass them back and forth. Bleaching the tank is good, but after bleaching, using Dawn dish soap will kill any eggs that may have been laid.

    As for the lady...well she knows that was a crappy thing to do, hopefully you will have the satisfaction of knowing they are in good hands now. And I for one commend you on taking them in and nursing them back to health. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    +a million to the respond that reported nix because of the fact the scientific care. i've got used the nix scientific care in the previous and the mites have been eradicated interior of one night. ensure you stick to the guidelines correct and dilute it precisely because it inform you to. do no longer think of using a much better concentration of nix will paintings better / it won't, it may heavily injure your snake if no longer diluted correct. whether if u stick to the instructions and dilute correct then it particularly is thoroughly secure. ensure you employ the nix on the enclosure and the snake reliable luck.

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