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Do you believe that one person can change the world?

Do you believe that one person can change the world and why?

If you could change the world would you, why would you, why wouldn't you, and if you would, would you change it for the better or the worst and why?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes...Jesus sure did! Without Him, we'd ALL be doomed!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe, but indirectly. I believe that one person can cause a million other people to look at things in a new light, causing many of those people to actually change their beliefs (and then their actions) forcing some kind of change on the world. I believe that everyone serves some purpose in existence that affects the world in some small way.

    If I had the ability to change the world I don't know what I would do because I wouldn't know where to start. Maybe I could send all the child molesters in the world to Antarctica.

  • anaise
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not one person, more like a belief in something. You get a domino effect going. One person says it, and another goes into another direction to spread the word. Then others like it and sooner or later the echo is heard all over the world.

    I could be one of many with the same type of belief to help change the world for the better. Being a multi-millionaire is nothing, but adding to the community if everything. By adding, I mean having an influence whether its giving time to the battered shelter, or serving the homeless in a soup kitchen. Thats powerful.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    One person can change the world in that what each person does effect someone else. It's like a snowball effect. You may not realize it but something that someone did a long time ago across the world may be effecting you right now. Think about it that way and you will understand that every action effects someone else's life now and in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes iI believe that 1 person can change the world

    proof: Adolf Hitler

    yes I do believe in changing the world and am constantly trying to do so, why? I don't have a reason it's like recoiling from fire we just do it without thinking

    and I would be really surprised if anyone says they'll change it for the worse

  • 1 decade ago

    Many times the course of the world has been changed, for good or ill, by a single person. Did Hitler change the world? Gandhi? The apostle Paul? Einstein? Darwin?

    Of course I would want to change the world for the better. But that probably isn't going to happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    1 person can't change the world but if everyone took a stand then maybe. (hitler did so did God but yea) i would change the world so there would be less taxs and more money but my 1 goal is to convince everyone to love and serve God. it would be for the better and cause everything like war or high gas bills are very annoying so that is just my way of showing God that i want whats best for the world and everyone :)

  • 1 decade ago

    President Obama said something I like: 1 person can change a room; 1 room can change a city; 1 city can change a state; 1 state can change a nation, and 1 nation can change a world.

    One person can't change the world, but they can try to effect change in their little corner of the world.

    Source(s): "Be the change you wish to see." ~Gandhi.
  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone changes the world, some better than others. Every day we all make decisions about how we are going to change the world. I try to do the right thing, because doing the right thing is the right thing to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I do. Look at Hitler and how he was able to start WWII!

    I would change the world for the better if I could. I guess I'll try to at least affect the world in a positive way while I'm here, because I like people.

  • Neil
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The only one that can change the world is the Lord Jesus when he comes back. Because he will remove sin and pain. A regular person cannot. We live in a world moving so fast that whatever great unselfish act done by somebody will soon be forgotten. It becomes old news real fast.

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