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I am 21 years, go to a large college, am in a sorority, and I have a boyfriend. The problem is, every year, my group of friends changes (which i realize to some extent is normal). However, the same thing has happened twice: first i had a group of girlfriends who i got along well with, shared same interests, partied with, but when we came back this year, they had changed kind of and stopped answering my texts and conveniently were never available to come to a party i invited them too. So i moved on, and made friends with a few other girls, one of which i became pretty close to. We hung out every weekend, called and texted all the time, but then after some time she stopped calling/inviting me places and would never be able to come out to parties w/ me or w/e. I dont know what happend!! i never did anything to any of these ppl, there is no "bad blood" between us, it doesnt make sense. Whatever the reason is, something is wrong.

Does anyone have tips on making girlfriends and keeping them??? I feel like i never have girls in my own sorority to hang out with, which sucks! Even if its outside my sorority, help! How can i make these friends and then maintain them?? what am i doing wrong?????

BTW---> I have a big group of AWESOME girlfriends at home, so i know i'm not some freak who is incapable of making friends lol

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From my own experience i know that girls can be awful. I have found that it is easiest to have friends come to you. Don't go looking for them because then you never find valuable relationships just minor acquaintances, which is what you aren't looking for. Its hard to answer your question because i don't know why it is important to you. Is it because you are in school don't want to be considered a "loser" who doesn't hang out with the cool crowd. or is it because you just genuinely want a friend. If it is the first case, maybe you keep changing friends so much because those people think you are trying to hard.. I mean if they can just pretend you don't exist they were never true friends to begin with. My suggestion is to just be coy. Talk to people you are always around, people in your classes, and such. Don't try and become part of a clique because as soon as you can become part of one you can just as quickly be out of one. Find one person that you can truly be friends with. It isn't important that you have many friends. just someone you can have fun with. develop a single friendship first. then work on growing your own group... don't just become part of someone else's. I hope i helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you're doing anything wrong, but its possible that you hang out with them too much. Making friends is easy, but if you invite them out all the time and hang out all the time then eventually you'll get boring. You can hang out daily, just try to not go to parties and out to eat every day. Just hanging out and talking girl stuff is fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    This sound suspicious. You should go check out what is going on. Try to talk to one of them and ask what wrong and why are they doing this to you. Get it face to face. That way it get you to understand the situation better...

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