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Christians: do you study the bible, or do you just read it? Or do you only listen to what others say about it?

HOW do you study the bible

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do all the above.I have personal bible study time.I read the Bible 3-5 chapters a day.I help others by teaching what I have learned by going out in service.We have a Congregation Book Study.We have Watch tower and Awake that we study and ones we give to public,And more.

    Source(s): Jehovah Witness
  • 1 decade ago

    I most days read the daily text, then I read 1,2,or 3 chapters in the Bible, I hardly never miss the daily text. When I read the Bible I always use reference scriptures, I always take notes, these I store under my documents, I go to these when answering questions here on Y!A. When reading Matt-John I get carried away and it's hard to put down no matter how many times I've read it. During the public talks I sometimes have my Bible open to the scripture before the speaker says, let's go to... I love the Bible, it's a personal letter from Jehovah, it sets us free from this world and shows us how we can live forever and see our loved ones that have fallen asleep in death. This will happen when Jehovah's sovereignty is here and the one that questioned it is not.

    I do all three, I read, I study, & I listen, then I read and study to make sure what I hear is true Bible doctrine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I read it like a novel, from beginning to end, but sometimes read randomly. Also, do at least one Bible study at a Christian church. I switch churches for the Bible study to get the best one for me at the time. For inspiration and comfort, I read Psalms. For serious study, I use a Life Application Study Bible (New Living Translation -- NLT) with footnotes to help see what the verses may mean for us today, and for fun I read The Message which has more emotion. I'm highlighting my favorite parts. I've got the New Testament on CD so I can listen to it while eating breakfast or other times I just don't want to read. Read the Bible through twice. Pray before you study the Bible to have God speak to you through it. Read with your heart.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is a lifetime of learning or wonderful lessons. To study the Bible daily is drawing you closer to Jehovah God. He made sure that we had information that leads us on the right path. So if people are not reading the grand instructions they are not following the words of Jehovah God and the example Jesus set.

    So many do read the Bible but, no meditation

    And others just would rather believe some guy up there talking than to find out the truth for themselves. This is how the Trinity, and other pagan beliefs got started.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've been a Christian since 1964 and a Bible teacher since 1988.

    HOW do I study the Bible? I pray before starting, for one thing, for wisdom, insight, and focus on what I'll be studying. I take notes of what I'm studying. For a lesson preparation, I put my notes into a readable order and type them up. I have 4 binders full of lessons I've prepared over the past 11 years (never kept my lessons before that). I refer to Christian commentators to clear up any questions I might have about what I'm studying.

    When I through with my study, I thank God for the privilege to live in a country where I CAN study His word without fear, and where I can TEACH His word without fear. I thank Him for giving me the opportunity to teach His word and ask Him to help me not misspeak when I am teaching from His Word.

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Like your avatar says, life long student.... I have been studying the bible as an EVERY day student for about 10 years or better.... I do different bible studies from different point of views... I am trying to find an easy way to get into Hebrew and study it from that point of view.... any ideas ?? I do NOT take any ones word for it, I let the Holy Spirit guide me through it all.... go in peace... God bless

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I study as I read, I have a study bible that explains not only the chapters, but each verse, and geographic locations. You can either choose a chapter that you are particular interested in to study or go from Genesis to Revelations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I study it.

    Strongs Concordance

    W E Vine's Bible Dictionary

    Several translations



    Living Bible

    Message Bible

    Darbeys New Testament

    Weiss translation


    webster dictionary


    several commentaries breaking down each word in each verse.

    No I do not take what others say.

    I pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in the Word of God.

    how do you study it ?

    Source(s): Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    I) Do you study the Bible while you read it. Study it in context and not your own interpretation or what you would like to believe?

    ii) Do you just read it verse for verse and that's it?

    iii) Do you not read it but accept what others tell you about it, for example what your Minister tell's

    you without question?

    The answer comes in reverse order:

    iii) You can fool some of the people ALL the time.

    ii) You can fool some of the people some of the time.

    i) BUT you cannot fool ALL the people ALL the time.

    The Bible can only contain one truth and sometimes that conflicts with what we were taught to believe or what we want to believe.

    For example the Bible tells us "not to kill."

    Are we then exempt from this law because the country where we live is in conflict with another and we go to war and kill people?

    How you feel about this depends on your view this book.

    Do we understand it in context, or do we tend to attach our own interpretation or preference to twist the biblical law to our own desires.

    “There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled.”—2 Timothy 4:3.

    Source(s): Bible reading in context with the entire bible.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lots of ways. Every day I spend about 20-40 minutes studying 1 chapter (that works out to the OT once every 4 years, and the NT twice every four years).

    I also read the entire Bible every year, cover to cover (that's about 3-4 chapters a day).

    I also spend 3 1/2 hours a week doing "religious studies" which consists of everything from more Bible studies, reading ancient and modern biblical commentaries, church history, typology, textual criticism, and whatever else I decide to throw in.

    I try to balance it three ways,

    Reading, Studying, Living

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