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Why does Britain think they can tell China what to do?

China just executed a heroin smuggler and Britain basically wanted to tell them what to do. I am glad that in China they don't buy the crap that someone is mentally ill that is why they do what they do, especially smuggling drugs. I say good for China, I respect any country other than mine because is their rules to handle a problem that here in North America is dealt as a business. If anyone does not want to loose their life then don't brake their rules that simple. I am tired of people fighting the death penalty for murderers, child molester, and the scum of life. How about fighting to improve the court systems around the world, that way we can be sure that the right people are getting executed. My personal opinion but if someone is mentally sick, how are they able to obtain passports and visas to other countries, is that not dangerous. Sounds cruel but hey if someone is mentally sick why are they allowed to enter other countries? What do you think?


90% of the businesses from china that do business around the world are owned by British Nationals, 3% other nationalities and 7% undisclosed. Figure that one out all of you who claim that China owes something to the British. Maybe is also why British only care about certain parts of China and not China as a whole country. Besides all of you missed the point of the question, It was about drugs, if anyone thinks they can get away from a country's legal system, just like they do on their own country they are wrong, and China is just proving it. Also the so called Sick Mental person that got executed had traveled at least 20 times in the year of his capture, of witch he only had 3 verifiable reasons to be there. You don't hear about that in the head lines of the news do you. Drugs are not tolerated so Execute, that simple.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It happens that this "Briton" was a brown Muslim + drug smuggler (getting tricked is a much abused excuse). And this is a Briton? Good riddance, what's happened to England? I'm sure the Chinese must be confused. As confused as how America has a black Pres. with a name similar to Osama. Boy are we screwed up.

    Anyways, thumbs up to China for not bowing to our leftist liberals, who are bending over backwards for these undesirable third world immigrants and illegals. Look what we're doing to our own countries.

    At least China's not taking any BS. Let that be a warning to all scumbags out there. Don't mess with China is the message they are sending out to you loud and clear. Now I wish our own countries had more backbone these days.

    Source(s): Bipolar is NOT an excuse for smuggling or dealing drugs. Otherwise a lot more people would use mental illness as an excuse. My friend is bipolar and would understand about drugs being a no-no.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Exactly. How ironic for the UK to be the beacon of morality and humanity when they've only been able to become a rich by being thieves and the biggest drug peddlers history has ever seen.

    @ Kite Runner

    Yeah right? China should really kiss Britain's feet! For ransacking their country and trying to tear it apart no less. So...owe GB a HUGE debt, you say? Hmmm, let's try to absorb that for a minute....OK done. Eww but now I want to puke. Do you even realize how brainwashed you are by the leftist media? Are you a little boy or what?

    Seriously, talk about twisted logic! FYI, while the Brits did establish rule of law, that was about it. When the Brits took over HK, it was a crap hole of a place, infested with plenty of mosquitos and monkeys, sparsely populated with only a bunch of farmers. China didn't even care about HK. Britain only wanted it to maintain a port. That was about it. But then the exiled Shanghainese came and it was mostly through them that we have the wealth and economy of HK as we see today. They brought brought their business savvy and pumped their money into HK, not the Brits. The Brits were nothing but leeches. Oh my how sad Governor Patten was to leave HK during the handover, his whole family cried. Ummm, yeah they were ONLY giving up the goose that laid the golden eggs. Who wouldn't be?

    And here's food for thought; if it weren't for the deeds of greedy Britain and her partners in crime in the first place, there would not have been any given that gave ideas for a JAP aggression, which then lead rise to the Commies. Anyone thought of that?

    Bottom line, Britain didn't build HK or the rest of Asia, the Chinese did. Everywhere the Chinese went, and they always went on the back of the Imperialists heels, they helped build up the economy while the Imperialists reaped the rewards. Don't believe? Read up on the history of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines - most all of their wealth and prosperity were created by the Chinese, NOT by the colonizers. If anything, the colonizers were blood suckers.

    OH and L@@k at the last few responses since Kite Runner's. All very hateful. And all apparently from the brownies of the world (with exception of one). Looks like your inferiority complexes are showing loud and clear. Yes, China can be a HELL HOLE for brownies, rag tops ^^ no exception.

    @Queen top...I would think twice about stepping onto China's soil too if I were your kind. China has already executed an untold amount of black drug dealers. Before anyone cries racism again, why is it anytime a black goes to any country, they are doing bad things? And China of all places, the one place where blacks are about as inconspicuous as a neon sign.

    Oh and taking Kite Runner's example, perhaps black people should kiss the feet of America for taking you out of Africa, slavery being a moot point. After all aren't your lives better off compared to those still in Africa? Yeah in the words of Kite Runner, You OWE the West a huge debt.

  • leer
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    bear in mind that china has a male populace of 500 million and they have got a enormous stockpile of small palms main again to the primary global battle. they would positioned the style fifty six again in creation which fee £20 according to unit so it could now not fee a lot for them to broaden there navy very quick. Britain and china have mainly well members of the family after the handover of hong Kong in 1997. a Chinese lady used to be sentenced to loss of life in china after killing a British traveler. for killing a foreigner in china more commonly the killer could get an overly prolonged jail sentence however given that he used to be a Brit the penalties have been a lot more harsh. Russia would not become a member of a battle for no cause provided that the yanks tried to invade. each Russia and china could in most cases speak us Brits out of becoming a member of and we in most cases would not as we're having a few problems with the united states because of them pronouncing France is their Favorite best friend. plus the complete factor approximately a British financial institution getting banned from the u.s.a.given that it transferred cash for an Iranian oil corporation.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know where you're from or if you've ever obtained a visa but I live in China and I didn't have to submit to any psychological testing before they gave me a visa nor was one required to get a passport. Britain has a right to plead for the life of one of its citizens.

  • 1 decade ago

    China carries out three quarters of world's executions every year:

    In this particular case, I doubt the executed man was either innocent or mentally ill.

    However, Britain was absolutely RIGHT to appeal since China is a country where rule of law is irrelevant - everything operates according to "guanxi".

    Britain simply didn't want one of its citizens being judged in such an irredeemably corrupt system.

    1/3 of the world's nation states (and 49 of America's 50 States, as well as Hong Kong... yes, even in 2010) base their laws on the British Palimentary Law. In other words, the British Law system isn't perect but its the best that exists.

    Futhermore, diplomatically speaking, China owes Britain a HUGE debt!

    Hong Kong & Shanghai (the so-called "twin engines" of China's economy and the only developed cities in China) were created by Great Britain. They wouldn't even exist if Britain hadn't considered them stategic places to create trading ports.

    The people of Hong Kong were spared the horror and genocide of Mao's "Cultural Revolution" and "Great Leap Foward". If it weren't for the Brits, they'd all have been back in China, knee-deep in buffalo sh!t.

    Of course, no one expects the Chinese Communist Party to give Britain its due credit for unintentionally helping to raise literally BILLIONS of Chinese out of abject poverty, but a little diplomatic goodwill gesture would have at least made China appear a little less barbaric and inhuman.

  • ;)
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    So are you saying that if someone is mentally sick then they should be executed??

    Actually No one deserve to die. I think that death penalty is immoral and cruel for any reason. I think that Britain tires to tell china to stop because they can't watch China kill people for all the wrong reason!? I really think that China should stop their killing and work better on caring for their economy and people. United States, Britain's and other UN nations always tires to stop China from executing innocents. But they never listens. Just watch... One day the Chinese government is going to fall upon itself and collapse because they never take others' advice.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    saying mentally ill could be a trick but hey chinese government HATE DRUGS

    it is becuz of drugs they lost the opium war and lost shanghai and hong kong to the british

    and that at that same time many people were high on drugs making the country very crappy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I read a book by Gordon Chang called "The Coming Collapse of China".

    According to that, the corrupt system won't last until 2030 anyway.

    Then we won't have to worry about sh!t like this.

  • Hello!
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You dont know what kind of problems the victim had, so what gives you the right to criticize Britain's plea? And they CAN tell China what to do, or at least plea for this mans deportation back to Britain because he's a British citizen...

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow ^^ What KITE RUNNER wrote really opened my eyes!

    China owes Britain a huge debt. Its a pity that gratitude isn't something the chinese understand.

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