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  • Who finds the Insurance company decision not to Honor the price after a goal was scored ridiculous?

    here is the link to find the story... The guy who scored had already decided to give it to Sharity before he scored. Is obvious that insurance companies don't care to support those places that would lengthen peoples lives such as the American Heart Association so there would be no need for life insurance. Just remember this one next time your insurance company tries to sell you life insurance, as is also somewhere in small print that certain conditions are not covered under the policy. WHAT DO YOU THINK OR IF YOU HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED SOMETHING LIKE IT AS WELL?

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Why people who own pets refuse to accept studies?

    There is an 85% chance of a child to develop parasitic problems in homes with indoor domestic pets. There is a 73% chance of anyone in a home with indoor domestic pets to develop lime disease.

    Dogs are carriers of gonorrhea and the number one reason humans have it is letting their best friend lick them. There is plenty more why people who own pets refuse to accept them?

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • why when someone asks a question about animals and put your own view on it you get deleted in yahoo answers?

    I asked why people get dogs? simply stated some facts that can be easily searched, and because they point out at having pets is not a good idea at all it got marked as a violation of yahoo guidelines, whats up with that?I still say if you want to risk your kids to parasitic problems get a dog or cat, heck get a herd of animals living with you and your kids.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • South Western Airline Stewardess made a good decision?

    Good job I say, there are so many bad parents and I think the South Western Airline Stewardess did a good job in stepping in and stopping an obvious bad parent. I have children and is simply stupid to slap them, specially in the face no matter how old they are.. I am not going to tell other parents how to raise their children but it takes patience to get them to understand how to behave without ever touching them. Many parents don't spend the time to learn how to, and think kids are just like an adult and should be expected to listen on command, or by hitting them. What is your opinion on this matter people?

    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Why do people think that Volunteering is a good thing?

    I don't mean helping our your neighbor, local senior citizen home, or your local church. I mean such things as the BP spill, forest fires, fire department, hospitals, locally ran events, etc...places where people get paid a good chunk of money already. If they need the human power then lower the wages and let those who truly want to work work.

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Are Temporary Employment Agencies bad?

    My question are temporary agencies, bad for the economy, society, and all of us in general. Tell me your opinion.

    4 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Are Temporary Agencies Legal Slavery?

    Why are There more temporary agencies than there is companies in North America? Do you think that having temporary workers for six months and then recycle them for new ones to do the same job is a good thing? Is that not slavery of the poor since they will be abused for six months set off all hurt, and replaced by other poor people who will be dealt the same way. To top it off the wages barely above minimum wage but not enough to take care of a family, only to take care of your self. That is population control, and slavery in my view. What do you think?

    3 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • I don't buy that temporary labor saves companies money?

    The increase in worker compensation premiums are a witness to this. Of course companies don't realize the cost involved with hiring temporary workers as they recycle them leaving the cost to the government and of course the worker. However since compensation works both ways charged to the employee and employer not until they have been audited is that they realize that temporary work actually cost them quite a bit. Not nearly as much as having full time people but if in theory 5% of the people they use as temporary laborers where to claim, because lets face it when temporary labor is used people get used like animals. The premiums would go up about 25% that would be a huge amount of increase when you have 95% of the work force you would have to cover as well, temporary or not. Of course they use temporary agencies to offset that cost, but something needs to be done so temporary agencies cannot claim overhead costs to offset this amount and come out of taxpayers pockets in the end. I though about it well, and yes I will be posting all the companies that use cheap labor, once I get a server I will let everyone know here and hopefully you will pass the word around.... LETS REVOLT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Why do companies only use temporary labor?

    It has come to my attention that companies have now adapted a temporary labor system. Where people get used for about six months let go and a new set of people brought in to do the same job. I find it disgusting, and unethical. Also how about when no one can afford the product been produced because of the low wage, and uncertainty of work. If they are banking on CHINA hey GM that is for you, your time is over based on calculations you only have a few more years, OH that is right that is why you reappointed a woman to blame your failures on. Population and culture something that someone forgot a few years back. Back to cheap labor if there is no one to buy the product then what is going to happen. That is right all the people at top will live happy ever after while everyone else scrambles for work. It's smells like civil war to me.

    6 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Tell me of companies that use cheap labor in Canada from Temporary Agencies?

    I am going to make a site to post all the companies that use cheap labor trough agencies, recycling people like they don't mean anything. Also tell me how cheap they are paying you or know how cheap they have paid someone. Is time to cut the crap and revolt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Why are temporary agencies such liars?

    The job postings for general labor now include inspection of parts, by ISO QA standards unless a person has completed an approved training course of QA, not necessarily the whole program they cannot perform such jobs, otherwise the companies ISO certification is worthless, and customers can refuse any shipments. Also just as a note if anyone is performing visual inspections of material, and has been trained don't let agencies pay you $12.75 and on top of that labor your but like an animal. In Canada that is a joke entry level QA is about $19/hour (what is an entry someone who graduated with a diploma in engineering technology, or a mechanical engineering degree) someone with at least 5 years experience and no diploma working in a line visually inspecting parts is considered a QA trainee and is able to ask for $19/hour as it would be equivalent to a entry level QA to the specific job they are performing, at that particular company. DON"T LET TEMP AGENCIES UNDER CUT YOUR WAGE, other wise your laboring as animals go to waste. I want to hear your opinion people, and if you know of this companies I am planning to make a site to post all the companies that use temporary labor to profit, while our economy suffers because of the cheap labor yet high pay out for CEO'S.

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Who where the uneducated that turned off their lights?

    If you think the propaganda to turn the lights off is simply to bring awareness, you are wrong. Is a means for the electrical companies to determine how many fools believe that turning off their lights will save the world so in the next year or so they can raise the price for electricity delivery based on how many so called earth conscious(aka fools) there are out there. If you don't believe it compare your bill of about five years ago and your electricity consumption, as your electricity usage decreases your delivery increases. My bills are actually 32% higher than five years ago yet I use less than 24% than five years ago, I am no mathematician but would that not mean that I am actually paying 108% more than I did 5 years ago and I only use about a Quater of the energy I use to. So that tells me someone is actually profiting out of my good will, so there tell me how you feel now if you where one of the ones that turned off your lights.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • For the 30 year expert and the SAE Bubbles?

    Ha ha ASE don't let me laugh. You and the 30 year Expert tech should get together and play with tools. So you guys know so much tell my why should a thermostat have a maximum of 188C temperature plus minus 5% tolerance on an average consumer vehicle?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Winter tires or All season Tires?

    Just so everyone knows all season tires have to meet max and minimum operating temperature standards to be called all season. How about checking out the subjective videos online that state Winter tires as better, who in the right mind would be stupid enough to drive at high speeds in the winter, and about the ice rink tests that is so lame. The water used in the rink has no salt, sand or pavement underneath there fore is obvious that any soft compound would prevail in grip. Why not try it in a track with real conditions. Physic is mentioned so many times in so many videos, but I know that no one on those videos really understand physics. If they did they would adjust the speed of the vehicles according to the tire compound, something that experience drivers would do anyways. How about doing a test where half the track is covered with snow and half with ice and do those test again we will see how winter tires perform then. In normal driving you will rarely encounter a perfectly groomed track. How about putting some sand, salt or simply how about doing the test in real world conditions. What do yo think people, is it worth paying extra for a false sense of security, actually making it more dangerous for the rest of the us as most people who do get winter tires think they can drive just as if it was dry?

    4 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Cathy Griffin, what do you think of what she said?

    Personally I like her, however for a second time slipping with a joke, that was not tasteful. I know kids should not be up at that time, but unfortunately they are that one night of the year. I mean Cathy was doing an excellent job, she did not need to slur out that word, besides no one cares about those idiots who claimed that their child was on a balloon, should not even be mentioned anymore. Well that is my opinion what do you think people?

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Why does Britain think they can tell China what to do?

    China just executed a heroin smuggler and Britain basically wanted to tell them what to do. I am glad that in China they don't buy the crap that someone is mentally ill that is why they do what they do, especially smuggling drugs. I say good for China, I respect any country other than mine because is their rules to handle a problem that here in North America is dealt as a business. If anyone does not want to loose their life then don't brake their rules that simple. I am tired of people fighting the death penalty for murderers, child molester, and the scum of life. How about fighting to improve the court systems around the world, that way we can be sure that the right people are getting executed. My personal opinion but if someone is mentally sick, how are they able to obtain passports and visas to other countries, is that not dangerous. Sounds cruel but hey if someone is mentally sick why are they allowed to enter other countries? What do you think?

    18 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Public Snow Ball Fights are Dumb, What do you think?

    I happened to see piece on the news about a plain clothed police officer pulling his gun out at some idiots trowing snow balls in public. Personally those people in the crowd are lucky the police offices was not actually a gang member otherwise everyone in that crowd would of been shot. To top it off is clear people in the crow had no regard for anyone, as is clear a snow ball was thrown at the officer in the face before he decided to pull his gun out. He did not aim his gun at anyone simply pulled it out as a visual deterrent. I believe all the people involved trowing snowballs at that intersection should be charged with assault and abiding a criminal act gains a peace officer(regardless of him identifying him self or not), to prevent stupidity like that from happening again. I just wonder if the people trowing snow balls realize how dangerous it is two trow a snow ball at a vehicle? Also why would they trow a snow ball at anyone in the first place? What do you think?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Avatar best movie I have seen for a while how about you?

    GOOD JOB with this movie, simply amazing. At first the name was sort of a deterrent for me(sounded like a kid's movie), but boy is it a great movie for everyone. Aside from transformers this is a highly sophisticated movie that makes you wonder how it was done, as everything is simply amazing. Not to forget the story line is solid, GOOD JOB.... If you have seen it tell me if you feel the same...

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What do you guys think about Danicas possible move to NASCAR?

    If you where Danica, why enter into a circuit that is there only to market things. NASCAR is not racing, is simply going in a straight line the whole race. F1 and Indy don't do so well because the cars are boats in NASCAR, and there is lack of respect for other drivers in the NASCAR circuit as well, not to mention that driving in a straight line does get boring(F1 is exiting or INDY). I wish Danica luck, but also to simply watch out, as there will be many who will try to get her out of the game before she begins, if she does race NASCAR. I do guarantee that if she gets there, there is no doubt on my mind she will probably win every race, if she can put up with the boredom of going in a straight line.

    5 AnswersFormula One1 decade ago
  • Why do man/woman cheat if they are married?

    any one who is married theoretically should have everything figured out with their partner, meaning they have made an agreement to be loyal to each other. So why do married people, specially man cheat? I want to hear from everyone. As a little back ground I am married and sure I have been put in to the path where I have had the opportunity to cheat, but never act on it because I do have respect for my family, and most importantly my children. I also figure that if I wanted to stroll around freely I should of not got married and have children in the first place. I simply want to hear honest answers, please.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago