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Public Snow Ball Fights are Dumb, What do you think?

I happened to see piece on the news about a plain clothed police officer pulling his gun out at some idiots trowing snow balls in public. Personally those people in the crowd are lucky the police offices was not actually a gang member otherwise everyone in that crowd would of been shot. To top it off is clear people in the crow had no regard for anyone, as is clear a snow ball was thrown at the officer in the face before he decided to pull his gun out. He did not aim his gun at anyone simply pulled it out as a visual deterrent. I believe all the people involved trowing snowballs at that intersection should be charged with assault and abiding a criminal act gains a peace officer(regardless of him identifying him self or not), to prevent stupidity like that from happening again. I just wonder if the people trowing snow balls realize how dangerous it is two trow a snow ball at a vehicle? Also why would they trow a snow ball at anyone in the first place? What do you think?


That is the problem everyone is seen the edited version of the video. The police offices was not on duty, and he did not pull his gun out until someone threw a snow ball at him when he was calling uniform police. Lets see most of the people on the video trowing snow ball don't look like kids in the first place most are adults in their late teens, early 20's. Now whom ever said is not grounds for arrest, think for a minute if it was you in the officer's shoes. What would you done, if you had a gun? I am pretty sure you would of taken at least one of the people trowing snow balls out, and then it would of been a different story all together. I say arrest everyone that participated in the snow ball trowing and give them at least 500 hours of community service, helping people who have been affected by accidents caused by the stupidity of people just like the one they where participating in.

5 Answers

  • RaTz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "police officer pulling his gun out at some idiots throwing snow balls in public"

    Oh why doesn't that surprise me. Only in America.

    Throwing snowballs used to be fun. Something kids did.

    eta: OK, watched the video. I don't see the kids acting wrong. The crowd mocked the cop because he was acting stupid, more people should do that, then they couldn't get away with bad behavior. Mocking is not terms for arrest!

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone being hit with any thing is an assualt. with the cop being on duty and getting hit with a snowball had every right to take out his gun..that is what he was trained to do,,..

    it is a shame now people are going to try to get this guy fired for doing his job...or going to try to sue the police department...

    Thing is, yes there are some bad cops out there,,but if every one keeps disresepcting the police,,they are going to get rude to you, and when you do need help in that area why should they help you when you have people doing crap like this..

    Gotta love the gangs,,they hate the police, but yet when one of there friends get shot or killed those are the first people they turn to for help..

    its like crying wolf

  • WRG
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I watched the video and pretty much everybody involved except one uniformed police officer acted like a douche.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i like snowball fights! I grew up interior the south and moved to Michigan whilst i became into an adolescent. i could in no way seen snow in genuine existence earlier and constantly wanted i ought to play in it like the infants on television. i became into so excited whilst the 1st snow fell that I stayed exterior and performed all day (and caught a chilly)!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They were being stupid.

    He hugely overacted.

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